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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Florida Vacation Photos: Part Twelve

Although we had a lot of cool weather, wind, fog and rain when we were in Florida in December, we researched where we could go during the day other than the beach to have some fun.

Our hotel had a nice welcome center room full of pamphlets listing area attractions around them.
We found a tiny brochure about a little bird sanctuary just a few miles from the hotel.

It was so small that we missed it and drove by it a few times, even using our GPS.

But finally we spotted a sign on the sidewalk with an arrow into an alley and there it was.

It was a totally free place where injured birds could be brought to recouperate and it operated totally on just donations.

There were birds in cages, but many were loose or in the nearby trees, and even healthy birds flew in at times (probably because of the free food buffet offered to the injured birds).

But for a photographer....and especially for a photographer that LOVES tropical birds, it was wonderful!

Better than Disneyworld!

Here is an example why.
Two birds in the trees!:

He didn't even mind a closeup!
(Of course, you wouldn't either if you were THIS beautiful!):

He has feathers in his beak!:

And THIS white beauty with a bit of a long billowy Mohawk
was also there:
I loved those body feathers sticking out from his back!

He was gorgeous:

I begged my husband to let me take him home in my luggage.
But he reminded me of the security measures and didn't think I could do it.
Dang him.

So I sadly agreed with him.

That is, until I saw HIM:
Did you SEE that long feathered CHEST????
Be still my heart.

There was even a playful Pelican trying to get at an itch:

A face shot of Mr. Blue Heron:

There will be more pictures tomorrow of the gorgeous birds that I saw at the tiny bird sanctuary.

I am SURE they need an retired R.N. there....if I can be a nurse to crabby old men, I should be able to help injured birds, right?


DJan said...

It looks like you were practically sitting on these birds, your shots are so close up! (Assume you used your telephoto.) Yes, feathers are so gorgeous, how come we humans didn't get any??

Brian Miller said...

how very cool. we have a bird sanctuary nearby, just a short jaunt through the woods to the enclosure...i hate to see the birds in captivity but it helps them so. wonderful shots.

L. D. said...

They are some neat guys. I like how the white feathers on the white one are blowing in the breeze. Nice job capturing these birds.

The Retired One said...

DJan: if you saw my eyebrows before I plucked them, you would question whether or not humans have feathers. ha No wait a minute, that is FUR. :-}
Yes,I used my zoom lens but we got pretty close to them too.

Brian: Yes, many of them would not survive at all if they didn't have the sanctuary for them.

L.D.: thanks a lot. When you are that pretty, you are a great subject for photos!

Carol said...

I have never seen such cute or should I say handsome peligons. What a worth while place to go. I love Florida for those kind of spots. And yes much nicer than Disney Land giggle

Anonymous said...

I had to come back and see the rest of your vacation photos. The birds and fish are so beautiful. Your photography is great. Enjoyed my visit.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Now that is my kind of place, Joan...The birds are fabulous in that bird sanctuary... WOW--how beautiful. Your photos are incredible.

Kearsie said...

I'm telling you, National Geographic would be mad to not hire you as a photographer.

Also, watch out for bird poop.

Going Like Sixty said...

Next FL trip, book a couple nights at Disney's Animal Kingdom lodge. You can sit on your balcony and shoot all kinds of exotic wildlife.
You would love it.

Unknown said...

What's the difference..nurse to one old bird or another!

The photos are magnificent!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

What great pictures! Even though a heron ate most of my pond fish I still have to admit they are beautiful birds.

Bernie said...

Joan I have absoltely fallen in love with these beautiful birds, so appreciate how you point out their beautiful points....just love these my friend, luv ya...Hugs

Sara said...

Wow, those birds are so beautiful, you have some wonderful pics of them

The Retired One said...

Carol: yes, I got just as excited seeing those beautiful birds up close and personal as I did to walk through the castle and the Magic Kingdom.

SouthernLady: thanks so much! I loved being there and taking them for all of you.

Betsy: Thanks so much. They were gorgeous!

Kearsie: oh! So THAT is what that white stuff was! ha And PLEASE write to National Geographic and tell them to hire me, would ja?

GoingLikeSixty: I will probably stay there the next time we go there..I have heard it is wonderful.

Eva: hahhaaaa you are right, the are both birds!

Catherine: I had forgotten about that...I guess they were just following instincts, but I do feel bad for your beautiful fish...the pecking order of nature is often not kind, is it?

Bernie: Thanks, honey! I am glad I got you to fall in love with them so I am not the only crazy nut out there so smitten with them. I so hope you can go to Florida this winter and see them in person!

Sara: Thanks, Sara...they are more magnificent in person...I hope you get to see them there someday.

Insanitykim said...

You would be a natural taking care of those birds and photographing them! My vote is YES!

Wanda..... said...

Joan, Joan, Joan you are spoiling us with all these beautiful photos!

Rick (Ratty) said...

That must be a wonderful place to visit. All of those birds are worth the trip to Florida by themselves.

grannyann said...

Your birds made me sneeze, almost blew myself off the chair. just kidding. can you believe how that bird twisted his head????

Anonymous said...

They all look so wonderful. Great pics. Nice close up shots. Glad they agreed it to stay there and pose for your shots...:)

The Retired One said...

Insanity: Great! now you can write to National Geographic AND the bird sanctuary for me to have two jobs.

Wanda: I LOVE to spoil you...if I could have found more birds to photograph, I would've taken even more for you. :-}

Ratty: that's EXACTLY what I thought.

Grannyann: I know, I loved that when he did it because the angle made a great shot!

Mr. Stupid: Yes, I was whispering sweet nothings in his ear so he would stay there. :-}

SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, gorgeous shots. It must have been heavenly to be able to get so close to these beautiful birds. I would have worn out my shutter button finger in a place like this.

S-V-H said...

The white bird looks like me in the I love your photos!!!

Jientje said...

I love that mohawk!

The Retired One said...

SquirrelQueen: I think I DID wear out my shutter button. ha I took even more than the 13 posts I shared with you all. They were magnificent birds!

Susanne: I loved the feathery feathers (is that an oxymoron? ha) of the white bird's...but they all are beautiful to me.

Jientje: Wasn't it something?

REMINDER: All photographs on this blog are COPYRIGHTED.

REMINDER: All photographs on this blog are COPYRIGHTED.
Please do not copy any of my photographs (or narratives) without my permission! All pictures will be tracked for copyright violations.

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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