And a special thanks to Sara at http://www.thebreathingpost.com/
for awarding me the Passionate Blogger Award! Stop by her blog, I read her every day.
Here is what I need to do. I need to write five non-blogger related things that I am passionate about. I also need to nominate 5 bloggers.
Five of my Non-Blogger Passions
1. Jewelry: buying it, making it (I have taken a few classes)
and of course, wearing it!
2. My family: husband, daughters and grandkids. They make
life worth living every day!
3. Writing, any kind.
4. Humor: I love getting funny e-mails and videos from my
family and friends. I think having a sense of humor
is essential in life.
5. Photography/Gardening: these are a tie for my two newest
passions. I often photograph my flowers (which you
see in my slideshow on my blog). I am brand new to
both hobbies, but have fallen in love with them.
Once again, I am going to break the rules and recommend only one blogger to pass the award to, because I think it is important to focus on one blogger at a time and recommend that you all take a peek at their blog. I have to randomly pick one, because I love so many of you and your blogs!
I recently discovered this one (due to my love of photography), so decided to randomly choose this one. She is presently traveling with an RV in Florida and takes the most gorgeous photos of sunsets, etc. I have ever seen. It has been her life's passion to travel and do photography for her living. If that is not following a passion, I don't know what is! Take a look, you won't be disappointed!:
So, Sue: You are IT....make sure you follow the rules above! LOL
Congrats on your award and I think you did right to pass it to just one. I will have to take a look at those photos. I read the post below and my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and I will be thinking of you and her family. Take care. Hugs!
Congrats on the award, Lady, and (cause you know I watch em ~) Congrats on the big jump in your Alexa rankings... Yay Whoot! Great Job!
Your Poppies are Beautiful.
Polly: Thanks so much for your kind thoughts. She had a lot of people who loved her so I am not alone in my feelings of loss.
Aria: I don't even know where to check Alexa rankings, you will have to give me a lesson. I love to see the number of my followers go up, though..now THAT I watch. ha
Beverly: Thanks. I just started gardening about 3 years ago when we built our new house and planted several gardens on our property. Then after a few years, I started my hand at amateur photography and got that good shot...they are a little more peach than pink in color, but they were glorious!
People will probably get sick of seeing my flower pictures on my slide show, because I combine my two new passions (flower and photography) into one!
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