Because we have already gotten SNOW and our leaves have already mostly fallen off already here in upper Michigan, I want to post today some of the autumn pictures we took a few weeks ago for you.
Here was a pond with plenty of color to see:
Here was a pond with plenty of color to see:
This was taken of the same pond, just on the other side. It was a very still morning, so I wanted to get a shot of the refections in the still water:

We ran across this abandoned farmhouse.
Look in the doorway!
Doesn't it look like a man in the door?
A perfect Halloween House!!:

Fall is definitely here when you see fallen acorns:

This is our back yard, which faces the lake. It was taken about three weeks ago or more, as the first leaves were changing in our yard:

I am not sure what kind of red berries these are....but I am pretty sure they aren't edible. But they sure look pretty along with the fall foliage:

Another pretty fall road to follow:

This could be hung up and used for Christmas decorations with its lovely red and green combinaton!:

I love me some abandoned houses!:

A pond full of color and stillness!:
But not for long...we are expecting snow over the next few days!!
The leaves are beautiful and I love all the reflections. We had wind and rain yesterday so many of our leaves are on the ground.
You find some of the neatest deserted barns and houses, yes it does look like a man in the door on that photo.
I can just picture that House on Halloween night. Somebody should make it a haunted house. It would be so much fun, or have a Halloween party in it.
I also love abandoned houses.
Beautiful! The coloring you capture in the leaves is stunning. And I am quite envious of your view off of your back deck. ;)
Before I forget
heres that website with the clipart
Sorry it took so long!
What a lot of beautiful pictures. You live in a beautidul place. Sad that all the leaves are gone and I don't envy you for getting snow so soon.
Just want to let you know I have a new blog. Riet's Photoblog
You inspire me to improve my photography ... reflections are one of my biggest passions in autumn. I love old homes & barns as you've probably noticed from my posts.
Have a warm, wonderful week.TTFN ~Marydon
Your pictures are wonderful and the colors are just beautiful. That house is very interesting. It does look like a man in there and the ponds are so pretty.
Wow what a spectacular place you are living in! I love your pictures. Looks so peaceful and quiet. Please keep the snow up north. I'm not ready for it yet!
yeah, i'd be the one sneaking into the house just to get a peak. the colors of the leaves on those trees is magnificent!
Love these pictures - they are similar to what I take...the colors are beautiful and the abandoned houses are intriguing... We'll be watching your snow -- we would love to plan a snowmobile trip to Upper Michigan...
You have a very beautiful Michigan. Your photography makes me smelling the fall.
I love all the pictures.
SquirrelQueen: yes, we had a beautiful autumn here, but now all the leaves are down and the trees are bare.
Sara: that would be great, but it was so barren that the wind would rustle through the walls and they would have to worry about liability from kids falling through the old rotten floors. ha Thanks for the website info, I will check it out.
Ashley: thanks..nature did all the work, I only clicked the shutter. ha
Riet: How nice to hear from you! I will check out your new blog!
Blushing: I agree that when we look at other blogs with photography, we inspire one another and get great ideas on what to photograph...that's why I love blogging so much.
Judy: I am afraid all of the autumn leaves are all down here now and all the trees are barren and brown!
DVM's Wife: It is pretty here, and peaceful and quiet. All the leaves are down now and the trees are bare, though. At least that first snowfall has melted away (for now!)
Brian: Our fall leaves this year were wonderful, but they didn't last long...all the trees are bare now, all the leaves have fallen off.
Growing Up:There is a LOT of snowmobiling up here in the winter..if you decide to come up, let me know!
Rainfield: Thanks...yes the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is very beautiful...and our autumn smells crisp and sweet.
I especially liked the one of the road through the trees. I am sure enjoying using your wooden walk way through the woods as my desktop picture.
Amazing shots! Good to look back and review the season! Our leaves are nearly done - but not all!
I love all of the nature pictures. I love the abandoned houses too. That first one is especially delightfully creepy.
What beautiful pictures. I find that I love seeing the fall color as much as I enjoyed seeing flowers in the summer.
I love the abandon house and the photo's with the reflections in the pond are absolutely gorgeous, wonderful pictures my friend, have a great day and luv ya....:-) Hugs
Joan, we have the SAME tastes in old houses......I took a picture of the Halloween house this week!!
How funny!!!
Grannyann: Glad you are using some of the photos for your desktop! Nice compliment!
Jenn: Our leaves are done! We are expecting snow again by Monday.
Ratty: I know..I love those old farmhouses. They do look a bit creepy, but then I think of all the life they have probably seen for years and it makes me sad.
Catherine: I think that way, me autumn's trees in color are like my spring flowers.
Bernie: Thanks. I always look at those old farmhouses and wonder what families grew up in them and what history they must have witnessed!
Sue: Don't you just LOVE those old, broken houses in the country to photograph? I love the old barns, too.
I just love that old Halloween house, the first one. And that leaf-strewn path/road, it's awesome. You are such a good photographer I have to remind myself that I must... try... harder.
Man if I had a hazmat suit, a shotgun and a flame thrower I would SO go into those houses for some amazing photos! But, there are too many zombies and rabid bats for sure, so, I can appreciate your one shot from far away. Lovely as always!
DJan: Oh, your mountain scenes are to die for too! You are a great photographer and bring me to places I would NEVER see if it wasn't for your hiking up there and taking them!!!
Insanity: Thanks. Hazmat suits would be a good Christmas gift for my exploring-for-photos lifestyle..I will have to put it on my wish list for my husband to get me one. hahahaaa
I love your autumn pictures. The air looks so clear and it makes your pictures just so special. Yesterday morning we had mist for the first time here in England. We have had a wonderful October but the forecast is set for all to change on Sunday. Have a great weekend. Will it snow? I will watch your posts to see...
Blessings, Star
Star: So far, our snow has not returned, but it is supposed to return by next week. It is like that here in October. Sometimes we have warm weather and then the next week it will snow. Sometimes the snow doesn't stick on the ground and sometimes it doesn't. If we get any heavy snow, don't worry, I will post pictures. ha
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