According to her (so-cute!) blog, here is what a blog writer must have on their blog to win this award (I know, because I totally copied them from her blog):
Accordingly, The recipient of this award is not your everyday blogger.
If you visit their blog, one thing is for sure, you will learn something (but most of the time, a lot) that is really worth the time you spend reading their post.
Their post is always well-written, with good grammar, very insightful, inspiring, and thought provoking.
Their posts leave you wishing that you’ve written it.
They always have great stories to tell, either about life, about themselves, or about their family. Once you read their blog, there’s one thing that will stick in your head; that they are absolutely, no doubt, a Smart Blogger!
Here are the RULES:
1. Link the one who gave this award and let them know you posted it.
2. Pass this to as many Smart Bloggers as you can think of and make sure to write something about them (like why you think they are a Smart Blogger).
3. Let them know they have an award by dropping them a comment on their blog.
So, to be a rebel, I am going to limit my choices to only FOUR candidates for the SMART BLOGGER AWARD.
Here is who I think is a Smart Blogger and deserve this award:
1. Aria from Aria's Ink.
She was the first blogger I followed and picked her brains about how to put things on my blog, how to get followers, etc. I still bug her now and then about how to do things. She never minds. Because she has a heart of gold and she's smart that way. Oh, and another thing..she is really funny!! (Especially when she rants!)
2. Crystal at Boobs, Injuries and Dr. Pepper.
She is one of the funniest bloggers I have ever read. She is in the middle of writing a book called Finley, too. Which is really, really good. She is a little raw in her vocabulary, but hilarious in describing her life and her screw-ups. She never acknowledges any blogger awards ,but I don't care, because I want to have you stop by her blog and read her. She is a smart blogger who once you read her, you are hooked to her sick humor.
Oh, and if you go to her blog--you will need a few hours to read all her back blog posts, so get a pot of coffee and start reading.
3. Besides her regular blog, Pehpot has another blog I didn't know about until this week. It is called: NOOB. It has all kinds of blog tips on it. A lifesaver for me because I am an amateur on the technical stuff. She is very smart about it, and deserves a smart blogger award for passing on her knowledge to us about what she knows about the techy stuff.
4. Pearl from Pearl, Why You Little..." writes every day. I mean EVERY DAY , whether she is sick or not. She is witty, funny, sarcastic and highly entertaining. If you are down, and read her blog, she will perk you up. Very smart in her wit and humor. And she has a HIGH number of followers....it grows every day..over 100 followers...closer to 200!! I know, because when I go to leave a comment you gotta wade through a million other people's comments, just to get to mine.
I know there are SEVERAL more of you that deserve this award also. It was very hard to pick just four. Don't worry, I will get to all of you eventually, if I am lucky enough and blessed enough to keep getting these awesome awards.
But dang it....I would be here at the keyboard all night long if I don't stop at four.
So, HUGS to Melissa, along with a HUGE thankyou for the award. I am honored. Truly honored!!!
P.S. I also posted another blog post today, so scroll down and read that one too!!!
Oh Thanks a lot for the award on my other blog.. I am so flattered!
Mommy Blog
Blogging Tips
You NEED another blog just to put your awards on! Congratulations! I know you have made a difference in my life and outlook just the short time we have "known" each other (via blogging). I am anxious to check out the sites you awarded!
Now, I am going to scroll down and see if I can find your new blog!
Pehpot: you are welcome. I hope to pick up some of your suggestions! Remember to write some posts for us beginners...a lot of the stuff to spruce up blogs are hard for beginners!
Cathy: Such a nice thing to say!! I really enjoy your blog too!
Awww! Thank you, O Retired One! Very nice. I shall endeavor to maintain your high opinion of me!
Pearl: You are SO welcome. Glad you are feeling better, too!
Good afternoon, lady! Thank you for the award, and the glowing praise, and I'm posting this and the last one today. Much love and admiration... Aria
Congrats, again. wow how nice!
Aria: You are MORE than welcome, oh mentor you!
And for God's sake, get mad again, willya? I miss your rants. ha
Grannyann: Thanks so much. Even though I have been blessed with so many blogging awards, it is still such a thrill to get another one! I love to write and blog and I love having readers even more...and readers bestowing awards??? Well, now THAT is my favorite thing! ha
thank you so very much :) and! and! I'm having my blog made over and she's putting in a tab for accolades, so I can have a place to post them. it's not that I don't love and appreciate them, I just have so little time to write and pass them on :( thank you, again!
Crystal: You are most welcome!! I know you appreciate the awards, and you SO deserve them! I know you are strapped for time, too...with kids, the job, your book and your blog..don't stress about answering about the award. You are a wonderful writer and I wait for all your blog posts!
I would! actually I still categorize myself as new blogger but my OCD is kicking in that's why I documented my blogging struggles. LOL
Mommy Blog
Blogging Tips
Pehpot: I appreciate all the blogging tips. Your tips are always appreciated!
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