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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rainbows, Bees, Butterflies and Flowers

Before we got snow here
(and YES we got snow!!)
I had
some shots that I haven't shared with you yet.

here we go-----

It was late on an autumn night, on the way home from a wedding.  I looked in
my REARVIEW mirror....
see THIS:

I almost missed them...a double rainbow and I just
HAPPENED to see it
my rearview mirror.

Which goes to show you,
sometimes it DOES help
to look in your past.

Of course, I screeched on my brakes slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road
(because yes I was driving)
put it in park
(thank goodness I remembered to do THAT)
snapped away.

The sun was setting, the sun was setting!
The bright sun on the colored leaves was stunning...
and then the rainbow added???
this is part of what Heaven will look like if I ever make it there .


All my garden flowers died
for my Mums.

So I went out one sunny day
to capture
some shots of them.

To my  horror delight,
they were FULL of bees
white butterflies (or moths?)
I was one terrified happy woman!

And then?
If that wasn't enough...

I saw this little bee

I  hope you enjoyed the last part of my autumn pictures
and of my flowers (which are all wilted now and dead). Sigh.

But I will be waiting for spring to come, and for them to start all over again.
That is what life is all about.
Memories and anticipation!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for blessing us tody with ALL these magnificent photos. the rainbow is the best i have ever seen. never ever seen one in the middle of the road. your post get Fantastic today

rainfield61 said...


Brian Miller said...

wow. those rainbow pics took my breathe away...for and then the cool.

Anonymous said...

I love the flowers, bee and "butterfly" shots. I really like macro and these are very, very good!!!

Unknown said...

Once again! Amazing!

Gail Wilson said...

Amazing rainbow pictures of Mother Nature. What a lucky photo shoot! And of course it always brightens the day to see such pretty photos of flowers.
Thanks for brightening a cold, cold day.
Hugs, Mistaya and Gail

Jeanette said...

OK You really out did yourself this time! Those picture are gorgeous!! All of them!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow Joan.... Hope you not only stopped --but turned around and headed right for the pot of gold!!!!!!! What awesome rainbow pictures... God is GOOD....

Sorry about all of your flowers... We still have a few roses blooming --and right now, our weather is fairly mild. Supposed to get cold on Thanksgiving --but only one night in the 20's... We just haven't had too much cold weather YET.

Neat picture of the heart bee....


Grandmother Mary said...

Blessings abound, don't they? Much to be grateful for.

Red said...

Your butterfly pictures are extremely crisp so it would be easy to make identifications if you had butterfly knowledge.
Great job. Don't worry as winter happens and then it's over!

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Okay, these are my all-time favorites among your photos, and that's saying a lot. Looks like that rainbow is banging itself right down in the middle of the road, and lighting up the center line to boot. And the bees-plus-butterfly in the fabulous light? To die for.

Pat Tillett said...

Fantastic photos! I'm not sure which I like better, the rainbows or the macros...

Bernie said...

Oh my but the rainbow pictures are amazing and Wanda would love that heart even though it is on the bee's face, she just loves hearts.
Luv ya....:-)Hugs

Linda said...

The rainbow is a knock out photo.
just so perfect in all ways.
I love the lavender mums too.

Insanitykim said...

Oh, I have been gone from blogging waaaaaaaaaay too long!

I now covet the camera you have now. Mine seems to pale in comparison...

Just think, in heaven, every amazing photo-op will be there eternally! *giggling happily* Won't we have FUN!?!?!?!?

J.J. in L.A. said...

Okay, I give up. ; )

These are my favs!!!

Mellodee said...

Some years ago I had an experience with a rainbow you might enjoy reading about. It fits very neatly with your beautiful rainbow photos.

If you cut and paste the following, it will take you to the story. (Sorry, I can't seem to make it link any other way!)

Linda Reeder said...

Your photos are beautiful, and a welcome sight on this cold,wintry day.

L. D. said...

They are all marvelous photos. It is hard to believe that the white butterflies and bees were still around.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a magnificent rainbow, it just goes to show we need keep our eyes open and watch in ALL directions. Love the bees, butterfly and beautiful flowers.

Amy said...

Those rainbow pictures are awesome....Grama and I loved them...

Sharon Wagner said...

Wow! It was your lucky day alright.

Wanda..... said...

Joan...those are the most unique rainbow photos I've ever seen...and Bernie is right, I love the bee's heart face...all of your photos are favorites are the second photo of the bee in the very middle of the flower and the very last photo!

nanny said...

Your pictures are so beautiful....the colors just pop....your mums are fantastic!!! and oh that rainbow.....

Country Gal said...

Beautiful photos. Have a great day !

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REMINDER: All photographs on this blog are COPYRIGHTED.
Please do not copy any of my photographs (or narratives) without my permission! All pictures will be tracked for copyright violations.

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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