Yellow Daylillies:
I don't have a clue what the name of these are!:

From my Columbine garden:

A new orange wild poppy I totally stole from the side of the highway beside a vacant farm where my Dad used to live:
A cute little yellow and white pansy:
A blog, written with humor and heart, that shares nature photography and daily life observations. Grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up and take a few quiet moments to enjoy the wondrous images that Mother Nature gifts us with every single day! (And every once in a while, to enjoy no images and to just giggle).
I don't have a clue what the name of these are!:
Your pictures are beautiful. So clear and vibrant! I love the columbines and that poppy is great.
Beautiful! And so welcome after a LONG U.P. winter, eh? :)
As for the poppies, despite my best efforts to rid my yard of them, I still have tons. Want em???
Have a great weekend,
is that last flower a hibiscus (I suck at flower name, btw!!).
the lilies are gorgeous!!
Those white Lilacs are so gorgeous. Your garden, I think, looks like a paradise and feels like a paradise I think. Very vivid closeups and I love the fact that they are really huuuuge here.
That is a very beautiful garden if all these charming blooms are from there. How envying but how awesome it must be to stay there.
When I saw that picture of the white lilacs, I could actually smell them! wonderful pictures, thank you!
My internet is still sketchy but...
I am SOOOOOOOOOO exited! Learning how to use it. I no longer wish to steal yours! This will help our friendship!
Cannot WAIT to take some pics and load them up. When of course, I get back to the land of "normal internet".
Wow those are beautiful, thank you!
Gorgeous flowers again and a treat to trot around your garden with you. I think the pansy is a viola?
Blessings, Star
More beautiful flower pics. You sure know how to shoot a flower.
If I had all that beauty in my yard I'd never go inside...My dh thought he was being helpful when he BURIED my flower garden under mulch. I have a few Survivors, but basically the garden is a no-show this year. *sigh
Glad you stopped by my Blog.
I enjoyed hearing about your Friends Get-together.
I love the idea of using themes. What a creative group of friends you have. Be sure to post photos after all the Pirates gather. I'd love to see them!
Gorgeous! I was planning on posting pictures of my flowers but I think now I won't bother, I will just copy and paste yours..LOL
Have a great weekend....:-) Hugs
I like the hanging red one the most. The blue wildflowers are a close second. They're all great, but I like those two the most.
You've got some beautiful posies in your garden! The only thing I can grow in any kind of garden is TIRED.
Beautiful! I love your pictures. And I covet your camera. Oh, and I want your flowers too! haha
Gardener: Thanks so much. I wish I had your garden to photograph..I would spend my entire summer in it 24/7, just snapping photos!!
Sue: Yes! After our loooong winter, the flowers are welcome more than usual...and YES I would come and take all of your poppies. Seriously. Where do you live???
Roshni: No, I know it isn't a hibiscus because we live in too cold of an area for them to survive..and the flower is tiny. (It only looks bigger in the photo because I used my zoom lens). But thanks, anyway. ha
Details: You are new to my blog, right??? Thanks for stopping by! If you haven't already, PLEASE join on as a follower...would love to have you. And thanks for the nice compliments on my flower pictures!
Webbielady: You are also new to my blog, too, right? I hope you and Details both join on as Followers..I love having more readers and commenters!! You can see I love my flowers and taking pictures of them, so there will be more photos coming. ha
DJan: You are most welcome...I am so glad folks are enjoying my flowers as much as I am enjoying taking photos of them!
Insanity: CONGRATS!!! I am SO happy for you! I just knew that there must have been a LOT of whining from you that you wished you had a good camera..etc. etc....they had no choice but to buy you one for your birthday. hahaha. Seriously, I am very happy for you and look forward to your future blog photos!!!
Chicamom: You are most welcome. I always love taking them and sharing them.
Star: I didn't know the name of the pansy..thanks...I can see why they call it that with those little stripes on it!!
BarbiePhobia: Thanks! They don't bloom for long, so I like to capture them when they bloom. We have long winters here so I have them on my electronic frame to look at during blizzards. ha
Grannyann: They are a lot easier to shoot than the birds, who move and scare away so easily. ha
SweetTea: I will post our next together if I can talk them into not being shy about showing their faces on my blog. ha One year we did an "all leopard clothing bought only from Goodwill" party and some of them had racey lingerie, so of course I couldn't show anyone those pictures...but we laughed so hard we almost pee'd our pants at some of the outfits! I am usually the one that picks the themes and tell them around Memorial Day what the theme will be...then they have to find the theme outfits by July's get-together...if you have any other theme ideas, e-mail me!
Bernie: No!! I would LOVE to see your flowers in your posts! There isn't a flower picture that I won't love.
Ratty: you are a lot like me...I like some of the natural and wildflowers sometimes even more than the hybrid flowers...although a rose and a bearded iris are pretty spectacular flowers, too.
Cathy: and me? A SORE back. I am a wreck in the spring when I have to clear out the beds and mulch and fertilize. After that, I am lazy..I just weed a little and water, but no back breaking things like in the spring. But it is definitely worth it!
Lesley: Thanks so much. Go ahead and get a camera like mine (Panasonic Lumix, 18X optical zoom) would LOVE it. Most of my flowers are perennials, they don't have as much maintenance as some can do it!
You are quite the gardener!! I am in awe of all these beautiful flowers - excellent photos!!
I'm in love with your garden, it is all so beautiful. Great photos.
Have a lovely weekend.
Shellmo: Thanks! Gardening is fairly new to me (just started about 4 years ago) so I am loving it and being able to photograph them.
SquirrelQueen: Thanks so much.
WOW! I love the colours.For a 'new' gardener, you're doing superbly well.
Keats: Thanks so much! I am learning more every day about BOTH gardening and photography!
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