* (1) In Torrington, Conn., in June, a teenage girl, hearing a
woman she lived with screaming in another room, summoned four
of her friends, who quickly arrived and beat up the 25-year-old
man who was with the woman. It turns out that the couple were
having consensual sex (and good sex, at that). The girl and three
of the boys were charged with assault.

1. You'd think the woman would have stopped the teens from beating her lover and explain things, sometime between the time they broke into the lover's room and began to beat up the guy, wouldn't you?
2. If you were the guy that got beat up after having noisy sex, I think you MIGHT need some therapy after this traumatic event, don't you?
3. Can you imagine the teens embarrassment when they realized that the guy was not attacking this woman but instead having consensual sex? "Oops, my bad." I bet they would be teased foreever by their friends.
(2) Keith Griffin, 48, was
arrested in Martin County, Fla., in August for possessing child
pornography on his computer. He tried to talk detectives out of the
arrest by claiming that his cat often walks on the keyboard and
must have stepped on some combination of keys that resulted in
the downloading of about 1,000 images. [CBS News-AP, 7-2-09]
[South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 8-7-09]
1. Yeah, right. My cat did it....................................... A THOUSAND times.
2. I am not going to go there. You know what I mean. I will NOT use that word that starts with a "P" to make a joke here. But your mind went there, didn't it? DIDN'T IT???
3. What if the CAT was addicted to porn?
What if the cat REALLY did look up porn on the computer and enjoyed it. They do have kind of a sly smile at all times.
And no wonder they sleep all day....they are up watching porn all night.
But child porn? Now that is just sick...even for cats.
i am in therapy now...lol. oh my. the stories just keep getting better.
Thanks for the big chuckle, only you would find these articles Joan, and I won't even ask "how" Have a great weekend my friend... Luv ya.......:-) Hugs
You know, Joan, I think your sick jokes are even funnier since they come from real events. But your commentary: it answered the question for me about why cats sleep all day. This had been keeping me up at night. :-)
The sex thing, I won't even go there.
maybe you would a agree with me - a dog would never do that.
When my cat walks across the key board - I usually get swear letters: !@#$%% lol!
p.s. I'm a lazy butt - I need to get to the post office tomorrow to mail your package! :-)
Brian: Keep your cat off your keyboard! ha
Bernie: That will be my little secret now, won't it. Glad I got a smile for you!
DJan: Ha. And you thought your cats were just lazy for no reason.
Lisleman: It depends on how small the dog was. And how lonely. haha
They don't pant for nothing, you know.
Shelley: I am glad you commented about the packages...I kept worrying that you mailed another one and I didn't get it AGAIN! Did you ever trace the first one to see what happened? I am curious. You are so sweet to have mailed it in the first place!!
You find the darndest articles! lol
Eva: I like to mix things up a bit! ha
You know, I always thought cats were evil. This just confirms it. That cat must have done all of that just to frame that poor guy. :D
Ratty: Don't pick on the cats...I love them! They are independent and smart and very loyal. Kind of like a Ratty. ha
My cat doesn't walk across the keyboard she just uses it as a pillow. That is just too funny, thanks for the laughs.
That was some talented cat!
Too bad his owner is an idiot!!
These were hilarious!
You would not BELIEVE some people!!! Aaaaargh!
SquirrelQueen: Those sneaky cats! I think they also like the warmth of being by the computer too.
Sue: An idiot and a sick one at that!
Jientje: I know!! I wouldn't want to meet this guy!
Humans are the strangest animals, aren't they?!
BPOTW: Yes, that is very true. But where would we find the comedy if they weren't strange? ha
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