I couldn' t believe I caught him on camera.
Because rabbits in the woods are not tame like in neighborhoods where they nibble on people's gardens. They are pretty shy, and rarely seen. Many people up here hunt them with dogs to track their scent. I always feel bad for the rabbits when this occurs.
And then besides Hawks and Hares, I got another surprise this past weekend.
We went up to Lake Medora, near Copper Harbor to my brother's cabin.
He took us for a great boat ride on his beautiful lake (I will post those pictures on a future date) and while out on the water, we saw THIS:

I was so thrilled to see ANOTHER loon.
If you remember my posts on Arflin Lake about a week ago, you know that it was my hope to catch a loon someday on camera and finally got the chance there.
Now, to see another LOON within such a short timeframe on Medora Lake??
Let's just say...it MADE my day!
Here is another shot of the beautiful loon:

We didn't want to bother him very long while he was diving for fish.
He was the only lone loon we saw while out there.
My brother said he has seen a few this summer while out fishing on his lake.
Bet you can't guess where I will be revisiting again soon????
Because I am feeling a little looney.
Oh that loon is so beautiful, and the water is absolutely gorgeous Joan, it's the way I always imagine a lake to look like..Hugs
the hawk was probably not too happy you scared off his dinner. cool captures. hope you have a great weekend!
Glorious pictures of the loon. Don't think I've ever seen one before.
Nice shots, but I especially love the loons!!
We don't see many bunnies over this way, but do have plenty of hawks and turkey buzzards.
I was taking photos of a hawk and a squirrel...and a hare too this past week Joan!
Oh, that loon! Beautiful contemporary outfit, very elegant! My favorite colors, black and white.
I guess if you're as magical as this loon is, it's a good thing to be loony! I know I haven't been commenting much lately, but I don't miss a glorious photo.
You're so lucky to have seen TWO loons. I've never seen one......or maybe my eyesight isn't so good?
Wow! You did really well to catch so many shots of the rabbit!
great photos. thanks for sharing.
Bernie: I was SO excited to see him. My brother was so nice, too, he tried to circle closer with the boat without scaring the loon so I could get a few good shots. I had to take about 8 shots to get 2 good photos due to the sun's angle and the bouncing waves and boat, but luckily I got them! A photographer's job is never easy, but it is fun. ha
Brian: Hope your weekend is great too, Brian. We have had the most glorious Indian Summer the past 10 days here in the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan...in the 70's and sunny! We have stayed outdoors as much as possible (that is why I am behind in my blog reading and writing).
Alan: You have to take a trip up north to see and hear loons in person. They make the most haunting wails and are sooooo beautiful to see on the inland lakes. You would love it.
Cathy: I will be posting some turkey vultures on my blog soon..our lake has had about a dozen and they are flying close!!
I took several pictures of them last week.
Wanda: They seem to be everywhere?! I haven't had luck catching a hawk on camera before this, or bunnies!
Tatyana: They are very elegant birds. I was thrilled to see another one so soon.
Sharon: I have been way behind in commenting and reading others blogs and haven't been posting as often either. We are being blessed with a very warm Indian summer. We are on our 12th+ day of sun and warmth here and with our cold summer, that has been such a blessing. We are out on the lake all day long, away from my computer. I have to take advantage of the weather while it lasts.
Sue; you have to bring binoculars to some of the inland lakes...it is worth it to see a loon in the wild. They are soooo beautiful and their lonesome wail is haunting.
Eva: Thanks for reading! I haven't been posting as often lately because we have been outside as much as possible. We are being blessed here with a warm Indian summer and glorious warmth plus our color season is just beginning. I have been trying to capture some autumn color photos as they change~!
We have lots of hawks in our neck of the woods. They are beautiful, aren't they? Bunnies, too. However, you are the only "loon" I know...hee hee hee. Have a great weekend!
That loon sure has fashion sense. All those geometric black and white patterns are so this year.
Lynn: Loony for sure...but hopefully lovable too. ha
Fran: Yes, so I hear. As far as I am concerned, loons will be in fashion forever and classic. ha
Very cool! Not that I want either hawks or bunnies visiting my yard, what with the chickens and garden. I'll enjoy them afar!
I have been wondering about black squirrels at your place though.
Maniacal: We don't have black squirrels here that I have seen. Plenty of regular squirrels and chipmunks though. I know that black squirrels are more common downstate from us.
love your wonderful photos my dear!
The pic of the rabbit is so good you can almost feel his fur, so soft. What a beautiful pic of the loon also.
Debbie: Thanks so much! I loved taking them.
Grannyann: The rabbit was a pleasant surprise and the loon was exciting for me too!
Lucky of you to have such beautiful little creatures to photograph in such a great setting. Glad to see you are enjoying photography! I love looking at it.
Wow! Your posts definitely cause me to suffer camera envy. I've yet to be able to catch such great close-ups of the many creatures here in our neck of the woods. I just hope one day to get some great shots of our Great Blue herons. I want to share their beauty with others so bad!
Ashley: I am addicted to my new hobby! I love coming to your blog to look at what you have captured too. Other photography always inspires me.
Ramblin: Oooooo, great blue herons are right up there with loons and sandhill cranes as some of my favorite birds to capture. I wish I knew where they were so I could try and capture them on camera! They are absolutely awesome! Keep trying to get them...I would love to see some of your photos of them.
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