VaBookworm, whom I shall call "the Creative One" has designed an award all of her OWN to bestow on others.
Here is her beautifully designed award:
Here are the rules (which I totally copied and pasted here from her blog):
I really hate having to only list three blogs that I think are worth following. And, I refuse to say the blogs below are my favorites* (sorry VaBookworm, I just can't pick favorites). You know I love you all and read you all on a frequent basis (as you can see by the frequent comments I make to all of you on each your blogs.)
3. My cousin Jess became a widow about a year ago. Her husband was still fairly young, and as anyone would feel in this situation, her husband's death came as quite a shock to her. She started a blog as a networking way to share grief. She has come a long way from that awful day. Her blog is a really interesting journey of sorting out her feelings and coping with her transition back from grief. Please stop by her blog, which is called:
It is really important to let others know if you find blogs you enjoy reading. The authors love to have others read their blogs and comment on them. And, if you like them, if they have a spot on their blog to follow them, make sure you do...believe me, it MAKES THEIR DAY!
Thanks VaBookworm, for designing this award to help others read new blogs and to help give recognition to them for their uniqueness.
I was tickled pink when I saw that she named me first to receive this fantastic blogging award!
You have to stop by VaBookworm's blog, called: Confessions of a Bookworm. Click on the link, and you will be guaranteed some fun and humor!
Here is her beautifully designed award:

This award is known as the "Worth Following" Award! This award, as the name suggests, is given to blogs that you would highly recommend to other readers.
Give this award to three of your favorite blogs, ones you make a point of reading as often as possible!
When you nominate them, you have to write a short description (just a few sentences) about the blog and why you are nominating the blog. Link to each of your choices, as well as the the blog that nominated you!
So for this assignment, I decided (instead!) to actually name 3 blogs that I follow because they have similar themes. The people below are struggling. Either financially, emotionally or they have made a drastic changes in their life, and/or are taking a chance.
Because of the uniqueness of their blogs, I am nominating the ones below for the award:
Because of the uniqueness of their blogs, I am nominating the ones below for the award:
1. This one will actually name two blogs (written by the same author). Debb and her husband have been homeless and struggling financially. They lived in their car for a period of time and now in a tiny hotel room, and she states they may soon be evicted from there. These blogs show her emotional roller-coaster as her and her family are coping with their struggle. Her two blog links are listed below:
2. Susanne had a life-long dream of quitting her job and trying to make a living out of traveling in the RV and taking spectacular photos of traveling the entire United States. She is writing books from her travels and photography to try and make a living, and I admire her guts in going for her dream. Her blog is full of gorgeous pictures as she travels from place to place, while living out of her RV. Her blog posts are full of education, telling you the history of the areas she takes the shots in. So, you not only will see some fantastic photography, but you learn about the areas she travels in.
Her blog is called:
Her blog is called:
3. My cousin Jess became a widow about a year ago. Her husband was still fairly young, and as anyone would feel in this situation, her husband's death came as quite a shock to her. She started a blog as a networking way to share grief. She has come a long way from that awful day. Her blog is a really interesting journey of sorting out her feelings and coping with her transition back from grief. Please stop by her blog, which is called:
*Oh yeah, when I first started blogging, I turned to my mentor, Aria at Aria'z Ink and asked her a million questions. So, although this cheats (on the bestowing only three awards thing), I want to say a special thanks to her now, by giving her this award, too. Because she really was helpful, inspiring and sweet in encouraging me as I clumsily learned about blogging. If you get a chance, stop by her blog, too!
Thanks VaBookworm, for designing this award to help others read new blogs and to help give recognition to them for their uniqueness.
And to those of you that I didn't have room to also list for this award????
Don't are all on my list of blogs that are my favorites and ones I would recommend to others. You will be candidates/game for future awards, should I be blessed with more!!
P.S. I have posted two posts today, so look below this post for the other one, if you haven't read it yet! Thanks!!
P.S. I have posted two posts today, so look below this post for the other one, if you haven't read it yet! Thanks!!
Wow, they sound like great blogs! Thanks for awarding them and thus bringing them to my attention...will have to mosey over and check them out!
TCTCM: Great! I hope you find them interesting, like I do. They are all very different. Isn't that the fun thing about blogging and reading others' blogs?
Congrats again. I will check out all of your suggestions. I found the reviews fascinating. Thanks
lol I know the limiting it to three thing was brutal...even for me, and I set the limit! I have a lot that I read regularly. But I figured if it was limited, it would be easier to write a description. No one wants to write 20 small paragraphs :o)
Thanks for passing it on and supporting my little social experiment!! :oD
Grannyann: Thanks! Yes, they are different blogs,and I love following a variety of different personalities and subjects.
VaBookworm: Thanks again for the wonderful award. I did my best to make ya proud. ha
I bet your award spreads like wildfire!!
Congrats to you, oh, Retired One!! You are awesome---I loved the post below and I believe you are right about the poodle eating the clothes.
I'm very surprised! THANK you so much again for giving me an other award and for the nice review about my traveling. I appreciate that very much.
Congratulations also to you for getting this award!
Sue's Daily Photography
P.S. we are just arrived in Phoenix AZ because it was to cold for us up in the Grand Canyon mountains.
Retired One, I admire you even more now than I did before. Your choice of whom to give the award to and your description of each was heart warming. And you have given me the desire to find more time to check out the blogs you awarded.
Polly: Thanks,Sweetie!
Susanne: You are most welcome...continue on your journey...I await your next set of amazing photos! When it warms up, I hope you can get to the Grand Canyon!
Cathy: Thanks! I hope you find them very enjoyable..wait until you see Susanne's photos too. You two would have a ball talking about photography together!!
You're so right about sterring traffic towards other blogs that you appreciate; odds are if I'm reading you then I'll try what you suggest.
Off to visit now...
Ah, well then, congrats to you. As a new reader to your blog, this award was well deserved... you are amazing in your writings!
Thank you, "Cuz", for the award! Actually, I had started my blog in 2007, and Greg died in May of 2008. I hesitated to continue, but did, and it ultimately has evolved into ME and how I am evolving, too. Cha-cha-cha-changes... Kinda funny - I named this blog AKA Nancy Drew because, as a kid, I admired that ol' super-sleuth, Nancy. And when continuing the blog after Greg's death, I was discovering and finding a new ME. I actually posted something the morning of his service - because I couldn't sleep, and, oh, well, if someone is interested, they will have to read that one around May 20th if '08. A journey that I never would have picked to go on, has been an unusual motivator and developer for me. Who knew?
Wow, congrats on receiving what looks to be a fantastic blog award! I'm definitely going to check out the ones you recommend.
And thanks to VaBookworm for coming up with this great idea!
Venom: Hope you liked the sites.
Michele: Thanks so much! What a nice thing to tell me. You MADE my day!
Jessica: I am glad you liked getting the award, and I am even more glad that your blog has helped you. Expect some more readers!
Gaston: Thanks! I hope you like them, they are all very different from each other.
Congratulations on the award. I love to read your posts, so you definitely deserve it.
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