I thought maybe some of my readers would like to see what it looks like, especially if they are from the city.
In this particular area, they were probably cutting pine for pulp to make paper products.
Here is what we saw:
Beautiful pine trees:
Here is a closeup of a pine cone:

Here is a stack of cut logs:

Looks like a "lincoln log highway" doesn't it?

A pile of branches from the cut trees:

Here is a close-up of the stack of logs:
Cool! We don't see that many logging trucks these days, but I always think of "Christmas Vacation" when I see one....
There is a lot of logging that goes on here in the Pacific Northwest but not very close to where we live. They've gotten much better about planting trees to make up for what they cut down. It's amazing to see just how it's done, and it seems like an extremely dangerous job.
I keep trying to post a comment but keep getting the aborted message...
Thanks for the tour. I love trees and I bet it smells great around there. All those pines.
Awesome log and tree pics!! Reminds me of camping.
Maniacal: I remember that movie! What a riot.
Gardener: There is entirely too much "clear cutting" here for my likes. They sometimes do plant trees back, but not the same variety as what they cut so the wildlife changes in that area.
Cathy: That comment came through, so I don't know what is going on! I haven't had anyone else email me...so if anyone else reading this is having a hard time leaving comments, please e-mail me. The e-mail address is in my profile information.
Grannyann: It does smell good there.
Mary: We used to do a lot of camping too, when the kids were younger. I miss it now, even though we live on a lake.
Great pics. I've never seen trees stacked like that before. I wonder what the pink dots on the ends are for.
Thanks for sharing.
Loved the close ups on those pine cones! And neat to see those lumber piles- makes me think of the lumbering era in the early 1900's.
I love pine cones. I take a lot of pictures of them too. The smell of a pine tree is one of the best ever.
Again absolutely beautiful pictures, I swear I could smell the Pines and the newly cut wood. You outdue yourself every time.
Hope you had a great Sunday....:-) Hugs
I've been on the help site to see about this "abort" issue I have with some blogs but couldn't find anything. This a.m., however, so far so good!! Anyway, it looks like you had some nice weather over your way! I LOVE camping in the pines; the wind through the pines, the fresh smell....sigh....
Joanna: I believe the pink dots on the ends of the logs is a way for them to "grade" the lumber so they know what they will be used for when they process them. Usually, the smaller logs are used for pulp/paper products and the larger logs are made into lumber.
Shellmo: Yes, I love those old pictures of the lumber camps and the large horses and sleighs that they hauled the HUGE logs out with.
Ratty: Yes, it reminds me of Xmas to smell them. But sometimes they make me sneeze. :-D
Bernie: What nice compliments!!! It did smell heavenly when I took the pictures, so I am glad the aromas reached you through the computer. ha
Cathy: I am so glad it is better this morning. I swear a LOT of the problems are on THEIR end and they don' t tell us.
Our weather has been cold, with no warmth for over a week. Today, it is verging on rain and still cool.
We used to do camping over at Norway Lake where it was all pines and a nice beach for the kids to swim in...the aroma of the pines there was wonderful!!
Ya know, you could take a picture of a garbage can and I would love it! So so seriously!!
I will be taking tons of pix of AK for the blog AND I will continue to blog whilst enjoying the crisp summer...hey, can I borrow your camera? ;)
Too cool! I live in the city but sure would love to live in the country one day. Thanks for sharing a little bit with us. :)
I always love viewing your photos. I live in Minnesota and logging is a big thing. What is really crazy is if done right, in five years you see considerable growth and you know mother nature is really great.
I can smell oak better than pine. Anyhow, the fresh cut logs should smell good.
Insanity Kim: Whew...I was going to panic there for a minute when I thought you weren't going to blog while in Alaska. Can't wait to see what fantastic scenery you will have there! Sorry, gotta keep my camera until I become famous and pass it on to you, remember?
Creative: No problem. Sometimes I have to remember that the "ordinary" things I see every day may hold some interest to some of my readers. I should remember this because I love seeing everyone else's photos so much!
Carol: Thanks. I didn't realize you lived in Minnesota but I should have remembered from some of your posts....I have relatives in Duluth and in Minneapolis. We get to Duluth a lot. I like that they plant again after cutting trees down, but unfortunately it is never the same kind of forest that they started with, so the wildlife changes in the area where they "replant".
Rainfield: You can smell oak? That is interesting!
I can't differentiate between oak or maple, etc. But I love the smell of wood. We live in a log home and people always tell us that the house smells so wonderful when they enter it. We never smell it because we live in it. Sometimes, if we go on vacation and come back and open the door I still get the wood aroma smell.
Great tour, all forests change over time. There is a natural progression in the woods from one species of trees to another. I have Oaks now but 1oo years ago it was a pine forest. In another 100 years it will be pine again.:)
Far Side: Yes, probably...but we won't live to see it. :-(
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