PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Employees of a Philadelphia pet store expecting to get a shipment of tropical fish and salt water by air cargo ended up getting a human body instead. Mark Arabia owns the Pets Plus store in Northeast Philadelphia where the mix-up was discovered Tuesday.
He said he eventually learned that the body he got was that of a 65-year-old San Diego-area man who died of early onset Alzheimer's Disease. The body was supposed to go to a laboratory in Allentown so samples could be taken for medical research.
US Airways released a statement saying the problem was caused by a "verbal miscommunication between a delivery driver and the cargo representative." The airline said it's deeply sorry.
Arabia said he believes the fish died as a result.

I love your lists!
...erm, this is really sad.
1. You only "allegedly" republished without to my guest blogger, she'll help you.
2. No, the word is "allegedly"...
3. Or at least some hearing tests, that's the bare minimum though.
4. I am sure that the corpse was in a bag filled with formaldehyde. This is where the mix-up initially started...
5. If they find the old lady in the church and go back in time, like to the 70's, I am sure this will be all sorted out (was this too vague?).
6. His name was Bernie. This happened over the weekend, right?
7. Again, is nasty stuff.
8. It at least had some duct tape and a few tags...
9. Ya know, I think the fish were already dead. Hence the second mix up.
10. Well, anything boiled at 212 degrees is safe to eat, right?
ACK! ;)
Brittany: Thanks Sweetie! I LOVE making them!
Kearsie: Yes, its a dilemma, isn't it? Laugh/cry/laugh. I choose.......laugh!!! (I KNOW you are gonna think of this everytime you go to Red Lobster now. Aren't you? AREN'T YOU????)
Insanity Kim: Ah-HA! I KNEW you were a "closet" top-ten list maker....and here it is! (Me, picturing a cirlce of chairs in a church basement somewhere. "Hi, my name is Insanity Kim, and I am a TOP TEN List-maker"......
Hi....Insanity Kim................
Retired One,
Funny story! And congrats on the 2nd place humor press contest winner! You Rock!
By the way, I read the post about your hubster - he sounds wonderful. I want a head massage every day, too!!!!
Hugs, Lynn from Forloveorfunny
Hilarious! And I did wonder about the swishy noise!
Lynn: Thanks, honey. I was SO excited to receive the award, that I entered another one this month. Wish me luck!! I know I am spoiled about the headrubs...but they are fantastic, I must say...ha
Shellmo: you are a new reader! Welcome aboard!! If you haven't already, please go to the top left of my blog and click on "follow this blog" to become a regular reader! Having more folks read my blog on a regular basis really helps me stay motivated to keep writing and writing is what I love to do!
Shellmo: Never mind, I see that you already have...I didn't recognize your name related to your blog name (which I just started following too! BTW>LOVE that eagle picture on your blog header...fantastic!!!!
That was so funny and so gross at the same time! I definately would say lawsuit!
Have a great weekend
I wonder what their first reaction was when they saw the corpse. And the same goes for the other people that open the fish crate.
Crikey - Can't help wondering whose body it was? Whose uncle, father, brother?
June in Oz
Sara: Yes, I think you are right...but maybe they never told the family? Typically people that donate their body to science for research after they pass are people without families, but not always. But it was AWFUL!!
Ratty: I would have loved to have been a fly on that wall....and I bet there were a LOT of flies on the wall. :0) Sorry, couldn't help it (again)!
June: I love that you say Crikey. I need to do that more often. You have my permission to say "Holy Whah!" which is what the local (Finnish ancestory) folks say here. ha
It make me hard to believe.I refuse to believe. I totally do not want to believe. You must understand that I must not force myself to believe. It is unbelievable.
But sad to say it is a truth.
Rainfield61: I know!! It is unbelievable!!! And sick, no????
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