Another news story for "MY THOUGHTS":
FORT PIERCE, FLA. (AP) -- Authorities say a Florida woman called 911 three times
after McDonald's employees told her they were out of McNuggets. A police report said 27-year-old Fort Pierce resident Latreasa L. Goodman told authorities she paid for a 10-piece last week but was later informed the restaurant had run out.

She says she was refused a refund and told all sales were final. A cashier told police she offered Goodman a larger portion of different food for the same price, but Goodman became irate.Police say Goodman was cited on a misuse of 911 charge. A current phone listing for Goodman couldn't be found.A McDonald's spokesman says Goodman should have been given a refund, and she's being sent a gift card for a free meal.
(Copyright ©2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)My thoughts?:
1. She's being sent a gift card for a free meal? WHY? Why do they reward these nuts for being nuts?
2. She really should be made to do some community service. Maybe spend the day helping feed the homeless. Or, be made to sit at a 911 switchboard for 80 hours listening to REAL 911 calls. (And then, she should have been made to work another 80 hours cleaning that office as punishment for mis-using 911 in this manner). She just doesn't get it!

3. Would she have gotten more of a reward (for being nuts) if she ordered a Big Mac and they ran out?
4. She refused her refund and "became irate" because they were out of McNuggets? She really is McNuts!!!
5. I give the counter workers at McDonald's a LOT of credit for putting up with Lady McNuts and not losing it.
I don't know. To be craving McNuggets and not get them sounds like a crime to me. And if they tell me they are out of hot mustard sauce...
better lock up my guns.
I love your thought #2. Sit at a 911 switchboard for 80 hours listening to REAL 911 calls will wake her up.
First of all, as everyone in a CS industry knows, there are days when the mental patients are let out without their meds, and they come to your line.
Secondly, McD gave her the gift card because now that Octo-Mom fired Gloria Allred's team of angel-nurses, Gloria's only got about a week left of news conferences and will be happy to take up McNutty's case if they don't appease her now.
I saw this article last week. She didn't refuse her refund. The store refused to give her a refund! Said all sales were final!
First of all, she should have been given a refund immediately. The cashier should have gotten the manager right away and it should have been taken care of right then and there.
Secondly, she should be fined for all those calls to 911. That was unnecessary.
Hi Retired One
I actually saw this lady on television. She gave an interview and I was laughing so hard! She really thought that she was in the right by calling 911. I was speechless!
Some people's kids!
Where's McDreamy when you need him to save the day. This just isn't a very good McTasty type of story. Have people really lost their nuggets?
Funny story, but head shaking on this one too!
I have been known to throw a fit over a filet o fish on occasion...
Hey, McDonald's is like McCrack; I have to have it MY way, or I freak out...
she made a fool of herself because it was all over the tv news for two or three days.
Kearsie: Remind me not to wait on you when you want your burger "YOUR WAY". ha (Oh..wait a minute...that is Burger King,no?)
Rainfield61: Yep. They should have made her do that!
Aria: Yes! I just saw that on Dr.Phil's show. Now THAT is a nut-case!!
Joanie: Yes, I agree with the fine for calling 911 several times, PLUS she should have had to do community service for the mis-use of 911!
Sara: It takes all kinds, no?
DVM's Wife: You are so McClever!!
Insanity Kim: I am tired of McDonald's after our cross-country trip to Florida...I think we McAte there too McMuch! McHa!
Grannyann: yes, she ended up looking McNuts...no doubt about it!
I think I might have become a little upset too if they refused to return my money. If she ordered one thing and they tried to give her another, it was wrong of them. Maybe she got too irate, but did they drive her to it?
Ratty: A little upset=fine. But not to her level...and to call 9-1-1???? No way. That is crazy. She needed to chill out. Its JUST McNuggets, for Goodness SAKE...not the end of the world. I would hate to see her in a real dissapointment in life!
I mean, if SHE saw a dragon? She couldn't handle it!
911 because McDonald's ran out of McNuggets? Isn't that just a bit OTT? I guess she myst have been very hungry.
I think that lady went "NUTS"... for McNuggets.... lol .....
And involving police in all this... was really a foolishest thing to do...!!
She deserves the fat and choresterol that comes with them.
BTW, I love your house, your front yard, your back yard, your flowers, not so much the snow...got enough of that here.
Loree: Yes! Maybe not OTT, but surely ODD! ha I didn't think being hungry made one nuts, but there a few times when I was PMS-ing that I probably was nuts. (but not as nuts as this lady!)
Gaurav: yes, foolish is a good way to describe it. BTW, glad you joined on as a follower! Thanks!
Prefers: Yes, nature has a way of paying her back. Thanks on the compliments on the house, etc.
We have lived here on the lake for 5 years now and I love it! The cold and snow is the price we pay, but the other 3 seasons are beautiful. If I got off my butt and skiied or snowmobiled, I would probably like our long winters a little more. ha I am glad you also joined on to my blog!
I had an error last night while trying to post my comment - so here I am again! LOL! :-)
I just want to say this lady (and I use that term loosely - moron is more like it)must be ignorant. Ignorance = stupidity. I hope they fine the heck out of her!!
Shellmo: Moron is right! I hope they fine her too, but sadly, the article did not say this, so she probably is trotting off, as nutty as ever, thinking she was in "the right". They say ignorance is bliss, so she must be blissful. ha
that's an interesting story.
Calling 911 was unnecessary, but giving a free meal is ok as they did not give her refund at that moment.
Sweet Girl: Hi! You are new to visiting my blog, right? I stopped by your blog...it was intriguing to see how someone living away from their own country deal with the transition.
I hope you click on "follow this blog" on my blog and become a regular reader!
Yes, this lady should never have called 9-1-1...that was outrageous!!!
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