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Monday, July 18, 2011

Alpacas: Part TWO !!

I am continuing today with another blogpost 
of the wonderful Alpacas
I had the pleasure to photograph at a local Alpaca Farm.

(If you missed the last post, please go back and see it below this one!)

Oh. My. 
I just want to squeeeeeeeze him!:

Just chillin'  out in the field:
(Did you notice how CLEAN the field looks? Alpacas poop in one place, away from where they eat.
Isn't that smart of them?)

Grazin' in the grass:

"Wait a minute!!" "Who IS that crazy lady on her belly in the field pointing that camera at us?"

Munching on (of all things:) fallen apple blossoms!:

I'll name him BUTTERSCOTCH when we get him home, ok honey???  

Somehow they reminded me of a mix of a llama, a camel and a sheep:

I wanted to scratch his soft little wavy neck!:

They got sick of us and went on about their munching business...
After ALL...
they had wool to grow, people!!!!!!

They sure grew on ME !!!

We are half way through the month, readers! 
You know what THAT means!!??

You have to get busy and send me your photo
This month's theme is:


Send in your photo no later than midnight on July 31st
following THESE RULES!
You don't have to be a blogger to enter.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMG I love these guys, I love he leggins and the heads and the feet and the whole of them. i love the little trails where they were sheared. I just LOVE them. I have been waiting this morning for the second post. can you tell I love them? thanks thanks thanks

Pat said...

I love how it looks like they are wearing leg warmers! Too funny! Their shaved bodies remind me of those old bedspreads...can't think of what they are called now....

These guys sure are cute!

LindyLouMac said...

They are so cute well in photos anyway, thoroughly enjoyed both your Alpaca posts.

Unknown said...

They sure are funny and fuzzy looking!
After the photos you have posted of birds, I wouldn't even attempt to enter that contest! You are already the master! (mistress?)

Misty DawnS said...

I really like the photos of all of them grazing in the field. How cool!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Aren't the alpacas just adorable, Joan? I loved seeing both of your posts on them. (Thanks for catching up on my blog posts also--and George appreciated the nice note about his mama's death.)

Mellodee said...

Well, now you've gone and done it!! I am in LOVE! How ever will I tell my hubby that I'm leaving him for a big, fluffy, goofy-looking HERD of Alpaca??

There is such variety in their coloring too! Gorgeous and funny....a killer combo! Great photos!!

Rita said...

Yes! Llama/camel/sheep! I was so impressed that they go poop in one place! Why aren't all animals that smart? Now I love them even more! :):)

Ginnymo said...

They are the neatest looking things. I have driven by farms before but never stopped and have never seen one up close like this before. They sure do look soft. They look so clean also. I'm glad they poop in one place or you might have got some on you when you were lying down to get the photos..Ha! Ha! Great shots!!

Brian Miller said...

nice. they are so cool looking...wonder if i can get fur boots like that...smiles.

Debbie said...

i blogged about them today also. the first time i met them they had not been sheared, i thought they looked like poodles. there is a link on my blog to that entry!!!

i see the free photo contest link (birds)..i will check it out.

thanks so much for the visit and kind comment!!

A New England Life said...

Adorable! I want one too but hubby refuses to bite ; )

We drive past a pack of Alpaca's on the way to and from my mom's house. One day we had to stop just so my daughter could photograph them. They're so darn cute!

diane b said...

They are so cute and your shots so sharp. Excellent!

SquirrelQueen said...

All of your great photos makes me wish we had some alpacas around here. Pat reminded me what their sheared fur looks like, a chenille bedspread!

Debbie Lo said...

Don't blame you for wanting to take one home. I'd be the same way! They really are sweet-looking animals.

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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