Our Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan is coming alive with glorious autumn colors.
We took our last ride (before storing our pontoon away for the winter) on our lake on Friday night, and it couldn' t have been a more perfect evening out on the lake.
There was barely any wind and the sun was setting and lighting up the shoreline of autumn colors like fire!
Here is a shot of the far shore as we headed out on the lake in our pontoon:

We are about 55% color now. Some of the trees are still green, and others are red or orange:
But, in the setting sun, the reds and oranges become brilliant, like they are on fire!:

It was about 7:30pm and about 70 degrees. A perfect night!:

Everywhere you looked, nature was putting on an art show!:

We couldn't believe how beautiful the shores looked:
I didn't want the evening ride to end:
But the sun was setting rapidly, making shadows..telling us this Heaven had to go to sleep for the night:

So, we headed towards home.
But I had to take ONE more shot before we headed in.
I am SO glad I did.
I think it might be my favorite:
I have been going out into the woods and trying to capture autumn pictures before all the leaves fall off.
Here, it can happen very quickly.
Some falls, the leaves are glorious for about a month.
Some autumns, we get wind and rain after a week or two of color and it blows them all off, quickly.
Not being a gambler, I am outside now everyday trying to capture colored leaves before Mother Nature asserts herself and brings on bare limbs and cold winds.
Wish me luck with the race.
I only want two more weeks...
just two more weeks.....