Another interesting news story:
SAGINAW (AP) -- A man who police say was arrested for performing a sex act with a car wash vacuum has been sentenced to 90 days in the Saginaw County Jail.Jason Leroy Savage also must submit to drug testing.
The 29-year-old Swan Creek Township man was sentenced Wednesday in Saginaw County Circuit Court. Savage pleaded no contest to indecent exposure last month.Police say Savage was arrested after a resident called officers early on Oct. 16, 2008 to report suspicious activity at a car wash in Thomas Township, about 90 miles northwest of Detroit.
The Associated Press left a message Wednesday seeking comment from Savage's attorney, Philip Sturtz.(Copyright ©2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)********************************************************************************

1. Eeewwwww. (I repeat!: EEEEwwwwww!)
2. I have had dates that sucked, but c'mon.
3. This is the ultimate definition of lonely.
4. I would have PAID to have worked in the hospital's E.R. on the night that that this guy would have had to come to the hospital.
5. I would NOT want to be the next car in line at the car wash that night. And I sure as heck wouldn't want to vacuum my car out next.
(Note to self: ALWAYS wear rubber gloves to the car wash if you are going to use the vaccum).
So here is what I propose all car washes install----JUST for us !!! (should you be so inclined):

I just don't think I am strong enough to hold this up to my chest for very long...
LOL!!! Oh my! That is so funny and yet... EW!!!!
You are too funny! Thanks for signing up to follow I'm finally trying to thank those who have.
Joanie: Yes, EEEEwwwwwww! ha
Sharkbytes: You are welcome. And, thanks for following my blog and commenting. We have a lot of fun, don't we?
Oh my...
Sounds like there was a little too much Moonshine and Greek Mythology aspirations going on there...
I need that dual brush machine to wash my brain now!
OMG! Ok, so I'm totally NOT nurse material, but I'd LOVE to be the court reporter when this *ahem* bonehead goes to court. And you know that the car wash employees sat in their booth and laughed like loons. And my final question... Why oh Why would anyone do this at a car wash instead of in the privacy of their own home? Was his MOM (cause you totally know that this kind of looser lives at home with the parentals) using the vacuum or something?
This is pee your pants funny! YOUR comments and take on it I mean! HA!
Insanity Kim: Oh, so you have TWO brains? (And that is a new word of them. I think I will go to Victoria Secret and ask for the Brain pushup bra!) ha
Aria: Who knows why? Maybe he was an Exhibitionist?
I agree, those guys in the booth were probably laughing their asses off and taking his picture on their cellphones!
Cathy: Can't get the guy's image out of your head, can you? CAN YOU???
(Me neither!) ha
Great blog!!!!
Are you really serious on the equal right? Eeewwwww. (I repeat!: EEEEwwwwww!)
Well, I was thinking of thoroughly cleaning each hemisphere actually...wait, that still sounds like I am talking about...
Brains, either type, having two is still better than men, who no matter what only have one...DOH!
EWWW, the image is in my head, yuck!! That guy must be pretty lonely. He couldnt use his own vaccum or something else? All I can say is I am using my own vaccum to clean out my car!!
Have a great weekend Retired One
ROFLMAO... now that I have picked myself up.... you are so funny - your take on the whole icky thing :-) My mom is here and came over to see what I was laughing about.... she agrees with Cathy - to quote her "well, that is an image I didn't need".... oh, Mother, lol!!!
Can you imagine the phone call to the police?
"911, please state your emergency."
"Umm, yeah, there's this guy..."
"Yes? Is he ok?"
"Umm, yeah...well...he's sort of..."
"Umm, see, we're at this car wash with vacuums...erm, and he's using the vacuum..."
"Ok, and what is the emergency?"
"Well, see...he's using the vacuum on...himself..."
"...Erm, we'll send someone out right away *muffled chuckles*."
Golly, why don't we ever see news items about women doing these types of things? Is it because we don't have the Y chromosome? Is that why we don't go cookoo having sex with the car wash? It gives a whole new definition to "hose bag."
LMAO...brilliant idea? Uh no thanks.
Sarah: You are new to stopping by my blog, no? Please join the blog as a follower, we'd love to have you! (Seriously!) ha (Stopped by your blog today, it is pretty cute!)
Rainfield61: When I saw the graphic of that double scrubbie machine, I HAD to show it and say it!!
Insanity Kim: Hemispheres???? Well (she says, straightening the girls up)...they ARE out of this world!!
Sara: Sorry, didn't mean to make it worse for your germaphobia. But, at least don gloves! ha
Kearsie: They could've charged admission (in a sick kind of way).
Lynn: did you say Hose Bag!!!???? Bwaaaaahaaaaaaaa!!!
Dreamwalker: I told you it sucked! ha
He must've wanted everyone to see his sick depraved behavior! Ewwwwwwwww!!!
Sadly, this happened not 30 miles from my town! Fortunately I don't use the car washes in that particular city. I vaguely remember a man trying to get it on with a park bench, which sounds just about as nuts as vacuum (tee hee).
Shellmo: Who knows??? I hope he had to stay a night or two in jail and pay a huge fine for indecent exposure. (And I hope they ran him through the car wash) ha
Maniacal: Oh you know the exact place it occurred??? I agree, I wouldn't want to use the vacuum there, that is for sure. ha
A park bench. OUCH!!!
And they say people in L.A. are weird. lol!
Btw, I've seen (on Most Daring) a guy getting it on with the grill of a car...and it wasn't his car!
JJ: Oh, yuck. ha
That seems like it must have been extremely painful. The vacuum, and the jail time.
Well, the dual-brush thing-y is okay, but I am now letting my mind wander, to see if there is a more appropriate attachment for the ladies. Something that would give us just as must "contentment" as the vacuum did for the aforesaid gentleman? (Hey, I got to use a big word! Woo-ooo!) And you thought that I would calm down in my old age?
Some will spoil anyone's fun ...
Hey Retired One - my mystery 'Paternity' concludes on Journeys in Creative Writing today. Looking forward to your usual constructive comments.
June in Oz
I hope he got blisters and I hope they popped..what an idiot..LOL:)
Ratty: I am glad they were probably both painful for him. But, some people are IN to that. ha
Jessica: Maybe ouch on the women's version, too. ha
June: I am on my way, June. I am almost sad to know it is the last one though. Maybe you can do a sequel??
Far Side: Can we all say (together now!): IDDD-EEEE-OTTTT !!!
LOL that was funny but what's worse is that I read it'car wash woman' instead of 'car wash vacuum' so I was wondering at first what all the fuss was about.... I must've had too much dessert for lunch :)
Loree: So, you are looking for a Women Only Car Wash? Now that might not be a bad idea. But, they should have aroma soap for the car wash and color coordinated loofas to wash the car with!!!! And, they should give us a free massage while your car is going thru. Who said the economy is bad...lets open up a new line of car washes, ladies!!!!!
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