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Saturday, February 4, 2012

REPOST: Here they Are! January 2012's Entries to the FREE PHOTO CONTEST: theme: WHITE!!!

Today, we have all the entries

the January 2012 FREE PHOTO CONTEST~!

Theme:  WHITE !!!

**We had a bunch of entries this month--

(*This is a RE-REPOST...I had forgotten TWO if you
looked at the entries before, look again!! Thanks!)

let's get to it!!!:

This is by Country Gal. She has two blogs. One is called: "Our Country Cove Life" and the other one is called: "Country Cove Photography". 

This is from Sharon W. Her blog is called: "Sharon's Paws Create"

This is from Marge F. She does not have a blog.

This one is from Susan K. Her blog is called: "Along for the Ride".

This one is from Nat. Her blog is called: "Just Nat".

This is from Bilsot. His blog is called: "Amateur Photography".

This one is from Muffy. Her blog is called: "Muffy's Marks".

This is from Jacob Mc.  His blog is called: "Bland and Boring to Extraordinary".

This is from Linda R. Her blog is called: "Linda Letters".

This is from Arti.  Her blog is called: "My Yatra Diary".

This one was from Cheryl.  Her blog is called: "Cher Shots".

This one is from Lynn. Her blog is called: "For Love or Funny".

This is from Larry B. He has two blogs. One is called: "Larry's Creative Zone" and the other one is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

This is from Glenda B. She has two blogs. One is called: "Profiles and Pedigrees" and the other one is called:"Writers Circle Around the Table".

This is from Gary W. His blog is called: "The On Going Adventures at Fox Paw Lodge".

This is from Pat H.  Her blog is called: "A View from the Edge".

This is from Nancy P. Her blog is called: "Blissed out Grandma".

This is from Judy W. She has two blogs. One is called: "The Road to Here" and the other one is called: "Through Squirrel Eyes".

This is from D Jan. Her blog is called: "D-Janity".

This is from SoCalGal. Her blog is called: "Just a Chick in a Chair".

One of the things I love the MOST about hosting this photo contest
the creativity of everyone that enters.

Look how different many of the shots taken are for the theme of white!!!!

Thank you, everyone for entering and entertaining us.

The Judges are going to tear their hair out over THIS month's chore...
how on earth will they decide on only ONE winner???

If I forgot ANYONE's photo who entered,
PLEASE notify me no later than this SUNDAY....
If I don't hear from anyone  by then the pictures will be sent off to the Judges.
If I have forgotten someone, I will REPOST this post to include the forgotten ones and THEN send it on to the judges.

(I try very hard not to miss someone, but it does occasionally happen!)


And now the announcement of



(Ha! I bet you thought it would be red, or hearts, or love, didn't you???)
Well, those may be for another time....I just wanted to be unpredictable! LOL

Send in your "food" picture no later than midnight
on Feb. 29th, 2012

You don't have to be a blogger to enter!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are all beautiful and perfect for the subject, my vote goes to the swan and the pills. and i love the white bread shot too.

L. D. said...

It is fun to see some of photos who went outside the box. I see two favorites that I really like and they are neither one mine. Everyone really did find a solution to the "white" theme.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Those will be hard to come up with a winner.

Linda Reeder said...

Cool! Lot's of great entries this time!

Paz said...

some great shots as usual

Tracy said...

Oh my, glad I am not trying to come up with a winner...they are beautiful!

SquirrelQueen said...

So many takes on the theme, I love them all. The judges are going to have a hard time this month.

Arti said...

Fabulous entries! And time to dig in for some delicious Indian food:)

Sharon Wagner said...

I think this is my favorite month of entries to date. The pills shot was a hoot!

Anonymous said...

All fabulous shots, but I like the simplicity of the lace and buttons.

CrazyCris said...

Beautiful indeed! Hard to choose but if I had to I'd go for the last one, DJan's... breathtaking view!

Pity white wasn't February's choice... it just snowed here in the province of Alicante for the first time in years! :p

Pat said...

I like the variety of subjects for this month's theme. All are great shots!

Gail Wilson said...

Wow..what beautiful photos for the month theme of White. I must say that Lynn and Judy's photos made me go aww....they are both wonderful. Good luck to the judges on this one!!

REMINDER: All photographs on this blog are COPYRIGHTED.

REMINDER: All photographs on this blog are COPYRIGHTED.
Please do not copy any of my photographs (or narratives) without my permission! All pictures will be tracked for copyright violations.

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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