We went for a ride in the woods to see some more opportunities for pictures in the autumn.
My husband remembered a pretty little dam which he thought would be a good spot for photographs in reflecting water.
We drove up to the dam and I was speechless.
Almost all of the water had been drained out. He began to apologize, thinking I would be disappointed.
I was so excited, I could hardly stand it!
Because, in front of me, was a photographer's dream.....a vast, drained pond FULL of twisted tree roots and tangled trees with wonderful shapes! Almost everywhere I looked, there was a photograph begging me to take it.
I took a TON of photos...so this is the first of a THREE part series of shots I was blessed with there.
My husband remembered a pretty little dam which he thought would be a good spot for photographs in reflecting water.
We drove up to the dam and I was speechless.
Almost all of the water had been drained out. He began to apologize, thinking I would be disappointed.
I was so excited, I could hardly stand it!
Because, in front of me, was a photographer's dream.....a vast, drained pond FULL of twisted tree roots and tangled trees with wonderful shapes! Almost everywhere I looked, there was a photograph begging me to take it.
I took a TON of photos...so this is the first of a THREE part series of shots I was blessed with there.
Are you ready????
Here is a closeup of the many, many tree roots left at the bottom of the drained dam:
And a giant tree root left high and dry.
I loved how it was transposed on the colorful autumn leaves in the background!:
A wider view of the drained dam:
I loved the spreading roots of this stump:
Of course a barren scene like this BEGGED for a black and white of it:

It was so neat that we could walk on the bed of a dam that was drained and take in all that normally lies under the water:

Twin stumps, waiting for some fisherman's lures to get caught in them when the water used to be there:

It looks like a wasteland, in the middle of an autumn wonderland:

Stumps, stumps, everywhere!:

It was so neat that we could walk on the bed of a dam that was drained and take in all that normally lies under the water:

Twin stumps, waiting for some fisherman's lures to get caught in them when the water used to be there:

