Yesterday I got an e-mail message that I had a Christmas E-card from my youngest daughter (MYD) in Florida.
"How fun!", I thought.
MYD has always had this quirky, funny (and sometimes dark) sense of humor that I love. When we are together we are always giggling about something that others just don't find quite as funny as we do. (Which makes it that much funnier).
MYD is my single (30 yr. old) daughter, and we have been lonesome for her (especially this time of year). She has just broken things off with her boyfriend, so I know she is a little bit blue during this holiday season.
She has had two cats that have been her "children" for the last 10 years. They are fun and entertaining and she is always telling us of their antics. She always says: "Yup, Mom...I will be your old-maid daughter. You know...the one they call "The Cat Lady"........that old lady that never married and has 10 cats." I always laugh when she says this and I kindly remind her that she is only 30, and has plenty of time for another relationship.
So. I click on the E-card in the E-mail to load it.
And it loads....
and loads....
and loads....
and loads....
(By this time, I am getting annoyed.)
And it loads,
and loads
and loads......
(Ok,now I am getting down right pissed).
And it loads some more.
The screen goes black.
"Oh shit!" I exclaim...that friggin' card crashed my laptop!
At this point, I am ready to punt the laptop with a kick straight in the air into one of my I-hate-to-water-those-houseplants anyway.
miraculously, a screen pops up.
There she is....MYD's cute face...but it is stuck in a cartoon figure of a Christmas elf.
The elf starts dancing all over the screen, singing a Christmas carol.
I started chuckling...(thinking: "How inventive! How cute!...that is SO much like her!" "And, what a cute photo of her!")
But then, out of the corner of my eye..................................................................................
I see them.
From left screen (and simutaneously, also from the right screen) comes two more dancing elves......................
Each with one of her cat's faces!
So, THEN......
the screen continues to show her cat elves in an elaborate elf dance with her.....
Dipping and jiving and tap-dancing......
It was hilariously funny (at FIRST).
Well, .................
So wrong.....
(on SO many levels.)
I think maybe I better take that trip (that we have already been planning to see her) a few weeks earlier.....
(and maybe find a nice guy to introduce her to).
You know, someone who likes cats, too.
She may find a potential mate soon, but, the pasting of animal heads on dancing elves will never end, even when she has kids...
I did it.
I have been with my husband 17 years.
And I put the head of our dead dog on an elf.
I too tried to send it to my parents for a laugh. It said it would take 24 HOURS to load. They gave up. Sigh.
I saw that elf application too! I put my face on it, then I quit.
Very funny blog.
Superior Stones
I think you may already have been on a 'trip' Chronicles!
June in Oz
Those never ending emails get on my nerves as well. If I have to go through twenty email forwards to get to the one you intended to send...there is a good possibility I could be asleep by the time it opens.
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