Because we have had such a COLD spring, the apple blossoms have been slow to bud and blossom. But thankfully, through some recent sun and a little warmer temperatures, they are starting to blossom their lovely white and pink flowers. Here are some photos of the ones in our front yard:
Can you see the little blotches of white on the trees?:
Up close, the buds look like tiny bunches of rose buds:

Then the pink buds burst into fragrant apple blossoms:
Here they are, up closer:
For those of you that haven't smelled an apple blossom, if you ever get the chance, do so! It is very sweet:

They don't stay on the branches long before the wind blows them down, so we try and get out and enjoy looking at them often when they are all in full blossom:

One of my readers is from out of the country and asked that I take some progressive pictures of the apples' development, so I will be taking more as the little round apples start appearing and growing, later.
I can smell them through the blog, great pictures! It has been the longest spring here too, cool and so much rain. We are having warmer temps finally but the rain is back so no planting today!
joy c. at grannymountain
Joycee: I am SO waiting for the "no more frost" here to plant some annuals, too. They SAY around June 10 is safe here. We will see....
I'd like to follow the development of the apples too. Pip to pie so to speak. Lovely pictures.
Blessings, Star
Wonderful pics! Ours are done already, as are the lilacs. Nice to have a refresher! Just planted my garden yesterday, though that might be ambitious for this busy Troll (ha ha). I am bad about checking the weather for frost warnings.
More great pictures. The apple blossoms are so beautiful and fragile.
How beautiful those are! I can't wait to see them develop!
Star: That is great. Stay tuned. As they grow, I will post them.
Maniacal: Thanks. Wow, your lilacs are done? Ours are just budding now! Lilacs are my favorite spring flower!
Grannyann: Thanks. They do look fragile!
Brittany: They are beautiful and smell wonderful too!
They are looking so pretty - you shot such wonderful photos of them! I hope your weekend weather is going to be nice!!
Yay for the apple blossoms. I always enjoy them so much more when they bloom, versus when every other year they don't. I love your pictures! Great captures.
Do you have problems with Tent Worms in your trees? Ugh, we've been noticing those buggers setting up tents in our apple trees. Not a pretty sight.
I have a Crab Apple tree blooming and it smells heavenly.
I love the apple blossoms. They're also great looking when they are all over the ground after they fall from the trees. The ones on the trees around here are already gone.
Oh so pretty. I noticed on my walk today a few tress begining to bud, I love this time of year, so many gorgeous trees, flowers and the smells are breathtaking. Great pics my friend,
......:-) Hugs
Beautiful photographs! Spring might be there!! :)
I never knew apple blossoms were so gorgeous. How amazing nature is.
June 10th is "no more frost"??? JUNE? Retired One, you deserve a medal. I'm ready for warm weather by late February.
Shellmo: Thanks! It is supposed to be 70's today...but the weekend is dropping back down in the 50's...we just can't seem to hold on to the warm temps.! The weatherman said we are usually in the 70's as our "average" we have really been colder than usual.
DVM's Wife: I have always wanted to get a crab apple tree because I love those pink blossoms, too...but I have enough real apples to pick up in the yard in the fall now. ha No, thank goodness we have NOT had tent worms on the trees...but there is a weird fungas that forms little webs and kills a branch here and there...we try and hose them off when we see them. We had a LOT of apples last year, so we were surprised to see a fantastic bloom this year...we will see how many turn into apples, tho.
Ratty: Yes, I agree! It looks like snow when the blossoms come down to the ground, doesn't it? Now THAT is the kind of snow I like! :-}
Bernie: Thanks. I love this time of year too. Autumn used to be my favorite when I was younger, but now that I am older and know what comes AFTER autumn (SNOW!), I have treasured spring so much more. Also, now that I am gardening, I can't wait for spring every year.
Far Side: Finally!!! ha Thanks for the compliment on my photo of the blossoms. I love taking them because I can smell the blossoms the whole time.
Loree: Yes, they are one of the prettiest flowers around...they don't last long, but they are wonderful. Now that I am playing around with photography, I see the wonders of nature like never before, because the close-ups show so much of the detail...colors, textures and subtle, wonderful forms.
Lesley: I know!!! Most of the country gets warmth SO much earlier than we do. It is so hard for me to be patient for spring when I see other blogs where gardens are in FULL bloom and we are just getting things coming up from the ground. ha
That is why I have to take a trip to somewhere warm in either February or March! ha
Hi Joan,
What kind of apples are these? Are they good eating apples? Or maybe baking apples? It must be great having apple trees in your front yard!!
I have near missed your apple blossoms. A very beautiful look which is beyond my imagination.
Thanks for the sharing.
Lynn: They are wild apple trees that were on our lot when we bought it. They are tart, but you can eat them and bake them. They make the BEST apple pies!!!! I love tart apples for pies, so they are the best. I must bake about 35 or more pies every fall. The hardest part is that when they start falling off the trees, I have to daily go and pick them up off the lawn or we can't even mow or walk across the yard without stepping and rolling on them.
Rainfield: I got these photos especially for you, because I remembered that you asked me to track them as they flowered and grew. So watch future posts of pictures of the growing apples! :-}
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