She was referring to Crisp Point lighthouse, located on the shores of Lake Superior. For a map, please go to THIS link.
She knew I loved lighthouses, and especially Lake Superior lighthouses, so I was happy to hear of this site and immediately planned to visit it.
Please go to the link highlighted above for the lighthouse, it is well worth your time to investigate where it is and to plan a trip there.
Just look at this wonderful little lighthouse!:

And the beautiful Lake Superior shore it overlooks:

When I was taking pictures of the shore it sits beside, I noticed the lighthouse's shadow in the water:

The most wonderful thing, is that you drive through the scenic woods to get there and then come upon a small parking lot and there it is!:

When we got there, we were thrilled to see the building was open and the sign said we could climb the stairs INSIDE of it to the top!
I had never been inside a lighthouse and allowed to climb to the top before, so I was so excited to do so!:

This is about half way up the lighthouse as you climb the stairs, looking out to the west:

And this is at the top, looking to the east, down the shores of beautiful Lake Superior!: (the subtle shadows at the top of the picture are a reflection of the windows going around the top on the other side):

Again, this is at the top, looking to the west of the lighthouse at the Lake Superior shore. Again, the subtle shadows in the picture are the windows of the lighthouse behind me as I snapped the photo. I liked the ghostly shadows being in the picture!):

Here is a shot of the lighthouse from the east beach. We were way up under the red roof when I took the previous pictures:

I will remember this little lighthouse for quite some time, as it my first climb in one:

Before we left, we had to take a long beach walk, hand in hand.
It was cold that day (only in the 40's F.) and very windy, as you can see by the white caps on the lake.
But we stayed warm from the wonderful experience and hike:

And, of course, I couldn' t leave without a closeup of the driftwood tree root, now could I?:

