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Sunday, July 24, 2011


I came across some spring bird
that I forgot to share with you! 

So, today...
forget that it is a bazillion degrees out there
go back to spring days with warm , gentle breezes with me....

A Bohemian Waxwing in the apple blossoms:

My wonderful Baltimore Oriole, who stayed here about a month and flew on to better grape jelly,  no doubt:

Wait a I have grape jelly on my BEAK????

(The waxwing refuses to look at that silly grape-smeared Baltimore Oriole beak, and opts to look out at the lake instead....)

But all that Baltimore Oriole beak-smacking broke down his willpower, so he began to munch on apple blossoms instead!:

Which immediately attracted the hungry BlueJay. Because, as everyone knows, EVERY bluejay is hungry!:

Which THEN attracted the catbird!:

I just love spring for the different varieties of birds we get in the yard...
lately it has been much quieter...
some Grackles, some sparrows, some chickadees, robins and a few hummingbirds are still here...

You know what  THAT means????
To get our bird fix...

We need YOU to submit your favorite BIRD photos
into me (no later than midnight July 31st) for this month's theme


Jientje said...

I ,love that yellow tail tip and the dots of red on his wings. What a pretty pretty bird!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your waxwing photos. Those birds always look like they've just meticulously groomed themselves. They are such a smooth, soft feathered looking bird. And there is nothing better than seeing them in the blossoms for photos!

Unknown said...

The photos are sooo wonderful! A couple of them look like paintings..too perfect to be real photos.

Debbie said...

this series of bird pictures is awesome!!! if this is what i am competing against, you can count me out, i haven't a chance.

the spring landscape makes for a beautiful canvas for bird photo's!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first two and several of the others that are similar would be beautiful framed and hung as a group. gorgeous

Brian Miller said...

something has that waxwings attention...and lovely bright colors on the oriole...

Country Gal said...

Your bird photos are awesome !

Unknown said...

Beautiful series! First waxwing I've ever seen.

Linda Reeder said...

Your bird photos are always so amazing!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful photos, Joan... I know you will get lots of great photos since there are so many birders out there in blogland --who take fabulous photos.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for that refreshing walk through a spring garden.The birds are beautiful.

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful! The oriole is truly amazing! No birds with this much color where I am. I wish there was...

Bossy Betty said...

OK. I am going to admit right now that I am a bird freak and you have just given me a great thrill.

Debbie Lo said...

I just love the color and textures of all these birds. God's creation is truly beautiful!

Hilary said...

Superb photos, here. I love the Baltimore Oriole sitting right between the jelly and the fruit.

Rita said...

Never have seen a waxwing. They are sleek and distinctive--like they are dressed for the ball! And the oriole is just stunning. Not that the Catbird and BlueJay aren't nice looking in their own right, but the other two stole the show. I can hardly wait to see some of the entries! :)

Pat said...

I, too, love that little yellow tip on the Bohemian waxwing's tail. How cute is that? I assume that jelly cup is nailed down to the wood, otherwise I am SO impressed that it doesn't tip over with the Oriole is balanced on it's side!

Louisette said...

I love your post about birds, wonderfull birds fotos, greeting from Belgium

Bhushavali said...

Love the waxwing... Gorgeous!!!
Fashion in Gadgets
Pulicat Lake Part II

RNSANE said...

I haven't a single bird photo that can compare with yours but I'll try to find one that I can submit!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

These are beautiful! Certainly a well deserved POTW!

Anonymous said...

Wow - each photo is as pretty as a postcard!

Sueann said...

Oh my gosh!! Beautiful shots!!
Congrats on your POTW

Country Girl said...

Came here via Smitten Image and am now blown away. These are incredible! Congrats on the POTW.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful photos! wonderful and well-deserved POTW!

Daryl said...

Gorgeous chatty bird photos and congrats on POTW

Anonymous said...

love that last one :)

Bossy Betty said...

Congrats on your POTW!

Reena said...

Glad I came over and congrats on POTW!

Out on the prairie said...

Magnificent images

REMINDER: All photographs on this blog are COPYRIGHTED.

REMINDER: All photographs on this blog are COPYRIGHTED.
Please do not copy any of my photographs (or narratives) without my permission! All pictures will be tracked for copyright violations.

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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