It was really windy here, and I saw this little bird who didn't mind risking having a "bad hair day" to get some seed from our deck.
He decided to just sit IN the dish to eat:

He looked like a punk rocker:

And how cool is this? He turned to show us the back view, and he definitely had A LAYERED Mohawk!!:

I am getting my hair done today...I am thinking of bringing these photos to see if they can copy it. What do you think? Paris Hilton may be a trendsetter, but not as much as this little guy!!
I believe that is a Chipping Sparrow...they sing a constantl chipping sound and aren't too timid.
Yep, you definitely have to get a layered mohawk, red in color. Just think how excited all your family and friends will be to see you in your new doo!!! Then you can go sit in your bird bath.......
I don't know Joan...his 'do looks a little Trump-ish, an attempt at a combover...leave it to the birds, ok? ;)
Again PINING for your camera!!!
I think your bird and I have the same hairdresser!! She does better with the bird though.
Dude, he even had highlights.
Maybe he uses Sun-In.
His little hairdo is definitely trendy! I bet he likes to live on the wild side..... ha,ha!!
That bird should become a model with a hairstyle like that, although would he be comfortable on a 'cat' walk? Whatever, he needs to lose weight to model. Looks a little heavy to me.
What a model he or she is. Birds are the most wonderous creatures out there. I love to sit and watch them and guess what I think they like to watch us human kind. Tweet tweet.
Too adorable and your photos are, as usual, fantastic! I want that damn camera!
It looks like a chick waiting for something from me.
My bad hair days can't be fixed... LOL luckily they're not here to stay!
I would swear that my cousin used to have the same haircut, even the same color. Maybe he's the same kind of bird.
Did you take a picture in? I am wondering if this is some weird attraction thing that these birds do during mating season? I don't think I've ever seen this on a little sparrow before. Just how windy was it today?
Well, you'd definitely be on the cutting edge of style! Glad to see you're feeling a bit better. Getting your hair done is bound to help!
WOW, I hope you post a picture of your new hairdo! How did you manage to get these pictures so close up, I so envy people who are good with a camera, unfortunately it's not one of my talents. Enjoy your day tomorrow and let me know how the mohawk turned out LOL
Good Night ......:-Hugs, Bernie
Retired One, excellent shots! When you get back with your new do, you will have to update YOUR photo!
aaww... he is so cute! What great pictures :-)
Dude, is that a rocker bird? LOL!
He's too cute! You're so lucky to take such close up shots!
At least I know now he wasn't drinking milk out of your cereal bowl. ;)
Have a great weekend!
This little guy is so cute! I guess us girls can't resist "tough" guys!
I've been beating my head against the wall, trying to load bigger pictures into my blog - can you help me? Your photos look great!
Thanks, Lynn
Wanda: We thought he was a Sparrow, but we weren't sure. Thanks!
Grannyann: don't give me any ideas! ha Although in the summer, it would be fun to sit in the birdbath!
Insanity Kim: I think the bird's do is much better than Trumps!
Polly: I do like the color though. ha
Kearsie: When I was about 16, I used Sun-In. It was quite "the rage"..that was the start of my long journey with coloring my hair. If I could turn back I would tell myself to wait! Because now under the color is way too much gray for me to "go natural" anymore!
Shellmo: I heard he's quite a bird. ha
Fran: Cat walk. hahaha haaaaaa haaaa! He's ok with his weight. Chubby is the new skinny, haven't you heard?
Carol: you are definitely right. That bowl sits on our table right outside our window. Many times the birds sit facing us when we are at our dining room table and just watch us. Can't you hear their conversation? (Geez, that a female Caucasian? What markings does she have?) ha
Gaston: All it takes is a credit card. ha
Rainfield: Yes, it's a chick waiting for their highest desire: more seed! ha
Aria: I hear you. I have okay hair, but it has never been fabulous. But yesterday, I had to go in and get the gray roots fixed. I have had some gray since I was about twenty! Grrrrr.
Ratty: Maybe a relative of your cousin? Third cousin twice removed? Since you are an animal/bird whisperer, it may be!
Joycee: I don't think it was a mating dance...I took it inside pointing out thru the window to my deck, where he was in the dish. I didn't see any other sparrows near him. The wind was a gusty 30 to 35 miles/hour.
Ramblin Mama: It was nice to get out, although I was really tired when I got back...I had my hair done at 2 and a gardening class (inside) at 7p which didn't end until 9p. I am still on antibiotics but at least most of the coughing has died down. Still hurts when I take deep breaths. I want to get 100% better so I can go out and work my flower beds, dang it!
Bernie: My hair turned out a little shorter than I like, but pretty much looks close to my mug shot. ha
Cathy: No need to post a new picture yet...I wouldn't want to punish my viewers for reading my blog. ha
DVM: He was right by the window, showing off his lovely hairdo, so it was easy to get him up close. But his feathers were so funny, I then had to take a sequence!
Lynn: I will email you...there is an easy way to enlarge them that I can walk you through. You will be hooked!! Thanks for the nice compliments!
Oh he is so cute!!!! I have to get my new place set up for the birds... I love birds...
What a cute little mohawk. It looks good on hi,\m.
You're being showered with awards over on my blog...and they're cool, so you must come get them. The birds will still be here when you get back, promise!!
Too cool! Is that a little Chippy in a high wind? I love the Chipping Sparrows.
Momma Young: He was cute. He is a chipping sparrow and we have tons of them coming over the last few weeks.
Loree: I loved the rust color of his mohawk!
Insanity Kim: Thanks sweetie..I gotta go get me some of those awards, how nice!
Sharkbytes: Yes it is a chipping sparrow. We have had them at our feeders for the past 2 or 3 weeks. Love all of the birds, but when I saw how the wind was playing with his feathers, I HAD to post it. ha
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