Just a quick note to tell everyone that I had my grandkids here for 3 days to babysit (Nathan, age 6 and Miranda, age 19 months), so I didn't have time to post on the computer while they were here.
Then, last night I started to get racking chills and a very sore throat, and have been very sick for the last 12 hours.....
Their parents came and picked up the kids today around 2 p.m. and I have been in bed ever since~!
I hope to do my daily posts again and read everybody's blogs as soon as I get a few more days of recuperation under my belt. (At least get so I don't have to sit up at attention every time I have to swallow!) and quit having chills and a fever!!!!!!
Stay tuned and thanks for continuing to read my blog. I really miss my every day contact with you all....
A blog, written with humor and heart, that shares nature photography and daily life observations. Grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up and take a few quiet moments to enjoy the wondrous images that Mother Nature gifts us with every single day! (And every once in a while, to enjoy no images and to just giggle).
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About Me

- The Retired One
- I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!
Blog Archive
- Bird with Mohawk
- Just Ducky!!
- Spring at MSU
- Useless Facts and Trivia: Volume 4
- Another Dose of Local News Reports!...
- Snowstorm Bird Visitors...
- The Second Set of Snowstorm Photos....
- Spring, Where Art Thou???
- Dumb Laws: A New Weekly Post
- Sorry I haven't posted or Commented!!
- More Blogger Password Definitions !!!
- Tag Time!
- Spring Images from the U.P. (Upper Peninsula) of M...
- Holy Crap !!!
- And the Winner Is...........................
- Robins and the Moon
- Useless Facts and Trivia: Volume 3
- TWO more signs...thank the Lord!!!
- Call for the Vote!!
- We have MELTDOWN!
- Treasure Time!!
- Meet our TWO new Pets...
- Remind me NOT to attend this Area EVENT !!!
- Friends and Awards!!
- Who says Monkeys aren't Smart?
- Shameful ...Confession.
- Now, this Sucks!!
- Am I SEEING this RIGHT????
- I got another Award: No, this isn't an April Fool'...
- Useless Facts and Trivia: Volume 2
Yup! Kids'll do that to you. ; ) I hope you feel better SOON!
Oh, I'm so sorry that you are sick! Feel better soon!!!!
Sending some "virtual" chicken soup and a hug!
Yikes hope you get to feeling better really soon! I will be nursing a wound from a baby penguin I received today at the "Penguin Encounter" exhibit...oh yeah...I will be blogging about it.
I am sure your hubby will take care of you! Rest up!
I hope you enjoyed the grandchildren! Sorry to hear you're sick though. What a way to be feeling this time of year. Take care and come back when you can : )
sorry to hear you're feeling bad!! Make sure to drink plenty of tea and get some rest!!
I hope you get well soon. Get plenty of rest.
Bless you, Sweetie. Sorry you are feeling under the weather----glad you were able to spend time with the grand kids. I hope you feel better soon
Sorry to hear that you're ill...hope you get well soon.
Isn't that nice to have grandkids over... hope you dosed them well with sugar!
Get well soon.
Had my grands here recently myself and KNOW how that is; no time for anything for yourself. Hope you didn't pass on the 'whatever it is' to those kids! Stay warm and get well.
J.J., Lynn, Insanity Kim, ANEL, Shellmo, Ratty, Polly, Roshni and Loree:
Thanks everyone!! Just hearing from everybody makes me feel much better. Today, the fever is still high, but the throat is a little better (still sore)! But it looks like I have peaked with the worst of it and am on the downhill side of the virus. The grandkids had runny noses, so I suspect I picked some bug up from them with all the hugging and all!! (And lack of sleep from Miranda wanting to nurse all night and having to settle for Grandma's bottles instead (this milk bar is closed!) ha
I am sorry you are feeling bad but get better and get back. However, we all have lives outside of our blogs. Smile so missing a day doesn't mean we would stop following you. God Bless
Wow! Look at this! Looks good! Are ya feeling better?
The moment you read mine, it is the magic meoment you will be fully recovered. Cheers!!!
Hope you feel better soon! Miss your posts and comments.
Gaston, Carol, Insanity Kim, Rainfield61, Ramblin Mama: Thanks you guys! I am a little better today so I hope to get caught up reading your blogs and playing with my layout a bit more. Hope to start posting again tomorrow. Miss You all!
Dude, I hope you feel better and that once your petri-dish grandkids are gone your immune system breaths the fresh air and revives itself.
Also, I lurve your new background!
Get lots of rest and get well soon!
Sorry you've been sick. Hope things are feeling better. Looking forward to your next post.
Sure hope you feel better soon. I had my grandson this past weekend and I guess I hurt my back lifting him. I can barely get around! Hopefully, we will both be all better real soon.
Hey - I love your crisp, clean new look!!
Kearsie, Judy and Venom: thanks. I feel a little better today. I decided to to change my layout with much encouragement from A NEW ENGLAND LIFE (at http://anewenglandlife.blogspot.com). She has gorgeous pictures on her blog and I asked her how she got them so big, and she suggested a layout change (and gave me the courage to try it!) Judy,I can relate to your back pain. I carried my granddaughter Miranda alot and mine is sore too.
Oh, getting older is NOT fun. ha
Hope ya get back on your feet soon and your blog it's a joy to read. Get plenty of rest we will be here waiting for you :-}
You know I was never sick until I had grandkids. In fact I had over a years worth of sick leave built up when I retired. They will give you everything that flies by. Hope you feel better soon.
Get WELL soon!!!! I'm so sorry to hear about that! Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog, even you are sick you are still commenting, I appreciate that!!
Sue's Daily Photography
Scrappy, Grannyann, & Susanne: thanks! It was better yesterday and today (Tuesday) I have laryngitis and throat is super sore again! (At least my hubby gets some quiet. ha)
Hope you're feeling better! You do an amazing job of writing fascinating posts, responding to comments, and commenting on other blogs. Amazing. I don't know how you keep up. Love the new layout, too!
Lesley: I am still struggling with this heckuva virus/cold or whatever it is...getting chills, then a fever, sore throat,coughing,etc. I will be glad when it leaves! Thanks for the wonderful compliments on my posts and blogging activities...I just love the blogging world and am so glad I found it..it has enriched my life and given me a great outlet to write!
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