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Sunday, June 19, 2011

More Outside U.P. Discoveries!

We have been seeing more Partridge
this Spring than ever before...
which is a great sign
that winter
was gentle on a lot of the animals up north this year.

He didn't let me get very close with my lens before he flew away on me!:

It was so great to see things budding and bees pollenating!:

And, the Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks came back!:

When driving on a road past a river this Spring,
I spotted this heart-wrenching sign:
It sure reminds each and every one of us to remember to "Seize the Day!"
and how very, very short life is.

I love me a group of tree mushrooms against a bright blue Spring sky!:

And on textured birch bark:

We HEARD this bird before we saw it and then photographed it.
I don't know what it was.
Can someone tell me??:

Here is another view of it:

I know it wasn't an Evening Grosbeak,
and I know it wasn't a Goldfinch....

We haven't had one at our feeders, ever:

So, just leave me a comment to educate me on what the bird's name is?

I know my Blogger friends are so much more knowledgeable about bird species than I am....


Brian Miller said...

ae great the flowers in the second pic...and the sign for sure is heart wrenching...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this blogger can identify chickens and turkeys and ducks and our famous florida birds, but little beautiful birds, no clue. i like that red/black/white coloring of the grosbeak. have never seen either of these birds, they must be northern birds. love the mushrooms, both shots are beautiful. i am glad you SEE the beauty in nature and post it for us to enjoy with you

Anonymous said...

In regards to that bird, we had them at our feeders earlier this year (first time) and haven't seen them in a couple of weeks (must be nesting). We finally figured out they must be a yellow rumped warbler.

Unknown said...

All I know about birds, I learned here-- so I'm no help! Love the photos!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is definitely a Yellow-rumped Warbler.He is a beauty both in looks and in song.Yes,life is short and the moments we can spend with loved ones all too few,especially in hind sight.

Vicki Holdwick said...

I'm going to say that I definitely agree that it is a warbler, just not sure which one.


Bossy Betty said...

Loved the birdie pictures! No one is waiting at the bus stop today?

Tracy said...

Joan, the photos are great, as always but I love the red breasted bird...he actually looks very patriotic you know?
thanks so much for always making me smile!

Pat said...

To the best of my searching, that bird looks like a spring male of the Myrtle Warbler. He has distinctive markings with his black mask, white throat, yellow patch on his feathers, and notched tail. At first I thought he was a Golden-Winged Warbler, but they have black throats - so he didn't qualify! I just love those pancake looking mushrooms!

Shelley said...

Hmmm...I had thought it was a meadow lark...I left my bird books at the cabin, so I'll have to check when we head back up there next weekend. Great photos of that pretty bird!

Rita said...

No clue what the little one is with the patches of yellow, but it is a cute one! Love the beautiful photos of the grossbeak. I am not all that familiar with the names of birds, either, and am enjoying your blog to no end. I am a sucker for birchbark. Have never seen a partridge that looked like that one. Get a kick out of those tree mushrooms. The sign--so sad that he died so young. Sweet that they posted that sign, tho. I love seeing where you will take me in your wonderful posts. So glad I found your blog. :):)

Emma Springfield said...

I hope you identify your bird. He is pretty. All of your photos are wonderful.

James said...

Really nice nature shots! I don't think I've seen any of these types of birds in person.

Dave said...

Does it have a red head? Maybe its a zebra finch? - Dave

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm glad someone identified the little bird as a warbler, I had no idea. All of your photos are great Joan but my favorites are the ones with the honey bees.

Hilary said...

Fabulous photos in this and the previous posts. You capture them so up close and personal.

Debbie Lo said...

Hooray! Spring has arrived in the U.P.! My aunt and uncle that live 45 minutes west of the Mackinac Bridge must be thrilled too. That rose-breasted Grosbeak is just gorgeous. Love its colors.

I don't know much about birds either, so I'm glad some of your more learned bloggers were able to help you out there.

Nice pics, as always, lady!

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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