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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The McCormick Trail

Still with the autumn pictures!!

Don't judge!!.....
(I told you I was behind...I had a busy summer and an even busier fall, people!)

There is a famous trail near us
The McCormick Trail...
read about it

We have been meaning to hike it for two years.

So, late this fall, we had wonderfully warm weather for about a week
so we decided to try and tackle it.

At least part of it...
because as you read above
it is a LONGGGGGG trail
with many options of hiking to several lakes.

My goal for the day
not to die.

And to maybe, (and I mean MAYBE)
make it to the first lake, which is about seven miles down the trails.

The beginning of the trail had this little box
that you were supposed to fill out a slip to put in it,
saying how many hikers in your party
and put the date and time you left.

In case they have to send in a team to
find your bodies, I suppose.

That intimidated me a little bit.

So I did what any retired, out of shape woman would do.

I filled it out, putting lots of hearts surrounding my information on the page,
so they'd take pity on me and make an extra effort to find me lost in the woods.

And then of course


That I wouldn't break a hip
or have a heart attack out on the wilderness trail.

And then I loaded up with camera equipment
a lunch.
a can of Diet Coke,
my  husband.
(In that order).

I told you.  Don't judge!

Oh sure.
of the trail
looks innocent enough.....

But the trail gave
lots of hints
it's potential dangers...


But I ignored

I chose to concentrate
macro opportunities

the trail


Dear.... it time for lunch yet????

it best
go back to concentrating
macro shots again
at this point.....

I loved this log full of button mushrooms.
Kinda reminds me of my face during adolescence:



the trail






begging and pleading from
my husband
the carving of a stick cane
to help me keep my balance...

did it!

(Without getting wet.)

And I only swore three times
cried like a toddler once.

But then...we hiked about another
2 miles
hit a huge, wet
that we couldn't get through without high boots..

It was pure muck.

(I didn't take pictures of it, as I didn't want the continued nightmares).....

So, we stopped, and had a  nice picnic lunch in a sunny clearing.

Remind me to send a personal note of thanks to the President of the Coca Cola company on perfumed stationary, will you?

We well, ONE of us was, you know, the one with fear in her soul  were disappointed not to be able to hike all the way to at least the first lake, though.

We were tired, and fairly wet from the wet, muddy trails before the marsh that stopped us..
we packed up and headed back to our car.

I was rejoicing and ready to sacrifice a virgin kind of happy by then to be going home.

remembered that I had to

My husband said he can't wait until Spring
we can try to hike the trail again....

He reminded me that we gotta get waterproof hiking boots.

I reminded him that I'd like to make it to our 40th wedding anniversary....
(I think I saw him holding his hands over his ears and humming...
really LOUD....)

I hate it that he knows me so well-----


DJan said...

We fill out one of those forms for each hike we Trailblazers do. And I think you should be proud of yourself, crossing that stream was quite a feat! Good story, Joan, I really enjoyed it, and the pictures of course.

Country Gal said...

Awesome photos and post! Yup can be a good thing or a bad thing that hubbies know us so well as do them lol ! Have a great day !

Joanie said...

John took me hiking along the Wissahickon Creek in Philly. He thought it wold be a good idea to walk up to the statue of Chief Tecumseh. I thought I'd have a heart attack!

Jeanette said...

Ha Ha! That trail looks pretty interesting. It's on my list of places to visit next summer.

Unknown said...

You were very brave. I like hiking with you...virtually. I can sit on my butt and enjoy the scenery with no risk!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for my morning smile. the smile is because you sound just like me. i am fearful of all things and i do hike but i see danger everywhere, step over a log, and onto a snake, go under the limb accross the path like yours and hurt my back, fall off the rocks or into the water. you get what i am saying. great post

Gail Wilson said...

Having lived in Montana in the middle of the high mountains I did learn that the trail with the "easiest, pretty and most inviting" trailhead always turns out to be the craziest adventures of all! And it is always good to carry a set of hiking poles with you. They can be bought with a real nice strap on the top that fits perfectly around your wrist so you can still easily take all your beautiful pictures. They are the greatest tool to help you navigate water!! No, I am not a salesman...I just love to hike in the woods and was disappointed to many time because I couldn't hike around that interesting corner ahead because there was a creek as an obsticale in front of me!
Thanks for the wonderful pictures of your hike.
Hugs, Mistaya's M.O.M. Gail

Brian Miller said...

ah keep them is bitter cold here..and i have a head cold so i cant be out on the trail...and these hit the spot...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh ---how I relate to this post, in so many ways... George wanted to hike to Virgin Falls. It was only an 8 mile hike (gulp) ---but I was willing to do what I could... I knew that we had several 'water crossings'-- and a couple of them weren't too bad... Since we went on this hike after some huge rains, the creeks were raging rapids...Scary--even though I did have my boots and hiking sticks...

Finally, we came to a huge water crossing where we were supposed to jump over some huge boulders and hang onto some kind of rope above our heads... Me hanging onto a rope trying to cross a raging creek was NOT my idea of fun. SO---I put on my brakes. I told George to go on and I'd hike back and wait for him in the car. BUT-he didn't want to leave me (thank goodness). SO--we turned around. AND we have not been back there --even at times of drought... Don't think I want to try that one again!!!!


Jenn Jilks said...

That is blessedly funny! My hubby's back is sore with two runs with the snowblower over two days!


Jenn Jilks said...

P.S. I love the background image of the stones.

Pat Tillett said...

A great post and photos Joan!
Every trail an adventure...

Murr Brewster said...

Congratulations on remaining above ground, not to mention dry! My goal every day is to not die, also. So far, so good.

James said...

Thanks for taking me along on this wondeful hike! I still feel freash as a daisy and ready to do it again. :)

Anonymous said...

Your photos are fantastic! The McCormick Trail looks like a great place to do a little hiking and eat a big lunch :-)


LatteJunkie said...


I love your blog and your posts make me look forward to retirement :D I am inspired to visit the US every time you post such amazing photos.

I wanted to show my appreciation by giving you a blog award. If you pop over to my blog you can collect your little award :)


SquirrelQueen said...

That looks like a fun hike with beautiful scenery. Finding dragonflies and cool mushrooms is a great bonus.

At least your water crossing had some logs, that's a lot better than trying to walk across slippery rocks (been there, got wet).

Lil Sis Boombah said...

Beautiful pics as usual! We had a similar experience here in Arkansas at Petit Jean Mountain a couple years ago...We started out on the "easy" trail and somehow ended up on the "advanced" trail or something like that. I think we were supposed to have harnesses and a guide. I remember coming to a little narrow part of the trail sticking out on the side of the mountain and saying, "That's it for me. I'll meet you back at the lodge if you make it." My husband decided to turn back as well. Of course he said he just didn't want me to walk back alone. Yeah, right. That is a good excuse for the manly man!

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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