This is the final set of pictures from our day of adventure last weekend. But, we went out this Mother's Day, so there will be more nature pictures coming soon!
First picture: We drove to this little river bridge in the woods called "The Humpback Bridge":
First picture: We drove to this little river bridge in the woods called "The Humpback Bridge":
Here is the view from the bridge itself looking down the river:
And, a close up of the rapids:

I loved the swirly water and foam the current made from going over the rocks:

I had to laugh when we saw this in the tree. Evidently, someone had some trouble casting their line into the river to catch a fish and their line ended up tangled in a nearby tree!:

All over in the woods, the wildflowers were blooming on the forest floor:

We stopped so I could get a picture of this tiny lighthouse on Lake Superior, near Baraga, Michigan:

Here is a close up of the turtles on the log:

We also saw a black squirrel, but he was so fast, he turned and ran before I could snap his front picture. (I thought of YOU, Ratty when I had trouble taking his picture!):

We saw another pond and right in the middle, we saw THIS: (Do you see it? Do you know what it is?):

Here is a close-up.
Do you know yet what it is? Look at the grouping of piled sticks in the middle of the picture:

On the way back to the car, we saw this colorful moth:

He was very shy and when I came closer, he lifted off to fly away:

On the way home, there is a little roadside stop where there is a bridge over another little river. It is called Tioga Park.

This is the view from standing on the bridge:

The river was high from the spring run-off, so the current was fast:

I love to watch the water rushing over the rocks:
I could have stayed there all day!
But, we headed home after a full day of adventure. I hope you enjoyed reading about our full day of bird sightings, animal sightings and water views.
Today, (Mother's Day) we went out again and saw some more beautiful Michigan nature, which I will share with all of you soon, via more blog posts.
OMG the pictures, the water was so crystal and pristine, the birds, your prose, just everything about your post is absolutely marvellous. I love it and am so fortunate to happily follow your blog.....:-) Hugs, Bernie
What a magical day you had. And the pictures say it all ...
June in Oz
Very Nice photos, I so enjoyed looking at them and your Michigan view! It is alot like Minnesota, I think you have more rocks, and bridges! Happy Mother Day to you! :)
I love the turtles!! I wouldn't have thought they'd be out this early that far North! We have some black squirrels here but they only live on an area about 5 square miles big. The rest of our squirrels are plain old gray. They believe they trace back to one stowing away from the Midwest and then breeding but they haven't spread out at all!
Joan, is it me, or does the spring run off look like BEER??
Especially in the last photo... that's not water, that's dark golden ale! No wonder you like living there!!!!
Nature is so awesome!
So many great things! Each one is greater than the last. I love the turtles. I've been watching for one myself, but I've only ever seen one. Those black squirrels are very hard to get. The only way to do it is to sneak up on them, and that's almost impossible. Oh, and those bridges! I love bridges! All of your pictures were great.
Bernie: You are so sweet! I love taking the photos, so it is a pleasure sharing them with everyone!
June: Yes, it was magical and fun!
Far Side: Yes, we are a lot like Minnesota. We have a LOT of rocks in this part of the U.P. too. When we built our house, we moved some the size of a small Volkswagon!
Ramblin: yes, we were so surprised to see the turtles too. And yesterday when we went out, we saw more! I only caught one on camera yesterday matter how quiet I was, I heard 5 or 6jump into the water and only caught one shot!
Lynn: I would say Root Beer, but heck, dark ale works for me. It is a funny thing, though...the water is crystal clear when still. It must be the iron in the water that makes it look so dark in hue.
Loree: Yes. I have come to appreciate it more as I have aged. Now that I am retired and can get out more and enjoy it any time of year and look at things up close, it seems even more amazing!
Ratty: We were thrilled to see the turtles and we were surprised to see them so early in the spring here. We saw another big one yesterday which I took another picture of too (for a future post). There are some old bridges in the woods here all over the place, I love them too!
These were great - you showed some of the best of Michigan's beauty! Your water photos were excellent! And I'd love to photograph that Humpback bridge and make a card out of it - love it!
You have good shots on bridges, but I like the most is what you mentioned about the black squirrel and this must have been the legend of Ratty.
I think you do this strictly to make me jealous. Beautiful green trees, wildlife and wild flowers. GORGEOUS! And your picture taking abilities are awesome!!!
I'll go shoot some cacti and sand for you...
I just love your pics. Yes I could hear the water rushing over the rocks! Wish we had some rivers like that here.
love photos.
love your photos.
Shellmo: Feel free to copy the bridge photo and make some cards with it if you want! Or, I can give you directions if you want to visit it yourself!
Rainfield: Yes,that was for Ratty!
Brittany: Actually, I would love to visit the desert and take some photos of cacti too! I have never seen a desert, but we hope to take a trip out west maybe in Sept. and make a loop down to the desert too.
Grannyann: I am so glad you are liking the photos. It has been such fun going out in nature to get them too. We have so many rivers here and so little time to capture them. I did get some shots of a little waterfall on Mother's Day which I will post soon.
patsy: I am glad you like them. Are you new to my blog? Welcome! If you haven't already, click on Follow this Blog to become a Follower! I would love that!
Wow! Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures!!
With all that beautiful nature I could have stayed out there all day too! In another few weeks it will be so pretty with all the green grass ... make sure to get back there sometime soon!
What a pretty walk. I love your water pictures! You really captured the light on the water.
Fragrant: You are new to my blog! If you haven't already, I invite you to join us and join on as a Follower! I'd love to have you join us regularly in your comments! Thanks for the compliment on the photos...I am an amateur photographer learning as I go along! I love to take pictures of nature, especially flowers and birds.
New England: I can't wait. But the bugs will be out then too, so it will be less enjoyable until fall again when the bugs are less and the fall colors out.
Gardener: Thanks. I love water photos too!
Yet more terrific pictures
Baylward: Thanks so much.
New follower to your blog and I am quite impressed with your photo-taking ability. Thank you for the laughs and scenery!
Munising Transplant: Thank you SO much for joining on as a Follower! Are you FROM Munising? Where are you living now? I am anxious to meet another Yooper....write me!? And thanks for the compliments on my pictures!!!!
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