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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mexico Adventure: Part TEN: birds and flowers

Since retiring and especially since getting into photography,
I have become a birdwatcher.

It doesn't stop when you go on vacation.

In fact, I get even MORE excited to see birds elsewhere...
but I am never sure if the birds there are the same breed as what I know. 
I still take photos of them if I find them.

Same with flowers. I NEVER know the names of flowers elsewhere.
Sometimes I ask the locals, sometimes I can't find out.
if you know the names of any of these birds or flowers for certain, leave it in a comment
for us, will you?

This LOOKED like a Baltimore Oriole:

I told him I wondered where he flew south...and that his secret was safe with me.

One of the locals told us this bush and flowers was called a Flamboyant plant.

Here is a closeup of the flowers!:

A pelican!:

More Flamboyant flowers:

These looked like Azaleas?:

I was so thrilled to see Hummingbirds in February!:

With nearly everyone getting an "early" spring this  year...
I hope you are getting your spring birds at your doorstep
and that your flowers are sprouting.

It has been incredible here in the U.P.!
We NEVER have had this warm of a spring for my entire life. In fact, we often say it is common to get a St. Patrick's Day blizzard and one or two snowfalls in April yet...
but we have been blessed with 70's and even a few days in the 80's F. degree temps.!
But, by the time you read this, we are expected to drop more down into the normal temps. for us this time of year...which is 40's and 50's. We are all betting that we will again see white snowflakes before REAL spring arrives...I hope we are wrong!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first 2 birds are truly stunning in all their brilliant colors. nothing I have seen before and whatever that flower is i want one. i bet it would grow here. hope someone knows what it is. the azaleas are bougainvillea, a mix of 3 colors planted together. that is the only one i recognize. i see the bird is eating the little banana like things from your other post.

trav4adventures said...

Those aren't azaleas...those are bougenvilla. They grow well here in the desert and they LOVE the heat! I have several in my yard.

TexWisGirl said...

i bet those are orchard orioles instead of baltimores. just based on what we see here in Texas. :) beauties!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your first bird shots are a Hooded Oriole.Lovely pictures.

Fun60 said...

I too recognised the bourgainvillea and the birds certainly looked like orioles but which ones I don't know. I am intrigued by the stunning photos. Anytime I try and take photos of birds I am left with just the branches from whence they have flown! Well done you

Ellen said...

Glorious color - the birds and the flowers are just awesome!Thanks for sharing.

Ginnymo said...

What beautiful, colorful birds and flowers! Our trees are sprouting fast because of the very warm weather last week. But now it is going to get below freezing for a couple nights. Sure hope it doesn't kill the new buds and leaves.
Looks like you had a very nice trip!

Glenda Beall said...

Like Fun60, I can never capture the bird before he flies. Just today I put out suet for the colorful woodpeckers, flickers and others that are coming now. I had a few yellow finches today. Your photos are just stunning!!

Sandi McBride said...

Love the bouganvilla...mine is finally showing signs of life! Gosh, that looks like a Baltimore Oriole, but their heads are generally maybe an Oriole of a type, just not a Baltimore native...

Sharon Wagner said...

I just got back from Florida and saw more kinds of gulls than ever before. I would feel naked without my camera on vacation. That's for sure.

LindyLouMac said...

Gorgeous flowers and birds, the only flower I recognise is the one you thought was an azalea, it is in fact bougainvillea.

diane b said...

Fabulous orange and black bird. The flowers lovely too. It is great that you are having a warmer than usual spring at this time. Our weather is cooler which is a blessing. I can get into the garden now.

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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