I have had a ton of different birds at our feeder lately.
Chickadees, mourning doves, grosbeaks, redwinged blackbirds, woodpeckers, and bluejays mostly.
They come to eat our yummy smorgasboard of sunflower seeds and seed and suet.
Or so they say...
but I know they are REALLY just there for a photoshoot.
They can't fool me.
They are conceited.
She's saying:
"Well, don't you think I am beautiful enough to get on your blog?"

"Just look at my profile!":

"What exactly do you MEAN: I am not THAT special?":

I'll win her over with my talents.
"See? I can balance a snowflake on my beak.
NOW can I get onto your blog?":

"NO. no. Pick ME! Look how I stand out amongst the apples!":

"Oh for goodness sake. You two aren't so special. Now ME....that's another story.
I am one of the few redwinged blackbirds left in these parts this winter. THAT makes ME blogworthy":

"Pshhtt. I am prettier. Look at my ski mask glasses and my yellow coloring against the snow!":

"Isn't that JUST like a male? He's not that special, trust me. I dated him once":

"Well, I have yellow AND red in my feathers, so there!":

"Who do you think WON?":

"We both did!":
And everybody was happy.
They flew off into the sunset:

What are those birds? I don't have them here, and they are gorgeous. Great pictures, as usual!
Beautiful! I am a bit jealous of all the birds you get flocking to your feeder. Thank you for sharing.
Wonderful pictures! And a beautiful Michigan sunset to boot!
I love your "conversations." Love to eavesdrop. Hopefully you can hear them gossiping soon and share that!
beautiful photos; great dialogue!
Wow! What a great kaleidoscope of images, and so funny! Such vivid closeups! We have a birdfeeder, and all we ever get is squirrels. The birds don't stand a chance against their bottomless gluttony.
DJan: They are grosbeaks.The one with the brightest yellow and "ski goggles" is the male.
I really like seeing your birds. We don't have Grosbeaks here in Iowa but they do fly through. I like their colors and they do love sunflower seeds. I may make another tray feeder.
When I see the bird staring at you, I have the feeling that it is coming towards you.
Be careful.
Totally and utterly charming. I love their meeting!
As always I love the beautiful picks and thank God you have such talent and yet share that with us. Today I really giggled over your bird thoughts. Perfect. Have a great day.
Ashley: Sometimes we get so many types and others it is rather quiet. I love all of them, so I keep watching the birdfeeder for who is visiting! :-}
Jeanette: When the sunset happened, we were in a hurry to get to an appointment and I had to take it from the highway. I was so wishing I could have been out in nature to really get a good shot of it...but I take any opportunity I can for good shots and the colors were so wonderful, I couldn't NOT take it. ha
GoingLikeSixty: You know, before I had the zoom capability of my new camera, I never really could see a bird's face that close before...now, I just love looking at their facial expressions and I have learned that they really have personalities showing there! I just love looking at their little faces and thinking of what they would be thinking.
Eva: Oh, they have quite the personalities! I just love birds. Although you probably guessed that already. ha
Nothing Profound: Sounds like our chipmunks in the summer here...they eat ALL day and eat much, much more than our birds do. I am always chasing them away from the feeders.
L.D.: My husband made a triple decker of trays (stacked)..it has worked so wonderfully! We put sunflower seeds on one level, seeds on another level,and eggshells, popcorn, etc. on another level...they have their own little smorgasboard to choose from. It is so fun seeing what they choose to eat!
Rainfield: Nah, their stares are just empty threats...they are more scared of me than me of them...they are lovely!
Sharon: Thanks! They are always "conferencing"like that at the feeder!
Carol: Their little faces have so much expression when you look close at them...and sometimes very funny expressions! When I see the closeup photos,you can just imagine what they are thinking!!
Love this! It could be a children's book!
Good golly Miss Molly, you get the pictures that this Ozarks farm chick dreams of. I'm so jealous thinkin' how ya do this. I really need more practice.
Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day from the hills and hollers of the Missouri Ozarks!!!
