I know a lot of you have had a ton of snow this year and may be sick of seeing more.
But here, we get that much snow EVERY year...and I still think it is gorgeous.
We don't see much open water and snow together in the middle of the woods.
Usually, all the water is frozen over.
But I found a spot!:
Snow scenes are especially fun in black and white!:

And then we found a little "hallway" in the wood's road that had rocks....
and better yet?
hanging from the rocks!:

It was a gorgeous day out there...
full of blue sky....:

And snowy woods with shadows from the sun!:
Well, I'll raise two daffodils to your snow scenes. Wonderful shots, but I think I'll stick with my springtime instead of yours! Just around the corner, even there. Love the blue sky with the white snow!
These photos sort of look like my neighborhood! LOL
The frozen falling water shots are my favorite!
We're still under quite a bit of snow here too. I love winter and the warm cozy times...your photos are beautiful, Joan!
Look at that gorgeous blue sky! :)
DJan: I would TAKE your two daffodils. ha Can't wait for the spring flowers to bloom here, but I must be patient...it will be 2 or 3 months before we get them here..and I have over 600 tulips I planted in my yard sleeping now, waiting for spring to wake them up.
Joanie: I always like ice formations the best in the winter too.
Wanda: Thanks so much!
Hi Joan, You have the best ice and snow pictures of anyone... We finally got about 8 inches of snow here --and it's pretty. But your area is just gorgeous. I love the ones with the blue skies the best... BUT--I also love the icicles.
Betsy--who would love that little cabin!!!
And these shall be the Snowy Day Calendar...
Again...wonderful pics! You have an eye for beauty.
I have just finished watching Die Another Day again. James Bond seemed like having visited your place.
These are beautiful shots my friend, the sky is such a pretty shade of blue and oh the snow scenes are fantastic....As much as I hate the cold I love the snow and never tire of seeing beautiful pictures like these.....:-) Hugs
you know i am a little tired of snow...but never through your lense....
This is just a beautiful and fun blog. I too write a blog for retiree called Retire in Style (http://www.retireinstyleblog.com).
We live in Arizona in the winter and Portland, Oregon in the summer. No snow here!!!! Best wishes.
Ashley: I know, it was after a string of gray days so I loved it that day!
Betsy: Thanks so much..I loved your pictures of the snow laden trees, too! That cabin was tucked by a frozen river too!
Kearsie: you are so funny! I'd love that!
Wendytb: What a nice thing to say!
Rainfield: ha! Like Dr. Zhivalgo movies right?
Bernie: Thanks Sweetie! It was so nice out that day!
Brian: Ah, such a marvelous thing to say...you made my day! (again!)
B: Thanks for stopping by! I hope you come again and that you join(ed) on to my blog as a Follower. I will stop by your blog today!
Great series! Of course I just LOVED that cabin in the snowy woods photo! I'm so glad I got a chance to catch up w/ you and see what's going on in your neck of the woods.
I have "spring break" from school the week of March 7 - 14. I believe we'll be at the cabin all week depending on hubby's work schedule. Will you be around??? Hoping we can get together!
Shelley, That would be FANTASTIC!!!! write me on my email (jhaara@sbcglobal.net) and we will plan a meeting! I want to head up there and get some frozen falls pictures at Tahquamenon, so I can do that and see you too! That week will work out as far as I know so far...let me know dates and where and we will do this! I am so excited!!! I have one other trip down to see my 90 year old Uncle so I will try and work around the time when you are free to see him too.
more winter beauties. you really need to send in your pictures or at least one or two. check out The Old Farmers Almanac - they take pictures.
The second photo of the trees in black and white is really beautiful. Would you mind if I print it out and use it in a frame?
The B&W are gorgeous but the upwards look into the blue sky warmed my soul! SO need some sunshine around here! Lovely as always! :)
Those are beautiful shots! We got about a half inch of snow last night and it melted away during the day! I'm ready for spring, even though it's February!
I love your snow pics, escpecially the cabin. I have always dreamed of living in the woods
Grannyann: thanks so much, I will check it out!
Technobabe: Please email me and send me your email and I will put a signature on it and attach it for you to frame, as long as you promise it is just for your own use...I'd be happy to. Just email me at jhaara@sbcglobal.net and remind me it is you and remind me of the exact photo you'd like.
Insanity: Thanks so much!
Eva: I am getting ready for spring too but it is along way off for me up here in the U.P. of Michigan.
Sara: I bet someday you will...I had the dream of living on a lake someday in a log cabin and now, here I am!
I love the way the snow is laying on the pine trees. This winter has been really fun for me. I'm not sure that most people realize how many wonderful things are out there in the snow. I'm glad there are those of us out there trying to help them see.
Just gorgeous - snow and blue skies, it all looks so wonderful.
Beautiful shots and I wouldn't mind spending a week in that cabin in the snow.
Ratty: I agree! You gotta get out there and really SEE winter..and when you do, you see tons of beauty. I love how different the SAME spots look in different seasons. It is amazing.
Loree: It really is pretty when you are out there in the winter. Just amazing.
Cathy M: You would love it there, the cabin sits right beside a river....it must be pretty in ALL seasons!
Everything always looks so crisp and clean just after a snowfall. I love the snow covered branches.
Our area should have looked like that this year but El Nino gave us wet and foggy instead. Oh well it's starting to warm up and pretty soon I can offer you a daffodil or two also.
SquirrelQueen: fog can make some pretty cool pictures too, but I love snow to take pictures of more!
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