We are going to be leaving on Sunday to drive down to Florida to visit our daughter in Tampa.
I am taking my laptop with me, and if possible, I hope to blog as we are on our adventure going down (hopefully with some photos, if I can do it!).
But, for some reason, if you don't see posts here for a few weeks...it is because I couldn't do it.
If that happens, PLEASE check again in a few weeks! I will be back and posting then (if not before). I am SURE I will have an adventure (or two) to share with you about our trip.
We have always flown to Florida from Michigan, so this will be our first drive down. I am excited about driving through the mountains (which I have NEVER done before!)
I do not want to lose ANY of my 45 (thus far!! BLESS YOU) followers...so I will be hoping each of you hang in there and return to check my blog (if not during the next two weeks, then for SURE at the end of two weeks)....
I also hope I can read your blogs "on the road". I am going to go into serious withdrawal if I can't read all of your posts while I am gone (and of course leave comments~!)

A few WEEKS??
No way...
By the second night you will SO be searching late-night coffee shops/bars/ER rooms for wireless service to check your bloggy friends and write a post or two...any of the mentioned establishments would be blog worthy in and of themselves!
Have a great time (if you can!!)
creole not fixed by spell check...
Insanity Kim: I don't know if I can make TWO nights..ha Our first night will be at my friend's house down by the Ohio border,so if she has a computer,I may have to tell her I need a fix. ha
Don't worry, I will have a great time! Gotta get some sun on this pale woman's body!
Not to worry. Your faithful followers will continue to follow! In fact, if I still lived in Michigan I would follow you to Tampa. Much better weather. (we moved from Michigan to Texas a couple of years ago ... my toes finally finished thawing out last week)
Have fun. I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed by the "mountains" you cross.
Have dessert at Side Berns in Tampa! Luxe, but memorable.
Lesley: Thanks, it helps to know I won't lose my readers...you all are so fun to write with and for. My toes are frozen, too. I am ready to dip them in the ocean!
GoingLikeSixty: Don't like the mountains going thru to Florida? We don't have ANYthing but hills here, so I will still be impressed. Although they will be brown and not green with spring yet, I know. I will look into Side Berns if we have time, thanks for the recommendation! My daughter lives in Madeira Beach tho...so we will spend more time around there and St. Pete's rather than in Tampa proper.
You will never have to worry about losing a single reader!! You are too good at what you do. Your blog is marvelous, my dear, marvelous.
I hope you have a great trip. I think you'll have a good time even if you lose the internet for awhile.
Woohoo! Road trip=fun! My hubby used to drive from Maryland to Florida all the time and he says the drive is so much fun. Hope you have the time of your life. Drive safe!
Have fun and enjoy the sun.
If I could blog while on the road a year so can you!!! Don't make me have withdrawels no fair!
Polly: you MADE my day! I am at our first stop (Coldwater Michigan) so I was able to read my blog comments. Now I can feel better that if I can't get on much, people will wait for me.
Ratty: Don't worry, if I can have a good time, you KNOW I will! I will try and post a few times and show pictures of our trip adventure. Yesterday we saw SO many deer in the farmfields and saw wild turkeys, but I didn't get any photos. I did take pictures of the Mackinac Bridge to post later tho.
Dreamwalker: Road trip, indeed! Can't wait to throw my coat in the trunk when we get further south.
Loree: Not to worry. I am one of those sun-worshipers. If there is sun, I will find it.
Deb: I know, I thought of you right away and how you miss your beloved Florida. I will carry you there in spirit! I will try and post some photos when we get there.
Kearsie: I am carrying all my blogger buddies with me in spirit. Can one tan others' spirits? Hmmm...not sure. Don't worry, we are in Virginia tonight and it is only in the 40's and supposed to have "light snow" possibly tonight. We will be in Savannah Georgia tomorrow, so hopefully will drive into some warmer temps. !!!
Looking forward to your photos!!!!
Finally I got some good connection time to visit your blog again - sorry for the long absence!
Sue's Daily Photography
Hi some more beautiful pictures on your slide. thanks for reminding me that I had signed up for it a few weeks ago but had forgotton. Hence the butterflies.
You have a wonderful trip and make sure you take lots of pics
take care and stay safe
Susanne49: Thanks! We are in Savannah today and hope to take some great photos today of the wonderful homes and Cypress Trees. And, it is 70 degrees. (Yippee!!)
Beverly: I will look forward to seeing your butterflies! Can't wait to hit Florida and take some beach pictures too! Thanks for reading my blog,even when I am not putting up regular posts!
I hope you have a fun time!
I am envious, warmth amd more warmth:)
Sara: Thanks! We are still in Savannah today and heading to Florida tomorrow. Savannah had in the 70's today, but it is supposed to get cooler tomorrow!
Gosh - there's a coincidence. In May I'm having my first ever holiday in the USA and guess where I'm going - Florida!
I will be blogging about it when I get back.
I've decided I like your blog so I'm joining your band of "followers".
Have a wonderful trip.
Hi Hope you had fun in Florida
I hubby tagged you:) The details are on my site
Have a great weekend , miss your posts! Cant wait till your back,
Please drive safe back to us!
Steve: First of all, thanks SO much for joining in as a follower on my blog! I LOVE it!...it just makes me so happy when others read and comment and makes my love of writing so much more fun. I will look forward to your frequent comments! You will absolutely LOVE Florida. What area are you coming to? We are in Madeira Beach which is between St. Petersburg and Tampa on the west coast. The water is a very beautiful blue and the beach is white sand. Today it was in the 70's and supposed to get up in the high 70's (Farenheit) by Tuesday. We will probably start driving back up north around March 1st and will miss the warmth.
Sara: I will check out your blog regarding the tag (THANKS!)and hope to get to post back about it over the next few days. We have really been on whirlwind tours....went to Savannah and now Florida in the last 4 days!! I miss all my blogger friends and will get right back to it when I get home again (or sooner if I can get my photos posted!)
Ms. Squeaky Wheel: You sweetie, you! I hate to go back to the cold north when it is time to go back...it was in the 70's today and sunny. I miss all my blogger friends too,but I will get right back to blogging soon. (Maybe before I get back if I can download some of our trip's photos in the next few nights!)
Insanity Kim: OMG!! I just turned on my emails and got their announcement and then my blog and your congrats. comment was there! I couldn't believe it! I am so happy. It gives me such motivation to keep writing more, which is something I have put "on hold" while I worked in my career these many years. I thank you for encouraging me to enter! (And it is MY honor to also know you, Sweetie!
Joan!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Kearsie: Thanks so much! NO ONE was more surprised than I am! (ha) I will be all rusty on blogging after vacation and will have to get going again so I can come up with more "material" for the humor contests in the future. Heck, when you are in your 50's, you have enough life happenings to recall that are funny enough, I guess. *wink*
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