With this new-found retirement, I am faced with more time for introspection. Sometimes this leads to funny memories, sometimes not-so-funny (dang it!)
When you are so crazy busy raising your family, working at your job, and just trying to rush through the day-to-day tasks, you have absolutely no time to do anything but swear at the world for not even providing a moment to yourself.
I even remember (more than once) being at work and not even having time to go pee when the urge hit...and holding it for as long as possible.
What job on earth has the right to demand THAT of someone?
Anyway, now that the blush of retirement is over (it has been since June), and winter has hit here with a vengence (we have plenty of snow here in the U.P.) (Upper Peninsula of Michigan...not the glove-shaped part of Michigan, but the part way up north bordering Lake Superior), I am forced to re-visit some of those introspections.
I figure if I am going through this time of life, there must be others of you out there doing the same thing. Or, being introspective for other reasons.
Thus, the brainchild idea of starting "Free Blogger Therapy Exercises "on my blog. Am I a therapist? Hell, no....I don't even LOOK like Dr. Phil, either. But, I have lived long enough to get insights on life and long enough to be able to ask you (and me) some interesting questions to explore.
Come join me on my blog in answering occasional questions to get you thinking inward. Feel free to post your introspections as comments to my blog. You never know, just hearing others share theirs might just help you. (Or, you may feel better by thinking: "Geez, I thought I had it bad, but at least I am not as F****** up as THAT person!" (*grin*)
Here goes.
Answer from your gut, don't censor what you answer, just go with it.
First question in the series for you to answer:
Think of a picture of yourself as a child, the younger you were, the better.
Got that in mind?
Now, as an adult, speak to that child in the photo and tell that child ONE piece of advice for the future. Just one.
Here is mine:
The earliest photo I have in mind is one where my parents woke me up out of a sound sleep to come out and see some company that had arrived (relatives I think). There I am, about four years old, standing barefoot on a red and white lineoleum tile floor, wearing a flannel nightgown down to my toes, hair in a Pebbles-type ponytail. I am rubbing my eyes and shyly smiling.
Here is what I would tell her:
Eventually, you will get confident in yourself. It will take you many years of people-pleasing, hurt feelings, slow-to-try-new-things and quite a few mistakes. Try not to beat yourself up continually about that, it is part of the journey. You will emerge on the other side with humor, happy memories and as a strong woman. There will be times in your life where you absoloutely will NOT believe that. Just remember what I told you and you will see. Oh, and one more thing...don't EVER get a perm.
Now, your turn. Don't think! Just do it...............
A blog, written with humor and heart, that shares nature photography and daily life observations. Grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up and take a few quiet moments to enjoy the wondrous images that Mother Nature gifts us with every single day! (And every once in a while, to enjoy no images and to just giggle).
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About Me

- The Retired One
- I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!
Blog Archive
- Bring on the Margueritas !!!!!!!
- The Power of a Secret Cookie Recipe
- So Wrong (on So Many Levels)................
- OMG--I am Becoming Like My Mother (NOT)>>>>>>
- Get me a Trowel !!
- Down Memory Lane
- Victoria's Real Secret
- Blogger Butt
- Blogger Therapy Exercise #2
- Ode to Esther
- Retirement Spouse Survival Guide: List #1
- Blogger Therapy Exercise #1
- Grandkids....aren't they great?
- It Isn't Pretty
1 comment:
Well my advice is, pick your spouse very carefully, he will be the father of your child for the rest of her/his life. Pick a career in designing and making jewelry, you will like it a lot better than you corporate job. Sorry, I could not stick with just one advice.
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