Thanks, Cathy and Dan
for telling us about this little lighthouse and recommending we visit it!
It was perfect.
Amazing pictures! It looks wonderful.
Lovely walk on the beach in clear, crisp weather, giving you reasons to walk really close and enjoy some hot cider afterward!
We climbed to the top of a lighthouse in Oregon on our honeymoon and the coastal view was so beautiful! Wish I had a better camera back then!!
Have you thought of making digital scrapbooks with all these pix? What gorgeous gifts that would make!!
cool. think i told you before i love lighthouses and what they represent. the driftwood stump is really cool as well. we have a couple pieces of carved driftwood around the house.
Is that not the most PERFECT lighthouse! Not to mention the drive back to it. We have visited Crisp Point many times. Lucky you to be able to climb to the top! Beautiful pictures! Makes me wish I was there right now.
Wonderful lighthouse pictures. And the inclusion of a map was a real help because I am so unfamiliar with the geography of your part of the world. Perhaps we should have a bloggers map day where we all show just where we live.
The view from the top was certainly worth the climb, and I see a face in the lower left hand corner of the a calf.
That is definitely one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. I love the picture taken through the window. I spent some time on Lake Superior but never saw any beaches like this one; they were much more rocky and not much fine sand, like this one. What a gorgeous place. Thank you so much for showing it to me.
Gorgeous pics, Joan!!
Sorry haven't commented lately! But those pictures are beautiful of course! I was picturing myself sitting there relaxing and reading a great book!
What beautiful view from the lighthouse. I still think you have missed your calling - to be a pro photographer.
You have a series of fantastic photo. So well taken. Cheers.
Beautiful photos of the Lighthouse and the shores. I love that driftwood root. I still have a piece of driftwood from up there. I can't believe I have saved it all these years. But there is something about it that I have always liked. It's tucked away in a closet now. Don't have any room for it. Love this post Joan!! Enjoy the fall weather. It won't be long and it will be all snow.
That is a beautiful shore line for Lake Superior. Usually they are very rocky. The color of the water is a beautiful blue. The second photo makes me jealous, it is a great shot. That little light house is a very nice one. I went up into Split Rock a few years back. It was steps all around the outside of the tower. It was open metal steps and a lot scary.
You can climb the tower at Seul Choix light for a small fee - like $2 or so [near Manistique on the south shore of the U.P.] and one that I recommend is the Big Bay Point light up in Marquette County. The last I knew it was only certain days of the week, but definitely worth it.
Also, the Au Sable light near Grand Marais is climbable for a fee. It's staffed by the National Parks. It's quite a hike to get to it, but the view is amazing.
the first time i was there was 1983 on my snowmobile.the roads were not marked.we had to bust trail the whole way.very neat looking in the winter.the next time was june 1985 on my honeymoon and the wife thought that was pretty cool.been back once since they fixed it up.going to take the wife there for our 25th anniversary as a surprise.
Lizzie: was amazing!
Insanity: How do you make digital scrapbooks? I would like to hear more about that idea. I may do a calender, I have been having readers ask me to make some from my pictures.
Brian: This summer and fall I have visited or seen more Lake Superior lighthouses then ever before and I have lived here a great deal of my life...I will be posting another one soon because when we left this one we drove to another one nearby. Glad you like them!
Ashley: Oh, you have been there! It is so nice to talk to someone else who has experienced it too. Isn't it just the best, secluded spot?
Alan: Great idea! I will try to include maps whenever I can in future posts so you can call the links up. That really helps me with other's blogs too.
Wanda: I didn't notice the face in the driftwood until you mentioned it, thanks!
DJan: you are welcome..yes Lake Superior has many rocky shorelines, but it also has many, many spots with beautiful sands or fine, fine pebbles. I will be posting another really pretty lighthouse and beach not far from Crisp Point where we went next (in a few days) so watch for that post, too, I think you will like it.
Lynn: Thanks! I loved taking them and being there to take them.
Brittany: How nice to hear from you! I was hoping you were still reading my blog. Glad you liked the pix.
Grannyann: Wow, what a nice compliment!! I WISH!!!! I keep practicing and hopefully will get good enough to sell some of my photos or make calendars and sell them...I am looking into a few ideas, but thanks so much! You give me such hope!
Rainfield: Thanks so much!
Ginnymo: You can always put the driftwood in your garden somewhere..I have several pieces strewn throughout my garden and they work great there. Hate to hear about it hiding away in your closet. :-}
L.D.: I don't think I could've climbed stairs on the outside of a lighthouse, either. I am afraid of heights, but trying to conquer it. ha
Anonymous: I haven't been to any down by Manistique yet, so thanks for that tip, maybe I will go next year...and I live close to Marquette, so maybe I can go up to Big Bay during this color season yet. We were going to Grand Marais on this same trip, but we ran out of time, so it is on the list too!!
Definitely perfect! I've always wanted to go up a lighthouse. I should try it soon.
I had some catching up to do here too! Lovely posts, as usual. Nature looks so beautiful where you are! I enjoyed the post of the Fall colors down below. I don't think I've ever seen such breathtaking Fall colors here, such wonderful reflections in the lake and blue skies to die for! And sunsets too!!!
When you come back this way again, you will have to take a drive down Curly Lewis Hwy, aka Lakeshore Drive, south of Paradise. You can usually climb to the top of Iriquois (spelling??) Lighthouse on that route too. Your photos are wonderful and it looks like it was only 40 degrees!! So glad you guys got to go there...and didn't get lost!!
It was a bit crisp out but what a capture! Gorgeous place Joan, and beautiful captures. Looks like a perfect place to share a romantic meal or get engaged!
Wow, wow, wow!!! Just outstanding photos of the lighthouse and the lake shore! You really do have the eye!! These were a treat to look at!
P.S. I'm hoping I can make it up to the U.P. at the end of August - hoping I can coordinate a meet up w/ you!
Beautiful pictures and awesome scenery. I love the light house.
It's absolutely beautiful! I have not been there before but certainly someplace I need to visit in the future. I love the pictures you took. What fun!
These are great! Thanks for the views of the lighthouse. I've only ever seen one lighthouse, and that one was fake.
Awesome photos of this beautiful lighthouse. I really enjoyed the tour, especially the views from the windows.
Something went wrong? I was sure i commented here? Did I not hit the submit button then?
Loved thye new posts too, you live in such a beautiful part of this world!
Tractor Guy: What a neat idea..she will LOVE this trip. I am glad you have been to the beautiful U.P. and that you like it. Come visit my blog anytime, and join on as a Follower if you haven't already!
Dreamwalker: They are addictive! Once you visit one lighthouse, you want to visit another. They are charming.
Jientje: Thanks so much. The autumn colors here are really spectacular, I agree!
Cathy: Another lighthouse near you? It is a DATE! I love them.
New England: It was a romantic place. Great place to hold hands and walk the beach for sure. Which is what we did. ha
Shelley: It is a DATE! Remind me in July and I will make SURE to reserve time just to meet you. Hopefully we can meet once before that too if I can get a Yooper Blogger meeting organized for spring!
Loree: Thanks! We loved the lighthouse too.
DVM's Wife: Thanks so much. I had such fun on that trip capturing it all on camera!
Ratty: You have to come up to Lake Superior then, it is full of real lighthouses you can visit.
SquirrelQueen: you are welcome..I was thrilled to be able to climb it to the top to take the photos, too.
Jientje: Blogger was having trouble all day yesterday and the day before and would not allow me to moderate any of the comments I didn't get fixed until tonight. Thanks for commenting, I always enjoy hearing from you.
So glad you got to meet Cathy. She's the greatest!
And your pictures are fabulous!
Joanna: Yes, she is! thanks for the nice compliments on my photos...they almost take themselves when the environment in nature is so beautiful.
How beautiful; loved the beaches. Great photos!
Eva: Thanks so much...yes the site was gorgeous...all along this Lake Superior shoreline is pretty spectacular.
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