While taking a hike on the secluded shores of Lake Superior, we spotted this green plant growing inside an old, dead log:

I returned to the pond where I took the lily pad pictures in the spring.
To my delight, there were lily pads that changed into fall colors now:

There are still wild asters growing along the roadsides, along with butterflies:

A late sunset with storm clouds rolling in over our lake:

On the same hike on the secluded shores of Lake Superior, we found this humungus fungus growing on an old log:

Color on our bay!
This shot is looking back at the street where I live on the lake from our pontoon. My house isn't visible, it is just out of sight way on the left side of this picture on another small bay:

The same butterfly on the asters, this time with spread wings:

Those lily pads, now in color.....loved the "carpet on water" they formed with all their fine, fall colors!:

Love those clouds reflecting on the water....right before the sun set:

I was surprised and delighted to be able to still see dragonflies about in the autumn foliage:

As the sun set further, I HAD to take one more photo of those clouds reflecting in the water on our lake:

I hope you have been able to go outside where you live and experience the autumn splendor that nature is providing now, too.
Wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing your beautiful corner of the world with all of us.
This is what i enjoy about your blog! You take us to places we might not otherwise see. Thank you!
love the vibrant colors today. the first one caught my eye in reader and they only got better...the lake sunset..breathtaking!
Love your photos as usual but I really like the sunset and the green plant inside the hollow log.
You always take such wonderful pictures.
You just keep getting better and better; good eyes and a steady hand! Or a tripod??? Is hubby your pack mule?? Dan says he feels like one at times!
Stunning photos, as usual, but that first one should be in a museum.
As usual, your pictures are to die for. Just stunning. I love the fall feeling of them, and the dragonflies and sunsets... well, just beautiful. Thanks for sharing this with me.
Wonderful! Especially loved the sunset and the lily pads! Michigan is one of the most beautiful states. The proof is in your photos!
These are some of the prettiest pictures you've taken. I love the 'Color on our bay' picture.
I just LOVE your photography ... the pics are breathtaking. TY for sharing them. IF only I could do 1% of what you see....
Terry needs prayers & support. Her hubby was in a bad accident today. Terrytreasures.blogspot.com
Have a lovely autumn week. TTFN ~ Marydon
Joan you are having way too much fun with THIS and THAT....Your photos are just all so beautiful...all the time.
Mitzi: The neat thing about the beautiful nature around me is that I only have to capture it...nature did all the work!
Wendytb: That is what I love about blogging too...bringing you along to see what I see...
Brian: Thanks so much! I feel the same way about your writing--it is often breathtaking, too.
Judy: What a lovely complement. Thanks so much.
Cathy: Believe it or not, as of yet, I have never used a tripod. We have one, but it is packed away somewhere and we can't remember where we put it. I need to find it by next summer because I want to experiment with slow shutter speeds and need a tripod to do it!
Gaston: Wow! A museum??? You made my day! :-}
DJan: I feel the same way when you post mountain photographs. I just HAVE to travel west and see them in person and take some photos of them too! You have inspired me.
Shelley: I feel pretty lucky to live in Michigan too...it offers intimacy with nature everywhere. I just have issues with our long, long winters, but I am learning to even appreciate that when we get a big old blizzard where I can go out and capture the beauty of it.
JJ: Thanks so much, JJ. You are such a doll.
Blushing Rose: sorry to hear about the accident, that is terrible. I hope the love and support of fellow bloggers will help. Thanks so much for your kind words and praise of my photos...you all are so motivating for me!!!
You've picked a good variation of photos. It's good to see butterflies and dragonflies still there. I haven't seen a butterfly in awhile. I like the wide open spaces you show, because despite my daily hikes, my nature parks are still confined to the middle of the city.
Wanda: Thanks so much!
Ratty: yes, I was surprised to see butterflies and dragonflies still out there, too. There are still miles and miles of wilderness here, so we can drive everywhere and hike and sometimes never see anyone else...then other times, we are out in the middle of nowhere and here comes a truck. :-)
What a fabulous series of photos! Simply wonderful -- thanks for sharing them.
You are so lucky to live in a wonderful area like that, I would love to have a lake nearby. All of the photos are gorgeous. I especially like the butterfly and dragonfly, great captures. Thanks for sharing.
We all get a little behind on reading and commenting sometimes, lately I feel like I always trying to catch up.
once again, absolutely beautiful photos!
So much of the wonders of nature to enijoy from all your beautiful pics. No autumn colours here, I'm afraid, except for some deciduous trees.
Autumn is always late in coming here and then, suddenly, it's winter. I have never seen fall colours on water lilies. Very interesting. And all the pictures are gorgeous.
Cheryl: thanks! I loved being outdoors and taking them too.
SquirrelQueen: Yes, I have been playing catchup with reading the blogs for about three weeks now..I probably won't catch up until winter!
Eva: Once again, thank YOU for commenting and encouraging me! :-}
Keats: I would really miss no changing leaves if we didn't have them here.
Loree: We have two days of some sun coming over the next two days, so I hope to get out and take more photos..then rain again for about 5 days in the forecast!!
Wow, you do have a beatiful view from your bay. The colors!
Thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures. They are so good to see. I still am a fan of your waterlilies and am planning to paint some this winter. You have gorgeous skies up there. Wow. I may have to take my wife for a fall trip to the North Shore for a couple of days. It is only seven hours away. Great skies!!!!
Well, you are at it again...giving us some absolutely beautiful pictures of nature at it's Fall best. Thanks
I don't know what to say Joan I just feel like telling you how incredible they are just isn't enough! I can't even express it!
I didn't know lily pads changed color, the dragonfly, WOW and the water and sunset photos lift my spirits, I can actually physically feel it!
Just love them all!
I'm so glad you were able to spend so much time outside this summer getting as many sun rays as possible! When your toes are frozen this winter, read back through all your blogs and try to relive all these gorgeous shots.
Ashley: I know! I was on a trip about 100 miles east of here this weekend and the colors aren't half as nice as they are on our bay yet. We are very lucky to have the beauty surrounding us that we do.
L.D.: Boy, if you ever come close to us in the U.P., please let us know..we would love to meet you and your wife. Glad you like the water lilies, I would love to see a picture of what you paint from them.
Grannyann: Everything up here looks glorious in the fall when the leaves are in color and the sun is shining. It is all over too quick, though.
Insanity: You are so sweet...glad my pictures make you happy, that is a great compliment!
Kearsie: Believe me, that is EXACTLY what I do during the winter..I look a LOT at my spring flowers and lake photos from summer and fall too. Don't worry I will be whining on my blog when it gets cold again. ha
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