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Monday, April 18, 2011


When we went to Homosassa Springs Nature State Park
in Florida,
I hoped one thing.

That we would see Manatees.

And I was thrilled
came true.

Of course they were wayyyyy
under water.

So, I didn't know if I could get good photos of them.

But it was like angels were listening.

As soon as I went over to a little bridge, one came right up under me.

Up close and personal.

And I swear....
he looked into my eyes and lens.

If I could of, I would of jumped in and kissed him
played with him.

But they have rules against that kind of thing.


Just LOOK at him!:

Look at his pudgy-smudgy cutie pie face!:

Yet, they are such huge, gentle creatures!:

He just kept splashing and going under and then coming up right under the bridge
and looking at me.
I was in LOVE!: you SEE those itty bitty nostrils peeking up from the water?
I swear I giggled and he giggled back.
I think
I have


Lynn from For Love or Funny said...

I want a manatee for a pet! So cute!

Unknown said...

Fantastic photos Joan, and it was pure serendepity that you two met. I sure hope I spelled that right!

Brian Miller said...

it is so sad to see the scars on their bodies from the boats...they are big and gentle creatures...

CrazyCris said...


what an amazing, wonderful experience!

Country Gal said...

I have always liked the Manatee , just something about them, they are soo cute ! Lovely photos. Have a good day !

Jeanette said...

Aww he was flirting with you!! What a awesome thing to see!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

congrats on your find, these are wonderful shots and i to would like to kiss one. Snooty lives in the museum pool and we go watch him eat and feel the same way.
talk about a dang moment. back in the 80s we were at Medira Beach, Johns pass. i was reading in my chair bob was fishing about chest deep right at the pass. I looked up and out in the pass was a shadow about 10 feet long and moving fast headed right for bob and the man standing by him, i raced out into the edge of the water screaming and pointing at the shark, bob started hoofing it through the water back towards me screaming all the time. suddenly he stopped and started walking towards what i thought was a shark. it was a giant manatee and he got to PET it. Dang, i did not. he said it felt like a moss covered rock

Tracy said...

Oh Joan,
how sweet is that! I loved watching them swim and play when we'd go to the Columbus Zoo; they had a nice display for manatees injured in the wild and they'd rescue them and keep them safe!
thanks for sharing such beauty!

Hilary said...

Wow.. these are wonderful photos. What an amazing creature. I'm so happy for you that you had this beautiful encounter and I thank you for sharing it.

Ginnymo said...

Manatees are funny looking creatures. They almost have a pig like face..ha! But are cute animals. Glad you got to see them!

Bossy Betty said...

Seriously! I loved these pictures! I have always been fascinated by manatees. I am so impressed that you got to see them so up-close and personal!

Mellodee said...

Our world has such an amazing variety of creatures! Outstanding photos!!

Unknown said...

Wow, you got some great shots! How fun to get that close!

Unknown said...

Great captures of the beautiful animals.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Joan, When I lived in Jacksonville, there were lots of Manatees in the St. John's River... We'd see them every time we got out in a boat on that river... Amazing creatures...


Pat said...

I love this photos....especially the one with the nostrils sticking out of the water!

Anonymous said...

ages ago, if you took a tour ride, you could feed the manatees lettuce from your hand! It was like feeding a large vacumm sweeper!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Amazing! I can imagine that this was a thrill.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a sweetie! Thank you so much for sharing your moment with us.
My son (now 27) did a speech on them in grade school. I love them.

faye said...

Great shots.. I have never gotten any
so clearly of their little faces..

Andrea said...

hahaha i love that last pose, it seems like he's naughty doing the nicest poses! Congratulations for finding your wish at last!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Joan, you are so lucky to have gotten this close to one of the manatees. I have only seen these gentle creatures in aquariums but I find them fascinating. Great photos.

diane b said...

They are such interesting pudgy creatures. How lucky were you to have him romance you. Great shots especially the nostrils. We don't have them here but we have Dugongs which are very similar. They may even be the same animal with a different name.

Cherie said...

Beautiful crystal clear photos as always and what a great experience. One to treasure always.
Beautiful post!

Debbie Lo said...

No wonder you wanted to kiss him! I did too when I saw your photos! What a cutie pie! Thanks, Joan!

Anonymous said...

Such clear and adorable shots! He definitely loves the camera!

Far Side of Fifty said...

How wonderful!! What an experience! :)

Out on the prairie said...

Some great shots of this unusual creature.

Reb said...

Those are beautiful shots. I really like the last one ;) Congrats on your POTW.

Dave said...

I happened across you blog and was so impressed that you were able to get so close and be able to photograph that manatee. Thanks for sharing these photos. I enjoyed seeing them - Dave

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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