Today, I received THREE AWARDS!!!!
1+2=3 !!!!!
I guess you could call this a SUPER DAY!!! (That is not spring thunder you are hearing, it is ME, doing a bunch of happy dancing here in upper Michigan!!!)
From my friend and mentor:
Aria, at
Aria's Ink, I got this one:

Then, I received TWO awards from Sara (at
The Breathing Post)!From
Sara, I got
another Uber Amazing Blog Award
PLUS ALSO this one: (The Kreativ Blogger Award):

I truly love my readers and fellow bloggers. It can be a regular day, or a good day, or a for-shit day and all one has to do is click on someone else's blog and read their funny post, or their touching post and after you do, it makes you feel so much better!
It is the feeling of companionship, of brotherhood/sisterhood, of knowing that you are not alone in the way you think about things, about being zany and knowing others understand you,
that bonds us.
It is hard to explain to someone who does not regularly blog, isn't it?
So, I guess what I am trying to say is that I treasure the two blogger friends who gave me the above-mentioned awards. For simply being: them.
Now, to get to my assignments (from the awards):
First, for the Uber Amazing Blog Award;
Uber (synonym to Super)
Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
~ inspires you
~ makes you smile and laugh
~ or maybe gives amazing information
~ a great read
~ has an amazing design
~ and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules of this award are:
* Copy the badge and put the logo on your blog sidebar or post. (Check!)
* Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing! (See below)
* Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog. (Will Do!)
* Share the love and link to this this post and to the person you received your award from. (Done!)
As a twist, I am going to name 8 blogs that have some amazing photography on them for both the Uber Amazing Blog Award
and the Kreativ Blogger Award. That's right!!!! The folks listed below have just gotten TWO awards at once!! I have just recently gotten into taking digital photos of birds, flowers and landscapes and love doing it. (You can see them on my slide show above....all of the pictures in the slideshow are ones I have personally taken). Here are my Uber Award winners for photography. If you get a chance, please stop by their blogs to view their wonderful photography and stories about their photos:
1. Susanne at
Sue's Daily Photography2.Ratty at
The Everyday Adventurer3. Rainfield61 at
My Journey4.Shelly at
Birding in Michigan
5.Denise at
A Photo a Day6. Sharon at
A New England Life7.DVM's Wife at
The DVM's Wife's Life8. Cathy at
Yooper YarnsAnd,for the Kreativ Bloggers Award, you are supposed to name 7 other bloggers to bestow the award to (I did already, see above, PLUS THE ONE MENTIONED BELOW.) In addition, the award winner must list seven things they really like. So here goes:
1. Writing (anything, anywhere!), of course that includes Blogging and my fellow bloggers.
2. Like I said, I have recently really gotten into digital photography of flowers, birds, landscapes, and just about everything in nature! As I take new ones, I will be adding them to my blog's slideshow (above) so keep on watching it!
3. Gardening (flowers mostly).
4. Antiques and collectables. (My husband and I are renovating an old building and hope to have an antique shop in it within the next 2 years).
5. Garage Sales, Estate sales and auctions (where I buy all my treasures for the shop and for our house).
6. Baking (and eating the baking, of course!)
7. Going on trips (especially to the tropics in the winter, or anywhere new!)
Besides the photography blogs I mentioned above, I am also bestowing the Kreativ Blog Award
to Aria at
Ariaz Ink for her unique blog and for being the wonderful mentor she was/is to me as I came into this great world of blogging. Stop by her will be glad you did!!!!
Once again, thank you to Sara and Aria for their gracious an generosity in giving me recognition for my blog!
And thanks to my readers for continuing to read my blog.
I love to write and having readers is like giving crack to a crack addict.
I also love it when I get keep them coming!!!