Every Father's Day, our local Iron Mine Heritage Museum has an antique car show on Father's Day. We have attended many years. It is basically free (except for a mere $3.00 parking fee) and we always love seeing the old cars.
I thought it might be fun to photograph the cars and some of their extraordinary features for my readers to see. So, here goes!:
I LOVE the clasic lines of thsis car's front grill. Can't you just see Bonnie and Clyde driving this one?:
I loved both the color and style of this old Cadillac!:
Aren't those "lipstick" rear lights just the BEST?:
It would be such fun to ride around for a day in this 1930 car:
One of the things that fascinates me most of some of the old cars are the ornate and original hood ornaments! Look at THIS one!:

I would love to have this trunk, isn't it cute?

I liked this model, too!:

I think my older brother's first car was almost identical to this one. It was already old when he got it in 1966! I think this one is a 1950's era car:

I also loved peeking into the interior of the cars and seeing what the simple dashboards looked like:

Don't you want to climb into the "rumble seat" and go for a ride in the country?:

Some more of the 1950's era Chevy and an old red truck:

I LOVED this stylish, classy FORD hood ornament too!

Did you know that at one time, you could order a car from Sears? There was a man there that said his Dad bought one for $350.00 (which was a LOT of money back in the day!):

I loved this classy FORD spare tire on the rear of one of the cars:

Loved the red wheels on this car. I don't think the original car had them in red, but when they restored this one, they had it painted that way:

I have plenty more photographs because basically I went nuts there snapping them left and right...so I will post more later this week for you!
I hope all the Dad's out there had a wonderful Father's Day.
And, Dad? If you are reading this from heaven (along with my hubby's Dad), we hope you enjoyed the trip to the antique show with us. We love and miss you both!
These are great pictures and brought back some memories of cars from my past. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed seeing them all.
Funny how how strange these cars look to me today, but how cool and exciting they had to be to their new owners long ago! Again I am struck by your incredible pictures! What is that camera again? I'm definitely gonna get it. Can I borrow your eyes too?
I think my dad is up there riding around in one of these.
Judy: Thanks! I LOVED taking the photos, it was such fun looking at all the cars and their details.
DJan: I know! They look SO different than from the 50's and 60's on. Thanks for the nice compliment on my photos...photography is a new hobby of mine and I am addicted!
I LOVE my camera. It is a Panasonic Lumnix digital with 18X optical zoom and 10 megapixels..it is a point and shoot but also has some manual settings capabilites which I am playing a bit with...I am not ready for a DSLR yet, although with this camera it comes pretty close!
Lots of familiar cars - 50s were my jr hi and high school years. I had a 55 ford in high school. Also my dad had one of those tan cars with the rumble seat he used to drive to do paint jobs. He'd often take us riding in the rumble seat. Fun!!
I love the photos and old cars. Do you ever get down to the Woodward cruise in August. One of my friends has a beautiful 58 Chevy that is mint and she had it in a show at Henry Ford Museum. Someone handed her card from Rob Reiner who wants to use it in a movie. How cool!! She didn't even know who he was lol.
They just don't make cars like they used to; these oldies are definitely works of art.
These were fun to look at! I love the angles you shot of these vehicles - looks like it should be in a car magazine!
Too cool! I love old cars!!! Especially ones from the 1940s :o)
Great photos, I love looking at these great old machines.
Did these photo's bring back memories or what? Looking back it's hard to believe we drove these huge cars compared to today. Great pictures you took Joan, so enjoyable. We use to go to car shows quite often and we both loved it but again that was a long time ago....:-) Hugs
They don't make cars like they used to anymore do they? Lovely photos.
Gorgeous cars. My husband went NUTS over these!
I love seeing all of these old cars, but I'm always jealous of the owners. My dad told me he is restoring an old pickup from the 1940's. I wish I lived closer to him so I could help. That would be fun.
Grannyann: I don't remember any of the older cars, but my brother bought a 50's car (in the late 60's) which was like that turquoise one in the photos. Great classic!
Chicamom: How cool is that? Her car in a movie! She didn't know Meathead? (Didn't she see Archie Bunker reruns or any of the movies he has directed?) We haven't been down to that cruise, but I bet it was great!
BarbiePhobia: Thanks! Loved being there and loved taking them.
Lynn: That is exactly what I thought when I was there. They are truly art!
Shellmo: Thanks so much! Some of them were "cut off" due to the limited margins in the blog...but I did love catching the logos and hood ornaments and grills in shots, too.
VaBookworm: Thanks! I love them all...the really old ones and the ones from the 40's, 50's. I loved that big caddy!
SquirrelQueen: Thanks. I loved them too.
Bernie: Thanks. It was such fun walking around and imagining what the world was like when they were on the streets!
Loree: Thanks! They were truly unique!
Sue: Thanks...I will be posting more photos of them tomorrow (tell your hubby!) ha
Ratty: How neat! Tell him to hurry up and get the restoration done...he will be on demand for all the parades once it is done.
You have very good captured the first one. The reflection of the green on it is so great.
Rainfield: Thanks! There will be more posted tomorrow or the next day so stay tuned!
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