Well, I sure had reason to get out of bed this morning!
First, Polly from: http://angelsinmygarden.blogspot.com/ sent me a message (and posted on her blog) that I have been awarded ANOTHER lemonade award !:

Thank you SO much Polly. Readers, if you get a chance, go over and get some inspirational messages at her blogsite. A lady with a lot of heart.
Then, my mentor, my friend, the-reason-I-have-Blogger-envy: Aria from Aria'z Ink at:
http://www.ariazink.blogspot.com/ wrote a whole blog entry explaining the affiliate marketing process more (upon my pleading request!) and then, to top it off, wrote (and I quote her:)"a shameless plug" for folks to stop by my blog and give me a read.
(Now, you gotta know, as a wanna-be writer, this is just one step short of how I felt getting my marriage proposal.)
As I told Aria, (and this is for you too, Polly)...it is like in the show EARL and his theory of karma. When you spread the love, you get the love.
So get ready Aria (and Polly), I have no doubt that good things are coming your way!
And Aria, I am awarding (forwarding) this lemonade award (Yes, you are getting YET another award!) to YOU only this time. Because you were my first follower, and gave me the courage to continue blogging. So, make a note on your website that you have MORE than one lemonade award beside your little widget of it and like me, disobey the rules to list ten more things about yourself (if you want)!! Heck, you don't even need to forward it if you don't want to.
P.S. Please take a few moments, go to Aria's website and click on a few of her ads there.....we need to show this woman some love and give her some clicks!!!! I got the marketing logo now: Chicks for Clicks...or maybe a group of us can be the Click Chicks???? Anyhoo...just DO it. (And after you click on a few of her ads to help her raise her rates, take a read. I can guarantee she will have you spewing your coffee in laughter and you will add her on as one of your favorites.).
OK so I clicked on Walmart, Netflix, and the bread blog thingie, which looks pretty coo...
When I have my coffee tomorrow morning I will look forward to spewing it on my keyboard! (hey, that would be a great invention, some coffee-spewing barrier for blog readers...hmmmm)
Hello Retired One,
Your comments on my blog always make me crack up! Too funny when you threatened to turn me in to store security for taking pictures!
Lynn from forloveorfunny
I'd like to thank my cousin's sister's third-stepmother's goldfish for this award... ;-D You Are Too Cool Lady!!! Thank you... this time the room's on me *rowr*
That last comment... The end part was a JOKE people... put down the crosses and holy water!
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