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Monday, September 21, 2009

Worse than the Loch Ness Monster...

While on our lake, I am always excited to see birds and ducks. This year, we saw a bird we did not know. I was thrilled and took a bunch of photos of it. Then, when I got back to my computer and then looked up what the bird was....I lost my enthusiasm.

Here is the first shot I got of it. Hmmmm....what is it?
The Loch Ness Monster?:

A side profile told me it might be much worse...

It was confirmed.
It was a Cormorant!:

Named after the latin name for "glutton":

Why was I disappointed?
Because they eat fish.
A. Lot. of. Fish!:

And there were TWO!

Which means they probably had babies this year.

We noticed that our rock bass were harder to catch this year.

Now we know why.

They were eating them. A lot of them.

Here is another shot of the little piggy:

I swear he knew that I love birds and wanted his picture.

But then he got wind of my changing emotions.

Because, you see..I like Rock Bass more.

In my fry pan.

So here he is glancing right:

Before flying off:

And so did his partner:

And I gotta tell you.

I wasn't sad to see them leave.

Its the one water bird that I won't hang a welcome mat out for next spring on our lake.


L. D. said...

I have never seen this bird in real life ever. I have seen pictures of them but never up at the lake. Do they hang around because they are near the Great Lakes? You have me curious now. I will not be lazy but look it up myself. I could tell that one guy had an attitude, like, I ate all of your baby bass so don't even think there are any fish in this lake.

Insanitykim said...

Could you go the turducken route and have baked Cormorockbass for dinner? Just a thought...

Alan Burnett said...

There is so much life taking place on that lake of yours. Lovely pictures.

rainfield61 said...

Your imagination disappointed you. But your photography never.

Brian Miller said...

any one that steals my supper...

wonderful pics though. smiles.

The Retired One said...

L.D.: I know...they do seem to have an attitude!! I love eating the rock bass, so I was so torn. Liking all birds and liking my fish. A true dilemma!

Insanity: Hilarious!!! Would I be picking feathers or bones out of my teeth?

Alan: yes, the lake is full of life and beauty, you are right!! Thanks so much.

Rainfield: What a intriguing comment!

Brian: Thanks Brian. Its heck being torn between two beings...I love birds but I do love me rock bass. ha

grannyann said...

thanks for the bird lesson. I have never seen one of those. you need to keep shooing him and his partner off.

Bernie said...

I'm sorry but I still love your pictures and am so happy you don't hold a grudge otherwise I wouldn't of known about this lovely creature. Now if you could only teach the bass to recognize them and a way to avoid them you, the fish and the bird would be happy.
Luv ya.......:-) Hugs

Rick (Ratty) said...

You got great shots of these cormorants. I know that the cormorants are considered pests in a lot of places, but there are a few that I watch that I really love a lot. These aren't a problem because they're in a nature park, so they are just where they belong. Hopefully yours leave a few fish for everyone else.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I had no idea they really ate that much fish. Hopefully you scared them away for good and you'll have more Bass to catch! :)

Unknown said...

You take the best photos!

Roms said...

Nice shots there L.D. I understand your concerns too.. But if you just know people in our side of the world indiscriminately fish with illegal methods jeopardizing the future generation, i guess you might be even shocked..

Far Side of Fifty said...

We see them this time of year out on the lakes, the Rock Bass are all wormy in the warmer water I say let them feast! :)

Unknown said...

dear me,here's someone you have to share the rock bass with. What else would the birds eat?

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful shot, the first one could be the Loch Ness Monster.

I know folks don't care for them on lakes but they are one of may favorite birds to watch when we go to the beach. They put on a great show when they are fishing.


The Retired One said...

Grannyann: I will do my best to shoo them off as long as I am on the lake. ha

Bernie: I am selfish when it comes to my Rock Bass. :-} But these birds eat ten times more fish than the eagles and other kinds of ducks we have on the lake.

Ratty: Oh, I was excited to see a new kind of bird on the lake to photograph, but when I heard what others knew about them eating WAY more than eagles or other ducks and when we had a much lower fishing outcome this year, I don't like them quite as much. If they are in your nature park then they have messed up the ecosystem for fish in the ponds you love. It is a dilemma. :-}

Catherine: I will do my best!

Eva: Thanks!! These were a little blurry and hard to take because the boat was bobbing up and down (windy day)and I had to use the zoom because they were pretty far away.

Roms: You must read L.D.'s blog too? You are new to my blog, right? I hope you joined on as a Follower.
I am sure there are illegal fisherman/women here too. It is sad. Any glutton is a glutton and can mess up the ecosystem so that the fish get depleted. Not just the Cormorants!

Far Side: our northern waters never get real warm. The Rock Bass we catch here never have worms. My husband fillets them and they are as clean as a whistle. It is just too bad that the Cormorants eat ten times more than the Eagles and other ducks we have on the lake...thus depleting the fish (not just Rock bass, but our pike, our trout, etc.) more than any other species. I don't mind that they eat fish, but they eat an inordinate amount.

Keats: I don't mind the ducks and Eagles eating the fish...and if they just ate the normal amount of fish, I wouldn't mind these Cormorants...but these guys eat a HUGE amount of fish, disrupting the ecosystem of the lake and the fishing opportunities. Most DNR people also tell sportsmen that Cormorants are NOT good to have on a lake...wish they stuck to beaver ponds or something, but it doesn't work that way.

SquirrelQueen: I bet they do put on a show! For me, it would be a nightmare to watch them fish. ha :-}

DJan said...

So that's what a cormorant looks like! I've heard the name but never put a bird to the name. I had no idea they are so destructive... thanks for the educational post.

The Retired One said...

DJan: you are welcome! thanks for reading my blog..and for commenting so often...loving it!

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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