There I was laying on the couch, wrapped like a mummy in my two favorite couch afghans....teeth chattering HARD (damn this flu!).
I mean I had goosebumps on top of my goosebumps.
The couch sits right in front of our fireplace (with a blower) and I was STILL cold.
My husband was trying to cuddle with me to chase away the chills....it helped. But it only staved off the chills enough that my muscles could unclench about 50 percent.
It was time to go to bed...my eyes were glazing over and it was late.
But I was dreading unwrapping from the semi-warmth surrounding me and having to climb into the icey sheets and getting the chills all over again.
He got up and said: "Time for Bed." Followed by: "Stay here, honey...just wait a minute."
Now, at this point, I am thinking: "Oh Lord!" "He can't possibly be thinking of getting a little sumpin' -sumpin' can he? "You have GOT to be kidding!"
I mean, I am SICK for God's sake!!!! Hasn't he heard me hacking up my lungs? Hasn't he seen the mountain of kleenex? The red nose? Felt me shivering?"
I hear him rustling in the bedroom.
Then, he says: "Ok...c'mon in....It's ready for you!"
Cute, honey.....really cute. I mean, I am half dead, for Chrissake.
I stagger in, still dizzy from my medicine-head.
He's in bed.
And then,
"I rolled all over the bedsheets and layed in your spot so it would warm up for you so you wouldn't have to get any colder climbing into bed. I hope it helped! C'mon in, honey and I will cuddle against your back to help keep you warm so you can sleep better." "I hope you feel better tomorrow." "Love ya!"
God, I love this man.
That is far and away the sweetest, most thoughtful thing I have ever heard of a man doing any time anywhere...EVER. Forgive me, woman, I think I just developed a mini-crush on your man. Can you at least have your man call my man? Maybe yours can break it down to mine in that Man-Code speak they have... you know the one that sounds to women like tools and cars and electronics discussions, but to men, it imparts the secrets of the universe...
awww such a great hubby. hope you feel better!
Aria, I agree....I can't tell you the times my girlfriends have asked if he has a brother. ha Hell, even some of them have asked if he has a sister. I am blessed............
Your husband is so thoughtful and sweet. I hope you feel better!
I am back, I just wanted to say thank you. I was showing my husband your site tonight, and he read this post. I think he learned from your husband, becasue out of the blue I got a nice back rub, so thank you! Also, I wanted to let you know that there is an award for you.
Have a great day!
I am doing the Happy Dance,Sara...thanks so much for the award...I will probably have to email you later to find out how to proceed. I am new to the award stuff, so you may have to walk me thru it. Thanks SO much for the honor...my first one, too!!!
You MADE my day!!!! LOL
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