Seeing many animals this time of year has slowed down for us
when we go exploring in the woods.
But whenever we see open water, I look longingly for life...especially ducks.
I found a family of them this week and they were more than happy to pose for me!
Here the family swimming in the icy water:

This could be a female younger one:

I just love the male's green head!:

She just happened to stretch and I just happened to click!:

I think this is the dad, their younger female offspring and the mom.
What a pretty family!:

But, oh...the DAD!! He is sooooo pretty!:

I don't know if this lighting made one duck look like different than a mallard or if there was a different kind of duck with them...I got too cold and ran back into the truck after snapping this one!:
Did you see that ice shelf in the above picture????
*Reminder!: Today is FEB. 24th...remember to enter a photo to the free Photography Contest. ONLY FOUR DAYS LEFT, PEOPLE!!! February's theme is "Critter Closeups". Please enter your photo by midnight on Feb. 28th to the address listed in these rules. Best of Luck to all the entries!I will be showing all the entries in an upcoming blogpost and announcing the winner of February's contest by Mar. 15th....stay tuned!!!
QUACK! I love ducks. Can't get enough of 'em.
I love their little noises! The coloring on the male is beautiful.
The thing is you take amazing pictures of these feathered friends! Wow what color. I think these blue skies we have had certainly makes form some awesome picture taking. Love these duck shots!
I also love the dad's reflection in the water. Keep on shooting (with a camera I mean) and sharing (with me!).
One duck looks black in the group of ducks. You need a battery powered heater jacket to be out there in that cold. The close up of the male is beautiful.
i found a lot of peace just looking through these shots today. thanks for the smiles.
They are cute! I love that green color. As for your love for ducks - maybe, you were a duck in your previous life?
She just happened to stretch and I just happened to click!
And you have it all, leaving nothing to me.
That green-headed male is gorgeous! great photos!
So cold but so beautiful, the male duck is very pretty Joan....Hugs
I love all your duck photos. The color of the water in the top one is so great. I want to do a painting of a wood duck, but can't until I have actually seen one in person. Your mallards are so pretty with their green heads.
Lynn: Ah, good...a woman after my own heart's desires, too. Glad there are others who love them too.
Ashley: I know what you mean....the male was giving me these low, throaty quack quacks the whole time he was swimming near me,telling me he saw me for sure.
DVM's Wife: Thanks so was a perfect day to take these,but cold!
DJan: Not to fear, that is what I loe to do so I will always be capturing them for you all.
Technobabe: Right you are, one is actually called a "black duck" and that is the one you are referring to. They often interbreed with mallards.
Brian: you are most welcome, your poetry always gives me peace or laughter or tears,so back atcha. :-}
Tatyana: Or I will be one in my next life. ha
Rainfield: Oh, there is plenty of beauty in your area of the world to capture too that I will never see, except through your lens!
Eva: Yes, he is. That green just shimmered in the sun that day!
Bernie: He sure was, is always a thrill to see them in the wild for me.
L.D. Yes, that is on my "wish list" of camera shots too, to catch a wood duck up close and personal...
Your ducks are always so regal and I love the babies.
I love ducks and your photos are so beautiful, Joan. You capture so well the "wildlife soul".
I love your ducks! I love all ducks!
Maybe you and I should consider checking ourselves into Ducks Anonymous. We just can't seem to stop photographing them.
Could the odd colored one be a hybrid mallard maybe?
The colors are so vibrant...and the water looks so cold!!! Between ducks and pelicans which is the all time favorite for you??? We had an eagle out here yesterday trying to get the coots. By the time we opened the door to go out and photo, he took off....
Grannyann: Yes, I think ducks look regal too...and sometimes their faces just plain look sweet...
Susanne49: What a sweet thing to say..and quite a compliment from a pro like you!!
SquirrelQueen: Yes, I think it is a black duck which interbreeds with the mallards. Yes, you and I should start a business called Ducks Anonymous and we could put all our duck pix on gadgets and become rich. :-}
Cathy: Boy, hard to pick between Pelicans and ducks for me...all birds fascinate me so it would be like saying: Which of your children do you like best? ha I have missed eagles before too...that is why I take bird shots whenever I can and am always thrilled to get them!!! You will have another chance by the sounds of it though...because there are gorgeous birds and wildlife for you to capture there!
Ducks are some of my favorite animals. They were some of the very first wild animals I was able to observe when I began. I love seeing them every time. And the mallards all have such beautiful colors.
Love the ducks ..makes me think of spring:)
Ratty: I never met a duck that I didn't adore! I will always take photos of them, every time I get an opportunity to~!
Far Side: I have been thinking of spring for a month now, but here? I have to be very patient...we don't get spring until the end of April or in May!
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