It is the day after Easter, right?
And, what did I promise would happen today?????
The results of the Garden Frog naming contest!!
Here we go!........................................................
The winner is..........................
Are you sure you want to know yet?.........................
Double sure?...................................................
I will stop torturing you.
The number one name chosen for Garden Frog was:
Sir Tight Buns!!!
He won by a total of 4 votes.
(What else could it have turned out to be with a set like these???)

Which was nominated by none other than the wonderful blogger:
J.J. in L.A.
Everyone needs to stop by 's blog and give her a congratulations shout/comment!!!
Thanks everyone for voting and helping me name him.
Here is how the votes turned out. (BTW, the comments are now on the original post!):
1. Ferdinand the Frog=nominated by Melissa=got 1 vote
2. Sir Tight Buns=winner by J.J.=got 4 votes
3. Prince Freddie Frog=nominated by Ratty=got 1 vote
4. Brad=nominated by Brittany=got 1 vote
5. Ninja=nominated by Rainfield61=got 1 vote
6. Prince=nominated by Fran=got 1 vote
7. Fergie Frog=nominated by Grannyann=got 3 votes
8. Prince Albert=nominated by Shellmo=got 1 vote
8. Prince Albert=nominated by Shellmo=got 1 vote
9. Mr. Wigglesworth=nominated by Brandi=got 1 vote
10. Fred the Frog=nominated by Scrappy Doo=got 1 vote
11. Frogbob BuffPants Gnometoad Xavier III=nominated by Insanity Kim=got 2 votes
12. Woody=nominated by Far Side=got 1 vote
13. Hapy (yes, I spelled it exactly like the person who sent it, I didn't forget the extra P)=nominated by VaBookworm=got 0 votes
14. Mowgli=nominated by VaBookworm=got 1 vote
15. Willoughby=nominated by VaBookworm=got 3 votes
All of their blogs are listed in my blogroll, so go and visit them when you have a few minutes, too!
For the sake of the neighbors, he will be called Sir T.B. when anyone else is in ear shot. But WE will all know for sure his full name!
Sir Tight Buns will be in the garden in a few weeks, as soon as I get there and clean out the leaves and put down new mulch, etc.
I will post a picture of him in a few weeks when he is in his new home!
Thanks again everyone!!
I LOVE your selection but am mad at myself because I forgot to post a potential name! Love that garden frog!
Even though I didnt vote for Sir Tight Buns, I have to admit it fits:)
Gaston: Oh no! What name would you have wanted up for vote?
Sara: It fits but I will have to tell my hubby outside to move Sir T.B. and those hearing us will think it is his disease instead. ha
Woo Hoo! I won! I won!
Don't forget to perform the Naming Ceremony..."I hereby dub thee Sir Tight Buns!" when you place him in his new home.
J.J.: Congratulations!!! I hope some folks stop by your blog. Thanks for the unique name!
well I almost won....congrats to JJ and that is a great name.
That frog has nicer buns than any human i know. That carver must have had some great inspiration.
Then I'll keep the Ninja name for my other purpose......
Congrats on Sir Tight Buns! I'm sure he'll have a grand ole time in your garden!! :-)
Grannyann: Yes, you got some votes!
Steam: Yes. Nice buns. I wonder who the inspiration was...I hadn't thought of that. Good question!
Rainfield61: Ok..now you have me curious! WHAT other purpose???? I feel an interesting blog post coming from you soon!
I DEMAND A RECOUNT!!! Oh, wait a minute. I forgot I wasn't voting for some bad politician. Isn't that how they do it when they lose?
CONGRATULATIONS on the new name, Sir Tight Buns.
Hahaha, Sir Tight Buns is a great name for him. He looks so sassy.
Ratty: A recount was performed, and Sir T.B. still won. But who knows when another election might occur?
Loree: He is sassy. Maybe you should have submitted that name for vote. ha
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