Beautiful, beautiful photos of these lovely birds!! Nice sunset too! I love how you talked through these..LOL
What a group of argumentative birds you have, Joan, but their beauty makes up for all that.
Like seeds in a birdbath, so are the days of our feathered lives.
I don't think I have ever seen such clear, crisp pictures. They are just amazing Joan.....:-) Hugs
Love the commentary. Lovely birds. They have a right to be conceited.
I loved this post. I'm glad they all made it to the blog, they're all beautiful :)
Hi Joan, I love your yellow Grosbeaks. We only seen them a couple of times a year --when they come through here either headed north or south. Ours are the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
I have seen one Red-winged Blackbird --but he was too far away for me to get his picture. With the new camera, I should be able to get some pictures this year!!!!
Great pictures.
I love these excellent closeups of the birds. And such a good variety. I really like that I can see all the little details of them.
Aren't they wonderful! And a RWB in winter, that is unusual. I don't expect we'll see them here in New England for at least another couple months.
I haven't seen any Grosbeaks either. If they stop by it's often 1 at a time and only for a brief moment.
Aaaawwww, you're such a lucky girl to have all of these gorgeous birds visiting your feeder! Not much happening around here, only sparrows and, the occasional Great Tits, a blackbird an his wife and the jackdaws. compared to yours they look rather dull.
Maryjo: I would love to write a children's book!
Nezzy: Believe me,my camera does all the work...it is a point and shoot with a real good zoom. I used to live in Kansas for a year and did get to visit Missouri a few times..it is a very pretty little state.
Ginnymo: those birds have such expressions,it is easy to imagine what they are saying to each other. ha
Wanda: Yes, they chatter at each other every day!
Kearsie: I did not know that you were a bird philospher.ha
Bernie: I am glad you enjoyed them. I have not been reading blogs very much this week, so if you wrote and I didn't comment it is because I am at Mayo's helping a friend that is getting radiation and chemo. I will be back home on Saturday night and then we are getting company...I will have some catching up to do! Miss you!
TechnoBabe: Yes they do! If you have it flaunt it,right?
Catherine: I love watching the birds and their behavior with each other.
Betsy: You know, we only see the rose breasted grosbeaks in the spring and fall...and up until two years ago it was the same for the yellow ones...but then two years ago they started showing up more and staying all winter. The RWB that I showed in this post is the only one we see in the winter...he hangs around with the grosbeaks. We were wondering if they didn't adopt an abandoned RWB nest with an egg in it and they just adopted him...he flies in and out with them and we only see him.
Ratty: I love being able to zoom in on them...otherwise I would never have the pleasure of studying their marvelous feather patterns and colors up close and personal.
New England: Up until two years ago, we never had either of them stay all winter.(Read my comments above).
Jientje: You know, I don't see those kinds of birds here, so if you posted them, I bet a lot of people would find it interesting!
Your comments with pics is so cute!! Love looking at them.
It looks like a beauty contest for birds! I declare them all winners. (The photos are fabulous!)
I went sailing on Lake Superior once and almost froze. That was in October. Don't even want to THINK about January! Great pictures though. :)
Grannyann: thanks so much! I loved taking them.
Merrilymarylee: It is a beauty contest where everybody wins!! Yes, Lake Superior is always cold, no doubt!!
What a great group of birds, they are all so expressive. Love your narrative.
I love your photos and commentary, too! I agree that you should write a children's book illustrated with your photos.
SquirrelQueen: Yes, I love their facial expressions! Until I bought my camera and used the zoom...I had no idea they could HAVE birdie facial expressions,but they certainly DO!
Corner Gardener: Thanks so much! I would love to write children books..I even have a plot for one about our old cat, but unfortunately, he has passed away by now...of course, I suppose I could take photos of someone else's cat and write it using those! :-}
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