Yes, indeed!
It is time again for some Weird News Articles, along with MY COMMENTS in bold italics!
(03-08) 20:33 PST WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) --
The rare spirits that went under the gavel at a recent online auction in New Zealand weren't aged brandies or hard-to-find liqueurs.
Instead, two glass vials purportedly containing the ghosts of two dead people sold for $2,830 New Zealand dollars ($1,983) at an auction that ended Monday night.
The "ghosts" were put up for bidding by Avie Woodbury from the southern city of Christchurch. She said they were captured in her house and stored in glass vials with stoppers and dipped in holy water, which she says "dulls the spirits' energy."
She said they were the spirits of an old man who lived in the house during the 1920s, and a powerful, disruptive little girl who turned up after a session with a spirit-calling Ouija board.
Since an exorcism at the property last July led to their capture, there has been no further spooky activity in the house, she said.
The auction attracted more than 214,000 page views and dozens of questions before the winning bid, Trademe auction site spokesman Paul Ford said Tuesday. The name of the winning bidder was not released.
Woodbury said that once an "exorcist's fee" has been deducted, the proceeds of the spirit sale will go to the animal welfare group the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Since an exorcism at the property last July led to their capture, there has been no further spooky activity in the house, she said.
The auction attracted more than 214,000 page views and dozens of questions before the winning bid, Trademe auction site spokesman Paul Ford said Tuesday. The name of the winning bidder was not released.
Woodbury said that once an "exorcist's fee" has been deducted, the proceeds of the spirit sale will go to the animal welfare group the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
see, i knew Ghostbusters was a true
Um, could I get a good conversationalist in a jar? I'd like it to be someone who was famous in another life, please. Thank you.
Brian: Maybe I'd pay if it was Dan Akroyd who caught the ghosts in a jar. ha
DJan: Ok, I will see what I can do. ha
Thanks for the money-making tips! I've got some jars around here some place!
Wow, what happened to just selling cookies, or chocolate? I would like to know what was going on in the person who decided this would be a winner:)
P.s. I don't know if you do tags, or not but I oculdn't resist. You have been photo tagged:)
HAHAHAHAH! I can't believe the things you here on the news! Good find, so funny!
That is bizarre! I mean if you believe in ghosts, why would you buy one? It's wild! Good one, girl!!!
Bossy: Well, then get busy! ha
Sara: I will hop on over to your blog to see what the photo tag is all about..I am in Florida right now, waiting for my daughter to go into labor and have the baby, so I will see if I have enough time to participate in the tagging. ha
Lorac: Hey, comedy is always better when it is about real people and weird events. ha
Eva: yes, do you want to buy Elvis's ghost, we got a sale going on for a hunka hunka burnin' love. ha
You do come up with the doozies! Some day I'll have to blog about the ghost we had when I was a kid; we called him Sam for a long time til we saw "his" relfection in the window one night...and found out Sam was jars though.
I live in NZ - the ghosts were bought by a company to use as a way of getting more traffic to their website as they had a poll on what they should do with them e.g. free them, drink them etc...
Gotta love NZ!
ha ha ha.....i always end up end up laughing so hard i about pee my pants when i read these things...i love em....keep em coming...
I can understand why the buyer would want to keep his identity a secret, can you imagine the offers he would get in his email? Besides all the jars with holy water there would be numerous parcels of swamp land in FL and probably one or two selling the Brooklyn Bridge.
Good gosh. I can't believe there are people out there who are actually so s****d as to pay money for a scam like this. Unbelievable.
Ha I wonder if they used those lighting rod shooting guns to get the spirits in those jars!
Cathy: Yes, you need to tell me your story...because we had an entity in our Victorian house too! Never saw him but he would do all kinds of things in the house!!
Cyndi: Well, it sure made for some laughs..thanks to NZ!!
Amy: Don't be peeing your pants and blaming it on me, now! ha
SquirrelQueen: For sure!!!
Loree: But it makes life interesting, doesn't it?
Jeanette: Don't cross the streams! ha
Hi Joan, We are back from West VA ---and I'm trying to catch up..... That is truly a weird story... I guess nothing surprises me anymore.... GADS!!!
Love your deer pictures... That female must be MY age---since I get those horrible 'man hairs' now sometimes... Yuk!!!! ha
And your police report is always fun to read.... CRAZY!!!!
Do you have a grandbaby yet?
Betsy: I am just reading blogs here and there we are presently in Florida awaiting the birth of the baby...we left home one week ago today and got here last of 9a today, still no baby. She is two days overdue. But Madeira Beach (by Tampa) is gorgeous..we are on the beach or pool every day enjoying the 80+ temps and sunshine. I prepublished a bunch of posts on my blog before we left...but will probably run out before we get back. ha
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