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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fabulous Waves against the Presque Isle breakwater!

Anyone who comes to 

has to

It is a peninsula that sticks out into beautiful Lake Superior.

I am fortunate to live about 35 miles from there.

I graduated from Northern Michigan University and every student that goes there
holds Presque Isle's beauty in their heart forever.
Last week, I drove there after a Doctor's appointment that my daughter had
and we were thrilled to see huge waves hitting the breakwater and lighthouse there.

I decided that I HAD to take a video of it for you to see.


You could literally feel the powerful pulse of that huge great lake.

I hope the video gave you a glimpse of the power of the waves that day...
this is NOT an ocean, it is a lake!

If you know the song of the Edmund Fitzgerald that sunk on Lake Superior, you can just imagine the horror of the men that perished there...and that was in NOVEMBER with temperatures in the 30's with icy winds. 

They say Lake Superior never gives up her dead.

It is, sadly, often the case.

But its beauty is awesome and admired by those that live by it and those that visit it.

My wish is that you can do so someday if you have never seen it.


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

It do get flabbergasted to know this is a lake and not the ocean. My eyes sees nothing but water and sky. Awe struck at those waves and the sound of the wind.

Anonymous said...

I don't see a video, just a big white square. I tried to mouse over it thinking maybe that would bring up a play button, but it didn't.

Rita said...

Thanks so much for posting the video! I haven't been over to Lake Superior for a few years so it was nice to see a bit of her wild side. Unless people have been there they don't realize how huge and powerful she is. Thanks! :)

TexWisGirl said...

wow, i got chilled just watching it. the gray day, the wind and waves. brrr! powerful and beautiful. :)

The Retired One said...

Cathy: if you have a white square, give it a few more minutes to load. The video will appear there, it is a high definition video over a minute long, so it takes a while to load. Thanks!

Jeanette said...

Very cool! I love huge waves breaking on the rocks! I guess you wouldn't want to be walking out on that breakwater then!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great video. I have seen this lake and do know the song you mention.Being on open water like that in a storm would not be fun.

CrazyCris said...

It's hard to believe that's a lake!!! Kind of looks the same as the Mediterranean today... but probably a lot colder. ;o)

VERY impressive! Thx for sharing!

Unknown said...

We have a Presque Isle in Maine, but it's far from the ocean.
Loved the video, but for some reason I feel like I need to put on my sweater!

Valerie said...

Spectacular ... there's no other word to describe that scene. It's difficult to believe it's only a lake. Wow!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I felt like I had visited FALL from your blog and then watched the video for the sound of the surf. it is truly a beautiful place.

Grandmother Mary said...

I liked the video as the best way to show its beauty rather than just photos. I like your fall leaves background, too!

Linda Reeder said...

I have not been to the Great lakes region. It's a must do.

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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