As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we stopped last at Culhane Lake for a yummy lunch made over a campfire.
We then headed out to find a country road that Cathy's husband (Dan) told us would give us a shortcut over to our next destination: Whitefish Point on Lake Superior. Please go to the highlighted links on WhiteFish Point to see on the map where it is located and for some history on this lighthouse and area.
After wandering around in the back woods a bit, we were not successful in finding the county road that Dan had mentioned, so we headed back through the woods to Country Road 500 and back to paved highway to get to Whitefish point via another route.
We got there after a little driving, and it was more wonderful that we even expected.
It had the three elements that I love for photos: beach, driftwood and a lighthouse. Who could ask for more?
(Actually, there is a LOT more there than I expected. They have a fabulous Shipwreck Museum which we hope to return to see. We did not schedule enough time on this trip to visit the museum, but I will return to see it some day. It looked fascinating!)
Here is the sign you see as soon as you park your car:
Here is the sign you see as soon as you park your car:

But I looked to my right, down a short way and saw THIS!:

I couldn't decide what to photograph first.
But, I opted for the lighthouse, because it was right there in front of us, and spectacular!:

I loved its red roof and shape at the top:

It was surrounded by historical buildings.
In fact, if you are so inclined, you can even book a room and stay the night in a building just next to the lighthouse! If anyone is planning an anniversary trip, this may just be one of the most romantic spots to go!:

And the BEACH! (sigh!)
It was FULL of driftwood, as far as your eyes can see.
A photographer's dream!:

And, glistening Lake Superior with crashing waves and old dock supports:

And, don't forget, the lighthouse is still there, too!:

But, did I mention the DRIFTWOOD????:

Isn't it gorgeous?:

They don't want you to take driftwood away from the site.
Good thing they said that on signs.
Because we would have had a trunk full.
And, maybe some hanging out of the back seat windows.
Because, my garden would have LOVED them in it.
I resisted.
I know.
You are proud of me.....
it was HARD!!!!....
(Stay tuned for Part Two of this visit to Whitefish Point with more photos of it in my next blogpost....)
beautiful. the driftwood is magnificent...almost a forest there on the beech that has been kissed smooth by the waves...the lighthouse is pretty cool too. what adventures you have.
I cannot believe all of the driftwood! It is a nature lover's dream! :)
Make sure you GO BACK to the museum. We loved walking through everything and learning of all of the history. You would love it.
it MUSt have been hard to resist!!
They looked like whale bones for afar!! Lovely!
You for sure picked a good time to make the trip over this way! The water looks awfully cold though!!! Maybe you could try to time a visit for the Memorial of the Edmund Fitzgerald, held every November 10th.
What a bummer, can't take the driftwood!!! They would have at least given you one piece each. Great pics.
That is a beautiful Lighthouse!! I can't believe all that driftwood!! Wow!! And you couldn't even take a piece..Ha! Another beautiful post Joan!! What perfect weather for photography!!
The driftwoods are erally a fantastic gift to photographers.
I see what you mean. That lighthouse with the cherry on top, and all that driftwood. It's a good thing they wrote that sign to keep your mitts off, we know it would be bare otherwise. I just love the pictures of Lake Superior. It's the most lovely place, and you capture it so well...
Brian: We have been blessed with some fantastic scenery this fall and so glad to be able to go to see all of this now that we are retired.
Ashley: When we go back, we will make it a goal to see the museum for sure, thanks for the testimonial!
Roshni: Thanks! I will post more pix of the driftwood again in my next post, so stay tuned!
Cathy: I think I will stay away from Lake Superior in November..BRRRR! Paul said he would like to go back in the summer so we can walk the lakeshore more in the warmth.
Grannyann: Ha. Of course if they gave us all one piece, all of it would be gone before you know it because they get a lot of tourists there.
Ginnymo: Thanks! It was clear, but boy was the wind cold that day! It was a lot colder than it looked in the pictures.
Rainfield: Yes, driftwood is perfect for photography. I always take pictures of it whenever we find it at sites.
DJan: Thanks! You will see lots of future pictures of Lake Superior in my blog, as I love the entire lakeshore and all of the lighthouses, etc. on it. I am blessed to live where I live, so close to nature everywhere.
I like the driftwood a lot, but I like the lighthouse even more. I like lighthouses almost as much as I like waterfalls. And look at the lightning rod on the top.
Gorgeous pictures! The shades of blue are stunning.
Thanks for sharing.
Oh but I love your life my friend, all those beautiful places you visit, friends you are making and your photos are award winners. Love your post, love you...Hugs
The water looks so gorgeous, I love your pics, so beautiful
Ratty: I LOVED that lightening rod and the top of this lighthouse. I have begun a real love of all lighthouses, now that I have been fortunate enough to see so many on Lake Superior this year.
Joanna: You are most welcome..thanks for reading and commenting on my photos! It gives me incentive to keep taking more.
Bernie: You give me such motivation and love!~Back atcha.
Sara: thanks, Sara. Sometimes when I don't feel like going outside to do anything, I remember my readers and it gets me out there. And then I love it and wonder why it took me so long to get outside.
I wanna go up in the lighthouse just so I can spit off of it.
Guys do that you know.
*has no common sense manners*
:-) Great pics (as usual)!
As usual, great photos!
Hubby took the boys there this summer when they went camping. Tater is quite the Edmund Fitzgerald fan (he has a thing for shipwrecks). Thanks for the great pics!
Cowguy: At least you didn't say PEE off of it!!! Now BEHAVE!!!
Joanie: Thanks, girlfriend! I sure enjoyed taking them for you!
Maniacal: You are most welcome. I will be posting Part 2 either tonight or tomorrow, so stay tuned!
That is a magnificent lighthouse, the red lightning rod is the perfect topper for it.
I have spent a lot of time on beaches but I don't think I have ever seen that much driftwood before.
SquirrelQueen: I agree, this place had the most driftwood I have ever seen in one place...probably because they have signs to protect it from being taken...but it was wonderful!
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