where I retired...............
What'll you know! I stumbled through the directions and actually was able to create my blog site.
So there, children of mine.
Your mom is not the old broad you thought she was, living in a senior cave somewhere in oblivion. I retired, sure....but I am far from "over"........
My eldest daughter,( who shall be known in all future posts as MED (my eldest daughter)) is a successful writer and also has her own blog site. I know , because I started reading it about a month ago.Won't she be surprised that her ancient Mom now has her own forum?
My youngest daughter (who shall be known in all future posts as MYD (my youngest daughter) will be mildly amused that I have made it this far. She, too...may have a blog. If she has, she has not told me yet.
Anyway, for my readers out there (are there any?)....I owe you a little information about myself so you can decide if you want to go on this journey with me (or not).
At the time I am starting this blog, I am 56 years old. I was lucky enough to retire at this age because of my husband (also retired) who scraped and saved during our younger years and now has a livable pension for the two of us. We also both have 401K's but with the recent God-awful ecomony, who knows if it will serve us well? I have a small pension too....but due to job-hopping more-times-than-I-should-have, it is embarassingly small.
Since retirement is so new to me (I retired a mere 5 months ago), I am still trying to figure out the rest of my life. I figured there must be some others of you like me that maybe, (just maybe) would have similar challenges, dreams, thoughts and humor to survive this time of life.
I invite you to join me in reading some of my thoughts during this time of life and share some of yours.....
I will be writing frequently in this blog about the days preceding my retirement and about the present (day-by-day) occurrences that makes retirement life what it is.....I hope you enjoy it!
The Retired One
1 comment:
I retired 6 years ago at age 58. It has not been that bad, really! I play golf full time Mon to Fri and sail my yacht on week ends. It is so nice that every day is Sunday!
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