Here are some of the many birds we saw during our big spring snowstorm we had on Tuesday:
(some of the pictures have snowflakes in the way, so if you see white blotches, it was the snow still falling down as I took the photos!):
A duck was bravely paddling around the river that feeds into the lake:

This little European Starling cutie came to our suet hanger, and he was very hungry!:

Next: I need help from all of you birders out there to solve a mystery. We have had this strange bird show up every spring for the last 4 years (except last year). He has a white head but the rest of his body looks kind of like a Grackle. We think maybe he is an anomoly and maybe part albino? Does anyone know what kind of bird this is? Here are several pictures of him:
I think your white headed bird is a Dalmation relative or just the grandfather bird....
thats neat you could get such great close ups.
Lovely pics! Sorry I can't help with bird identification. I don't know 'em, I just love looking at them!
Man I LOVE your photos!
That is a great looking bird! From what I looked up it seems that is a partially albino black bird, I looked some up and they look similar.
I have got to post some photos.
At least you are finding the beauty in your unwanted winter reprieve!! :)
That is a strange bird...have never come across even a photo of one like that...
Fantastic photos and what a great post. I love birds but don't recognize the one you mention, although he's quite interesting looking!
As I sit here with our temps going to the low 70s today, I can't imagine that you're still having snow!
How do you take such amazing pictures? They are so clear and close-up. Are you sure these birds aren't pretend ones, like the frog, but just more convincing?
It's so nice to see so many birds. Poor things having to stay outside in the cold snow.
pretty pretty birds! Sorry I can't help you with your mystery bird...looks like a small crow :P
Grannyann: Thanks...we think it is a Grackle with an anomoly of a white head. He comes to our feeder, regularly.
Mary: I like looking at them too..sometimes I don't know what kind they are either~
Insanity Kim: Thanks! I will look forward to seeing your photos when you get them posted!
Wanda: Us either! We are hoping some of my readers will know for sure what it is!
Gaston: Thanks! I am downstate Michigan tonight and it is in the 80's!! I am in shock after leaving 50's. Everything is blooming here!
Fran: What a nice compliment! I know they are real because they are leaving REAL bird poop!
Loree: I know. It is going to warm up in the U.P this week, so the snow will melt and they will warm up!
Roshni: Thanks! I love taking bird pictures!
I put a little slide on my sidebar, and will keep adding to it.
I was just looking back at the pic of the bird with the snowflake on its head! So cute! I need to upgrade my camera...
Lots of great bird pictures. My favorite bird of the bunch is the starling. I love those speckles.
I found your blog tonight and really enjoyed your pictures. We, in Alberta, are still having snow as well so I didn't feel to sorry for you...LOL Have a great day......:-)
Your unidentified bird looks a little bit funny with a white ring around its eyes. It always looks astonished by this nature.
You take such pretty bird pictures... I am intrigued by the bird with the white splotchy head. I haven't seen anything ever like that before.
Insanity Kim: I know...I didn't see the snow on the bird's head until I enlarged it. Too funny!
Ratty: I know. When you see the starlings, they look pretty plain, until you see them up close and you see all those rainbow of colors!
Bernie: Hope you signed on as a Follower!! I am in Lansing Michigan and have been here for over 3 is in the 80's and all the trees have leaves, the dandelions are out, the tulips are blooming, the crab apple trees are in bloom...I called my hubby up in the U.P and it was only 41 degrees!!!
Rainfield: I know! We still don't know what kind of bird he is!
Michele: Thanks! We swear the bird is part albino or something!
Dude, for real. You need to submit your photos to National Geographic. For real. This is not a joke. No laughing aloud.
Also, you need to come down here to Alabama and take photos of me and make me look as good as your birds.
such pretty birdies! :)
Kearsie: Thanks. I am not as good as some of the people's blogs I check, but thank you so much for all of your nice compliments.
Linda: Thanks!1
Hi again, just looking at your 'Grackle' (never heard of one) but it looks the same as the one sat next to it, so I think you are right about the anomoly. Please have a look at this common black bird that lives in my garden, uk. He is supposed to be all black but is covered in white feathers on his back and under the wings. Similar to your grackle. I was very lucky to get him on camera! The url is to my flickr page where the ppicture is uploaded. I have not put this photo on my blog as it is not particularly great quality, just thought you'd find it interesting.
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