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Monday, December 13, 2010

Cedar Waxwings!!

When winter comes, sometimes we are left with some apples on our tree
that didn't fall off.

Every year it seems in ONE day...
we get a huge flock
Cedar Waxwing birds
that fly in
and eat them almost all off in one day!

They are very pretty birds and so noisy chattering and fighting with each other
as they fight for position
to eat these frozen apples:

I love their colorful tail tips and the crests on their heads:

And of course their face "masks":

Busy, busy, busy!!:

Aren't they pretty?
But they aren't very good at sharing!
They must have missed that lesson that day in Kindergarten:

Although the two on the right seem to be waiting in line for the other two to give them a turn
at this apple!:

So handsome!!:

Holy  Head Crest, Batman!:

He must have told his barber to "take just a little off the back and leave the toupee alone":

About 50 flew in and within an hour or two,
all the apples
were gone....
and so were they.

I was so happy to happen to be home and to notice them
so I could get some shots of them!!

We won't see any around here again until early summer!

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Alan Burnett said...

What a wonderful set of photographs - and what wonderful birds. I think there are still some apples on my tree so you might want to send those birds over in my direction.

Unknown said...

Beautiful birds and I, too, love their dramatic markings. We don't have Cedar Waxwings in my neck of the woods, so this was great seeing them. And beautiful photos, once again, Joan.

Anonymous said...

These are such dignified birds to see. I have yet to see one in person. Your photos of them are beautiful.

DJan said...

They are fantastic! Being a bird person, I would love to see them here, but so far, none. I don't think they visit, so your pictures were such a treat!!

Brian Miller said...

wow. these are beautiful birds...great captures the ones with wings extended...

Jeanette said...

They are beautiful birds for sure! You really take some great pictures!!

Judy said...

Enjoyed looking at your photos. Bet it was fun to watch all the commotion in the trees! Thanks for your visits and comments. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Bossy Betty said...

These were fantastic! 50? You lucky thing you!!! Thanks for sharing this with us!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first wax wing i have ever seen, so fun to have a feeder tree instead of a feeder house. great photos and some of them do look like batman or a bandit. they are beautiful

Unknown said...

What lovely photos. I love the "toupees". Great shots.

Anonymous said...

THESE ARE WONDERFUL SHOTS!!! they are such a pretty bird! I'm surprised you'd still be seeing them. We only see them in our yard in the spring and sometimes in the early fall they come to the bird bath.

faye said...

Very interesting birds. I haven't seen any near home.

CiCi said...

Hubby and I sat together and looked through the photos of the birds in this post. We have found that we love watching birds since we left California and live in country area in Nebraska. So your photos held us rapt and we enjoyed each one.

Country Gal said...

AWESOME photos, Hubby had a tuff time getting a photo of one Cedar Waxwing let alone a bunch of them lol. Have a warm and happy day!

Sharon Wagner said...

What a joy to see the birds at lunch!

Loree said...

Beautiful birds. It's so nice that you still had some apples for them to feed on.

Linda Reeder said...

Great photos! We love Cedar Waxwings, but seldom see them. They do love holly berries.

Ginnymo said...

What beautiful photos Joan!! I have never seen one of those birds but they are so pretty and seem to be so perfectly colored. Happy Holidays to you and yours!!

DayBreak Ventures said...

Thanks for beautiful post.In photos birds looking so beautiful with eating apples...
Senior Living Communities Cooper

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Joan, I love Cedar Waxwings... Don't remember if I told you this (probably did) --but one time we were hiking to a waterfall.. When we got there, guess what I saw???? My FIRST Cedar Waxwings!!!! Believe it or not--but I was more excited about seeing the Waxwings than I was the waterfall.. How funny is that!!!!!

Great pictures.

Wanda..... said...

They are handsome...ultra smooth too!

Cherie said...

Beautiful pictures as usual. I always look forward to your posts.

Bernie said...

I am so happy to have me photo fix - these bird pictures are beautiful my friend. Hope you are staying safe and warm, .......:-)Hugs

Rick (Ratty) said...

I love cedar waxwings. They're some of my favorite birds now. They have such unique colors and patterns. I also notice they change some from summer to winter.

Unknown said...

Beautifully captured pictures ... gorgeous birds.
Christmas hugs & wishes ~
TTFN ~ Marydon

Far Side of Fifty said...

Beautiful birds..we only see them in the summer up is nice of you to share your apples! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

They are very beautiful birds but one I never see in this area. It would be fun to see them descend on an apple tree like that.

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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