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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


While in Florida at the park,
we saw swans!!!!

You know ME.
I couldn't NOT photograph them, for cryin' out loud!

So today, sit back...think SPRING, peacefulness, soft breezes coming in your windows....
and enjoy.....

Two beauties...

They automatically signal peacefulness and grace to me:

take one deep CLEANSING breath....IN.......and OUT......

Feel better?????


Brian Miller said...

smiles. having a wife that was a ballerina, swans are of course a fav around here...

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose they are in love? They act like a couple.

diane b said...

Very calming and very good photos. Swans mate for life. I love that. Recently we have been following a court case about a man who purposely ran over a swan killing it with a jet ski.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful story and swans, the last two shots are really really gorgeous. there were black swans, a couple like this, but black, at Jungle Gardens, one died and the one left behind breaks my heart every time i see him. no windows open here since it is now in the 90's each day, hot and humid, summer is here. the swans will love it though.

Jeanette said...

Beautiful swans! They're so graceful!

Cher' Shots said...

Beautiful pictures! I can't see swans without thinking of my sister who passed away 2 years ago. On her death-bed she kept drifting off and then waking she kept commenting on the beautiful swans, asking if we saw them. She knew she passing away and she said it was beautiful where she was going. She was happy.
'love & hugs from afar'

Unknown said...

How gorgeous! The second to last shot is my favorite!

Emma Springfield said...

Regal beauty is what swans personify. You have some lovely pictures.

Grandmother Mary said...

Me too, the second to the last and the way you capture water texture. Lovely.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Joan, Swans are just so beautiful ... You captured them perfectly... Love seeing the water also... Gorgeous!

Country Gal said...

So graceful ! We get the Tundra swans here stop by in their migration to the north every year in March ! They are a protected species here ! Wonderful photos! Have a great day

Tracy said...

Yes Joan, thank you...I feel much better; I've had a little headache today and not certain why. Those swans are so graceful...the only (almost at the bottom) looks like it's wings make a heart; very pretty!

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are spectacular pictures.I especially like the second from the last.

Lisa said...

Gorgeous Gorgeous

Thank you so much for your kind words.

Lisa said...

I love love the reflection. Please stop again anytime.

RNSANE said...

They are so regal and elegant. Just seeing them does make me feel relaxed and less stressed.

JDS said...

Beautiful birds, and I love how they aways seem to come in pairs.

SquirrelQueen said...

Ah, so relaxing. They are a beautiful couple and seem to be enjoying each others company. Love those reflections!

Debbie Lo said...

Really beautiful! I love the photo where their neck and heads are almost together. They look so in love! :-)

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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