I opened the curtain, and there they were! Some returning-to-the-north spring birds eating the thistle.

*Notice that some have red and some have yellow on them. What are they?
A blog, written with humor and heart, that shares nature photography and daily life observations. Grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up and take a few quiet moments to enjoy the wondrous images that Mother Nature gifts us with every single day! (And every once in a while, to enjoy no images and to just giggle).
Kayceebeebee: What are the yellow ones???
I just pointed out Robins to Jess yesterday, saying it was a sure sign of spring (although the temps here today are high 20's, lol)
Beats the heck out of me!! They sort of look like sparrows, but have too much white and with thst red, no way.
I am not much on what birds are what except for pigeons (who live on my beams) and sparrows, robins and blue jays. Those birds with the red on their head, I have never seen before. I bet you have a lot of neat birds where you are.
Melissa: yes, I finally saw my first Robin, Whoopie!
But it was icey, windy and COLD today here. I am trying to be patient in getting my other signs of spring....
Polly: Read above. They say Redpolls, but still not sure what the yellow feathered one was?
Grannyann: I know BlueJays, Robins, doves, finches...but not sure of some of the others. Yes, we get lots of birds flying thru to Canada in the spring. They are here in fall and spring on the way thru and then gone again....I love watching our bird feeders this time of year.
My zoology is not that good, but I guess, those cute little birds and "Sparrows" :)
Gaurav: Sparrows? Now I need to find out...are they Redpolls or Sparrows???
They's looks like cute lil' sparrows to me...
I just got a bird bath for the 10 million on my patio...I am thinking about blogging what happened yesterday btw a robin and three sparrows...it's just not related to parenting...maybe I can link them...anyway them's cute!
The sparrows are chirping outside my windows now. These are part of their jobs to entertain me at the start of the day.
My sparrows are without red or yellow on them.
Insanity Kim: Now I must know what happened yesterday!
Rainfield61: So, it is still a mystery. The red ones are probably redpolls, but what is the yellow one????
I just checked for your yellow bird on Google. I found birds called siskins. Some of them looked like yours. Maybe that's it. I didn't check for much information, so maybe it's wrong. I've seen bright yellow birds around here that I think are siskins too. Some siskins are mostly yellow, while others have only a little.
I am sorry, I have no idea what the birds are...not much of a bird watcher. Yes all the robins are heading north, at lesat I don't think there are any left around these southern parts as I have not heard them for a while.
Ratty: Thanks for researching for me! You are hired for ALL future bird identification. (And for dragon identification,too) ha (For those of you who don't understand, go to Ratty's site!)
Loree: Good to hear that you sent the robins up to us...I will be waiting to see more,and when I do, I will say: "Look, there is one of Loree's robins!" ha
Gettin' tired of having to comment twice (or trying to comment twice) before it is accepted! Damn, I am wasting precious time when I could be reading other blogs!
Anyhoo... Just did some sluething, myself (aka Nancy Drew, what else would you expect?). From this website:
it does indeed appear that you have Pine Siskins about you. This Cornell website even allows you to play the bird sounds/calls, so maybe that will also help you to identify your visitors.
BTW - re: your comment on my posting of yesterday, I didn't understand your reference to being a hit in jolly old England? Perhaps I am just overreaching... I was referring to Juggies, as in another word for the "girls" that guys seem so taken with.
Jessica: I will check out the bird site, with bird sounds (cool!)Pine Siskins it is, then!! I will listen to the site too to see if it what I am hearing in the morning!
Happy Juggies! :-)
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