We woke up to several surprises yesterday!!!
THIS is what I saw when I opened the curtains!:

Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you.
We got four inches of snow.
Where was all the color?
Where are all my yellow, orange and red autumn leaves?????
Oh, and WHERE in the HECK is my bench on the deck????:
Discouraged, I went to make my morning coffee to console myself.
And I looked out the window again.
These little yellow finches were eating at the thistle feeder!:

And a few minutes later, I saw more yellow.
But it wasn't a yellow finch.
THIS time, it was a beautiful yellow Evening Grossbeak!:

And, THEN????
Right beside him, flies in a beautiful Purple Finch!:

I was so excited!
The snow brought all the birds flying through going south to our feeders for the day!
The Evening Grossbeak asked me:
"So, when is this snow going to STOP???:

I told him this was the U.P.
Lord only KNOWS when it will stop.
Maybe April, maybe May.
Then this female and male Purple Finch said (in unison!):
"You have GOT to be kidding!!?":

And I told them:
"Nope. For all the beauty we have here, we pay the price of a very, very long winter season.
To which they panickly said to each other:
"We better eat up and hit the road downstate!":

Then a Junco flew in and said:
"You guys are wimps! I stay here all winter!:

And then a Dove flew in!
She said: "Yeah! I stay here all winter, too! I never used to, but I have hung around here the last two winters, and it really is beautiful in the snow here!
Maybe if you learned to ski you could stay here and you would like it?":

And a little Chickadee stopped by and said:
"I stay here too.
Maybe if you learned how to skate you might stay and like it here too?
This bowl is pretty near ice now and I slide in to eat!:

So, they had a conference to discuss all of this:

And then a Woodpecker stopped by the suet hanging nearby and said:
"If you eat suet, you will fatten up and be able to live here year round.
What do you say, guys?":

And the Blue Jay saw what was happening and stopped by.
He said: "Eat corn, like me. It will sustain you too!
I stay year round now, too...people LOVE to see a flash of color in the winter against the white snow!
You would be LOVED here and welcomed here all year round.
But just don't eat my corn when I am at the feeder, because I will kick your a--.
I am a little aggressive.
I am in Anger Management classes, though.
I am working on it...I really am...":

And then the Blue Jay flew up to talk to the Dove about ways to be more peaceful.
"Back to the loving place!" said the Dove.
That should be your mantra.
Be like ME, and stay year round but don't bother anyone.
Everyone admires my quiet demeanor and pretty, calm face in the winter here.":

"Yeah, right", said the Blue Jay, sarcastically.
"I will just EAT more.
That should calm me down.
Isn't that what the lady does that is taking all these pictures of us?"
"Hey Lady...
How DO you handle living here all winter? Is that how?

By now, all the other seven kinds of birds flew away.
I swear I heard them giggling.
Even the Dove chuckled as he flew out of sight.
I think I may just hate that Blue Jay.