When we headed out to get those waterfall and ice formation photos
(see yesterday's post and the day before, below this post)
we went for quite a long drive.
Part of the fun of looking for photos on drives is that you never know what you may run into
that will be a photo opportunity.
It is like a huge treasure hunt!
For instance,
Oooooo, his BLUE EYES!!!
Did you SEE THEM????
Okay, here is another chance:

My husband, (silly man!) didn't want me to get his picture.
You see, his little pen was right beside a house.
There were cars at the house.
Which meant his mommy and daddy were probably at home.
Not expecting some crazy lady to pull up
aim a camera at their beautiful baby boy.
But, you know ME!!!!!....
I mean....
did I mention his blue eyes yet????:

It took me a while to get over my crush on him.
I was still trying to snap pictures of him from the car window
as my husband pulled away....
nervously looking at the house to see if they were looking out their windows yet...
calling the police.....
We didn't get arrested, so I guess they didn't notice.
I wouldn't have cared...because I would have shown them the pictures
and I am sure the officers would have understood.
As soon as they saw his BLUE EYES!!!!
So anyway, we drove on and before long, there was pretty scenery to be had:

A train trestle over a river...
I loved it.
The day before our trip out to the woods we got more hoarfrost!
(Pictures will be forthcoming in another blogpost, not to worry!)
I got a photo of this plant, all frosted up, nice and pretty!:

Then, a funny thing happened on our way out in the forest.
As we were winding our way down a barely-plowed logging road, I turned to
my husband and said:
"Honey, do you often see partridge in the middle of winter?"

He is blurry I know.
The trees are clear, but the bird is blurry.
But I had to hop out quick to try and take him, and of course he ran for cover.
But we were laughing so hard in knowing I had JUST asked about seeing any and there he was!
I know.
I am an awesome "Bird Whisperer".
Before we left home, we had a gigantic icicle hanging on our house too:

Where was I?
Boy, today, it is hard for me to stay on track, right?
Winter does that to me.
Back to my story.
When old blue eyes was discovered (yes, I am back to talking about him, I can't help myself),
he was in the horse pen with an older horse too:
He looked old, and tired (see his red eyes?) but still, I had to take his picture.
Because I love any animal that is outside in our winter!
Like HIM.
Did I mention HIM yet?:

You never know what winter will provide for you here.
Like this AWESOME winter sky at the end of the day:

Or this bright sunny day scene:

I hope you loved the tour with me.
And, if you really want me to, I could maybe give you directions on how to find blue eyes on your own......
But you will have to nudge me over, because I will probably be there again, aiming my camera at him.
Just ignore my husband beeping the horn and waving at us to get back into the car before the owner's call the cops...
*Please remember to enter the PHOTO CONTEST by Jan. 31st,midnight....this month's theme is "SOMETHING RUSTY"...read about the RULES here....it is a free contest and you don't even have to be a blogger to enter!