It looks like a wasteland, in the middle of an autumn wonderland:
It is amazing! Stunning.
What a neat place. Over near Oklahoma City is an area like that but I haven't been close up. Not sure there is a road. There is some water in areas around the spot like yours. Weird huh? I love your pictures.
That is really amazing. It looks like thay didn't cut the trees off and removed them, they just dammed up the water and let it die off. You are an artist at heart, with you love of shape, line and form...all of them are great shots. Thanks for sharing something I have never seen before now.
Aren't they amazing?
It looks like illustrations for Tolkein work!
You know what Joan? You don't have to post this, just an idea...
You need to start a photo blog, where you have your highlights (you have SO many!) and even allow for some featured submissions. That would explode for you. You would have such a successful site that is fun and engaging!
Also, I have heard that google blooger will eventually limit the number of photos on your blog due to size and memory issues; you may want to look into that to protect all your work that you have done...
I tried to capture some drifting dead stumps in Alaska, but yours are just, wow. I got a cool one with the barges in the background but your B&W is amazing! Totally looks like those should be backgrounds for epic movies!
What a great find for you, and you of all people would appreciate it the most....great husband you have.
Loved all of them Joan as usual, still am mesmerized by all the roots of those trees and the birdhouse though lonely looking may be a safe harbour still for birds.....Luv ya....:-) Hugs
I never knew dead tree stumps cold be so beautiful! And a purple marten bird house!
That black and white pic is THE BEST! Would you give me permission to repost in my blog?
OMG-we used to live just off M38 and went there often-----why did they drain it???????????
Wow what super photos! I particularly like the black and white one. Can't wait for parts 2 & 3.
These were fascinating photographs Joan...almost like beauty and the beast...actually the stumps had their own special stark beauty!
You have visited such a interesting place. I hope I was there as well.
It looks like something out of Lord of the Rings!! Wonderful pictures.
The juxtaposition of autumn leaves and tree stumps galore. It takes a serious photographer to clump around in that mud, Joan! Nice job, and I look forward to the next two parts. Oh, and your enthusiasm is infectious.
Your photos of fall in the last post are gorgeous!!!
Also this one is a very nice post.
thank you for commenting on my blog.
Sue's Daily Photography
Interesting and unique photos!
The B&W was awesome. These look creepy...I wouldn't want to go back there on a pitch black night!! Did you find out why it was drained? If you do, please let us know or at least send me an email. THOSE things always interest me!
Tatyana: Thanks so much! It was stunning in person too.
Grannyann: Thanks. I have only seen one other drained dam before and it was similar to this one, with the bottom all full of stumps.
L.D.: I am so glad you enjoyed it. I only have seen one other dam drained before either and it looks so dramatic! I couldn't go by it without taking several photos!
Jenn: They sure ARE amazing..it reminded me of an alien landscape or something.
Insanity: Can you email me separately with some of the ideas you have above? I am not sure how to start a blog where I can invite submissions, and would be interested in your ideas. I already paid for more space for my photos, so I don't hope they once again charge me more!
Bernie: Yes, I was stomping through the mud to get the photos, but it was well worth it..I was so excited to be there, I felt like I was a kid in a candy store, not knowing which candy to chose to shoot. ha
Joanie M: You get it! I thought the forms of those roots were gorgeous too.
Dreamwalker: Sure,go ahead and repeat it in your blog and if you don't mind a reference to my blog for doing so I would really appreciate it. And, could you send me an email when you post it so I make sure to read your blog that day? Thanks~!
Sue: They drained it to do some repair on the dam, and are supposed to refill it with water next year, I guess...which makes it even cooler that I was allowed to see it without its water now.
Elcmae: Thanks! I have over 50 photos of this dam so it was hard to keep it to only three blogposts. ha
Wanda: I am so glad others are seeing the dramatic beauty of those tree roots and stumps that I did when I was there. It was amazing.
Rainfield: You can be there with me when you view the pictures...I always hope I am bringing others on my journeys when I post my photos.
Sandy: That is a good description..that is how it felt...very dramatic there!
DJan: Oh yes indeed I was stomping around in muck taking the photos but I was so excited I hardly noticed it. It was such a dramatic setting and I knew it was great art to capture in photos as soon as we saw it!
Susanne: Thanks so much! And thanks to you too for visiting my blog often and motivating my photography addiction. ha
Eva: Thanks! It was so captivating to be there in person, too.
Cathy: Thanks! We heard they drained it this year to do some repairs on the dam and that they will refill it later this fall or by next spring after the repairs are done....which made it all the more cool that we got to see it drained. Because the next time we go there, it will probably be all full of water again with no hint that all of those stumps and tree roots are underneath it all!
You're right, it is a photographer's dream. That is one of the most unique scenes I've ever seen. It's beautiful in an ugly sort of way.
I love the pictures of the brown dam and twisted roots with the colorful autumn trees in the background. Great pictures!
Ratty: Yes, it is beautiful in an ugly kind of way! I just love it!
Hi there - just letting you know that I gave your blog a shout-out today. I love your fall pictures! Mine are not quite as impressive. But I had fun taking them.
Catherine: Thanks so much! It was quite dramatic in person, too.
Lesley: thanks so much for the shout out! I already headed to your blog and left a comment there. You are such a sweetheart! And yes, I will be whining about the snow before you know it. ha
Wow! Love these. What a great location. Isn't it neat when the unexpected happens?
Ashley: It was a perfect location! Yes, I was thrilled to be surprised with a drained dam when we got there. It gave me much better photos than if the dam had just been like a lake!
My husband and I happened by this place one day on an outing. The day we were there had gray skies and the stumps looked so eerie sticking out of the muck. What I thought was hilarious was the sign that said No Diving and No Swimming, one can only wonder why. LOL.
I guess they will need that sign again when the dam is fixed and they refill it with water! But now that I saw all those stumps, I don't think I would want to take a speedboat out on the dam when they do!
Do you live in the U.P.?
Yes we do live in the UP. Just moved to Ewen in July. It is a wonderful place to live.
I think a speedboat would not be wise at all. It is kind of scary to see what is under the water.
Hello. Great job. I did not expect this on a Wednesday. This is a great story. Thanks!
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